

A woman could be seen lying inside the spacious and lavish room as she opened her eyes.

"He is here," Evelyn mumbled as she opened her eyes. The colour of her eyes became normal after getting a good rest and she was looking completely normal.

And the next moment Aana appeared beside her bed.

"My lady, you are awake," she said, looking at Evelyn.

Evelyn took a deep breath and she nodded her head and the next moment she looked at Aana.

"Go see what Kana is doing, I am going to join you soon." Evelyn said those words, looking at Aana.

Evelyn was covering her body with a blanket as she was naked. Aana nodded her head, hearing those words and she disappeared from the sight of Evelyn the next moment.

Evelyn took a deep breath as she got up on her bed and looked towards a particular direction of her room and she approached the covered area.

And the next moment she took out a blue robe and approached the mirror.