
Chapter 25 - Prospective Tenant

The impact is a little worse than I imagined, after I rolled down a few times I saw a lot of examples of people who were scared.

In modern life, they are accustomed to living comfortably, without worrying about personal safety. Besides, the impact of the changing world still does not really affect their lives, the attraction of super powers is not comparable if they have to risk their precious lives.

On the other hand because of the scarcity of crystal changes, making the price more expensive. Only the rich can afford it, but at the previous timeline the rich people were the last to take the risk of entering the dungeon, even though they have used the crystals of change, they tend to prefer to hire other people to be a kind of protector or bodyguard.

"Big brother, big brother"

"Ah ... Yes, what's up?"

Damn, because I was too serious in thinking, I didn't hear Luna's call.

"Big brother, there is one prospective tenant who wants to ask for a discussion"

Prospective tenants? Oh this is faster than I expected.

Hmm ... I have to think of ways to change people's opinions so that they are no longer too afraid to enter the Dungeon, but I'll do it later, for now I have to take care of these prospective tenants first.

I have stated the rental conditions clearly, but the prospective tenant is asking for more discussion, which means he is trying to negotiate an objection to the condition.

But why? Are rental conditions too unfair? I do not think so. I don't know what he wants to discuss, I don't give up easily.

"I understand, we go to the core room"

"Big brother understood"

I then gave orders to the servants to disperse to continue their respective duties, and walked away to the core room.

Arriving at the core room I immediately gave orders to Lina.

"Lina, make space for awareness open, and connect with prospective tenants who ask for discussion"

Open space of awareness, this type of room will display the overall state of the body in real time, including the expression and every object attached to the body.

Therefore open awareness space is very suitable for this type of communication.

"As you command, big brother"


In the room of open awareness, opposite me a 200 cm tall man looked at me sharply, his face and head covered with cloth to cover his hair and ears.

"Take off your face cover"

How someone makes an appearance like this when they want to do business, besides this is not a dark transaction.

"I refuse-"

Of course I had expected a reaction like this, so I immediately cut off his words.

"I also refuse to do business with suspicious people"

We looked at each other for a moment. Complain each other's firmness.

In the end he gave up and let go of the cloth that covered his face.

A handsome facial feature was exposed before my eyes, with a long, pointed pair of ears sticking out to the side, his golden hair made his figure look great, but his blood red eyes made him like a cruel dictator.

Elves, huh? And also those red eyes, in the study I studied there were 4 types of race elves, which were distinguished from the color of the eyes and their nature.

Elves Ru, they have blue eyes, this type of race has natural talent in physical activity, they can quickly learn the use of various types of weapons and martial arts. Their nature is cold, and doesn't care about the surroundings.

Elves Ri, the color of their eyes is green, if Elves Ru is good at physical activity, Elves Ri is good at magic, especially spirit magic, they are also good at treating plants. Elves Ri is dominated by women, and they have an innocent and gentle nature.

Elves Re, the color of golden eyes, Elves Re is usually a noble race, besides that I don't know about them.

The last is Elves Ra, their eyes are red, Elves Ra has a very arrogant nature and is very low on non-magic creatures, especially humans. Elves Ra have intelligence above Elves on average, they usually work as palace officials or traders.

With all that it does not mean they are, it will be very weak in other fields, there are even a few exceptions to the type of Elves race that have the opposite of their eye color.

But for me now, seeing the way he behaved before it seemed like I was having a bad time meeting an arrogant one.

First I gave an order to Lina to prepare a table and a pair of virtual chairs for us to sit.

I then started trying to open the topic.

"Okay what do you want to discuss"

"About the price to rent ..." Elves acted as if he would say something difficult.

Seeing that annoying behavior, I just put on a poker face and ask questions calmly without hurrying.

"Is there any problem?"

I put both hands on the table, and looked into Elves's eyes.

"I want to make it into 100 energy crystals a month, instead I will make a long-term contract"

"..." Ugh ... I want to hit that annoying face

I don't understand how someone can bid cruelly like this. I'm sure he doesn't use common sense at all when bidding.

"Please leave from here"

I'm too lazy to discuss with crazy people like him.

"Wait for a while, I'll raise it to 200 crystal energy?"


With an expression as if holding back the stomach ache Elves continued speaking.

"No, I mean ... 500 crystal of energy? How?"

The poker face that I have kept almost collapsed, when the veins pissed out against my forehead.

Seeing his expression which seemed to lose a lot, really made me even more upset. Does he think I can't see, if he's trying to trick me?

"Please come back"

I intend to end the discussion, but it seems like Elves still hasn't given up discussing.

"Well this is my last offer, I actually really lose money to raise prices to this high but for our future working relationship, I don't mind losing a lot for now"

The actions, words, and insults emitted from his eyes are completely out of sync. Facing beginners maybe the acting game is pretty good, but for me the trick is very clear, just like seeing an actor from a cheap movie.

"I will make it 1000 crystal energy a month, and the contract will last 10 years, you agree right?"

Damn, stop acting like I'm the one who is profitable here, long-term contracts will only benefit your party, not me.

Looks like I have to say clearly my condition so he understands.

"I have absolutely no intention of lowering the offer that I gave, the condition that I gave was sure that it was profitable enough for you, but I could offer another offer, we could convert the currency units in this transaction into elves, 100,000 golden nobles for 10 months rent earth time "

Actually Elves was not a miserly race, his attitude before was only because of his arrogance, he really looked down on humans, for him to work with humans as well as working with horses, 'you just need to pull the train, and I will feed you' like that mindset he has.

So he felt he had to have a very favorable condition, if he had to do business with inferior humans, especially without rank and title like me.

Even so Elves in front of me is still a trader, provided the transaction benefits his side, he will definitely approve it.

Especially these elves are hardly sold in the interplanetary market, far different from energy crystals that can be used on thousands of planets.

So when someone offers trading with Elves currency, they tend to welcome him with open arms.

Of course all of this happens only in conditions that they have an advantage in trading, even though elves currencies do not apply in the interplanetary market, it does not mean that the elves have a value far from the energy crystal.

The reason energy crystals apply in the interplanetary market, only because the crystal of energy can be converted to mana, so that it still has value on various planets.

While elves such as silver, gold and platinum are just objects, not all planets regard the three metals as precious metals. Every planet often has a love for different objects.

It seems like the end of this discussion has been seen.

I write more words, so it's a little late.

Happy reading

Night_Farmercreators' thoughts