
Dungeon Break In Real Life

[Notice] Welcome Welcome new player! Your world is currently being ravaged by monsters. You have been given the ability to combat these monsters! Good luck! Kaiden is a freshman in college. He used to be a hardcore gamer until he decided to turn his life around. Being accepted into college, he expected to make a few friends, but did he expect a dungeon break? Did he expect to make a life-changing decision? Did he expect this decision would cost someone's life? Of course not. how would he approach these new challenges? update: I will put more thought into it on the next arc or volume, the early chapter is a bit messy but that's because I lazily write while laying down. i will take it seriously in the next arc lol. im thinking of reworking this novel now that i (kinda lol) know what to do. i still have the story fresh somewhere so im going to at least fininsh it. before that, i have short work im working on so, it might slow down a bit.

Cero_Sir · แฟนตาซี
22 Chs


[ Warning: Dungeon Break ]

[ A dungeon break is happening in your area. ]

[ Notice: New Mission ]

[ Survive for 10 minutes ]

[ 0/10 minutes ]

[ Reward: 10 gold coin ]

Survive... Dungeon break... Don't tell me



There's lot of yelling outside. The dudes that's talking earlier strated running outside.

I get up and also went to see what's happening... Sure enough as i look down the hall, people are running away from something, some of them are even bleeding or carrying someone injured.

I started to have a bad feeling and without even confirming what they were running away from, I ran away, filled with adrenaline cause by seeing so many people running.

I should look for an elevator and went to the top floor. The ground floor must've been filled with monster. Currently I'm on the 2nd floor, and the building has 4 and a rooftop.

I have never run this fast in my life, even when I'm chased by a dog.

I found the elevator! I went inside and started spamming 4th floor and the close button.

"Wait! Wait for us!"

There's People running. Damnit! I stopped the elevator from closing and give a hand a motion that said "CMON! QUICK!"

A group of people entered the elevator like a flood and also spamming the close button.



This people yells like crazy, are they chased?

I took a glimpse outside and saw a few child like figure running towards us... They're also green... GOBLINS!

"They're coming!" I yelled as the elevator is close to shutting it's door.

We've escaped them... For now. I let out a relieve sigh. That's intense even though i didn't met them face to face.

Inside the elevator are 6 people including me, all taking a deep breath and shiver like as if it's cold in here

"What the fuck was that!?"

"Don't know, but i saw those bastard stabbing someone! It's crazy"

"Those are goblin, even though it's hadr to believe" I said, without being asked

"Goblin? Like the one in fantasy?"

"Yea, kinda"

Goblin huh. They're a weak dungeon mobs but realistically, they are buff children swinging weapon wildly towards their enemy. I doubt we could handle it empty handed.

Ah, we reached the 4th floor.

"What? Why are we here? We should go down and escape!"

"Huh? But the ground floor is flooded with goblins" I said

"Yea and they're going up until the top floor to find and kill us! Let's just escape while they do so!"

"What if they have some of them guarding the ground floor?!" I said in frustration, but the guy near the button already taped the ground floor button.


I stopped the door.

"What the fuck man?"

"I'm getting out..."

"... Fine"

He didn't seems to care, nor does the others.

I stepped out and they closed the door instantly.

I should find the janitor room or store room, even the electrical room will do. Those places are sometimes smell kinda bad. Goblin is stated to have strong sense of smell in video games and fantasy book. If that's true, then i should find a place with strong or strange odour to avoid them sniffing me out, since I've been sweating like crazy from running.

But if those places are locked, to which I'm not surprised if it did, will library do? Or the restroom... I'm panicking right now. Calm down me, I need to think my next step carefully or goblin will have there way with me.

The sounds of people screaming still roaming around the campus, damn it! I can't be wasting time! The moment i see a door, i will reach for it.

Not long after I started running, the first door i saw is a restroom, fu*k am I fated to be there or something? Whatever, I can't risk to be found by goblins!

I grab the handle and push, but it only open slightly and then closed just as quick.


People screaming!

"Wait! I'm not a monster! Let me in please!"

"No! Go away!"

"Fu*k off!"

"We ain't risking it!"

Fu*k! I should run, forget this stupid restroom!

As I'm running again, panting and losing my breath, I saw another door down the hallway. But this is bad, I can't run anymore. Damn this weak body!

I can't give up, I must reach it-... The floor seems to be rising... Oh, I'm falling to the floor.

With a pathetic sound of my body hitting the floor, as if my body is empty, I just lay down, giving up on surviving. I'm just not build for this.

There's a sounds of footsteps approaching me from behind... I guess this is it...


Oh? It's not goblins.

"No... Help me"


This guy is loud, but I'm not complaining, I'm saved.

"Bro c'mon quick!"


He picks me up like a sheet of paper and give me the princess carry, like I said, no complain.

These people have the same idea and run for the door. They opened it and it's the lecture hall.

"Close it!"

"Give me your belt!"

With that, they tied the door handle with a chair. I don't think it will hold against a strong goblin, like hobgoblin, but it will do against the normal one, I hope.

[ Notice: Mission Successful ]

[ Survive for 10 minutes ]

[ 10/10 minutes ] ✓

[ Reward has been delivered ]

Oh yea, i forgot about this.

"We cleared the mission?"

"That's the most intense 10 minutes of my life"

"You tell me"

Looks like everybody is seeing the same thing.

[ Notice: New Mission ]

[ Survive for 60 minutes ]

[ 0/60 minutes ]

[ Reward: 60 gold coin ]

"Wow, did you guys got what i got?"

"Yea, an hour huh"

"Sounds like a good idea while we wait for help to arrive"

"If we're still alive by then. There's a lot of them out there, almost like a whole army"

A whole army...

"Did you see any big one?" I asked hoping they didn't see any.

"Um... Yea, a couple of em"

I'll be damned.

"What they look like? Are they built like a strongman?"

"Kinda? Do you know what they are?"

"It's a goblin" someone else added for me

"Goblin? Like those at the corner of some fancy building?"

"You mean gargoyle?"

"Is that what it called?"

As the man and woman talking with each other, the guy who helped me seated me against the wall.

"Thanks, I can't believe you saved my life"

I honestly believe so. Kinda half expected them to just leave me for the goblin.

"No problem man, are you ok? You got attacked or something"

"Nah, I just fall, too tired from running"

"Wow, you must've been running for too long, did some of em chasing you?"

"Ah... No, I just panicked"

Can't say I'm gassed out from running for less than 10 minutes...

"I see, Btw, did you know anything about this floating blue screen"

Am i supposed to know? Well, i mean...

"Well... I got some idea"



I might sound silly if this didn't work, oh well.

"Checked Status"

[ Status: Kaiden ]

[ Age: 19 ]

[ Gander: Male ]

[ Species: Human ]

[ Fatigue: 78 ]

[ Level: 1 ]

[ STR: 2 ]

[ DEF: 2 ]

[ DEX: 3 ]

[ SPD: 4 ]

[ END: 1 ]

[ INT: 3 ]

Gonna be honest, I have zero idea on the difference between Dexterity and Agility

i thought Agility is the ability to move quickly between obstacles

Dexterity is how well the person controling their body/movement and reflexes

so there you go

this is my system alright leave it alone

Cero_Sircreators' thoughts