
Gold Member

To think I could finish the "Perimeter" mission in the morning. I used to spend all day on it, but I've really grown. Time to head back to the dorm and take a shower. I can't go to school drenched in sweat.

I returned to my room, moving against the flow of students heading to the classroom building. The fact that I run, hunt Pome in the training building, or train in the morning should be relatively well known among the boys in the dorm. To the sleepy-eyed boys, I'm probably just a supporting character in the background of their morning scenes.

Back in my room, I immediately took a shower. Rinsing off the sweat, shampooing vigorously, and done. Finished in two minutes. Before leaving the bathroom, I opened the skill tree. Let's allocate the points I earned this morning. By the way, yesterday I acquired two "Basic Skill" abilities and evolved them into "Advanced Skill." My status is now as follows:

