
Leon's advice

"Don't worry mother, I will come back soon." Yohan looked towards Alena as he spoke.

Alena nodded her head and looked towards Diya, who was silently sitting beside Yohan.

Yohan took a sigh as he looked at her.

"Don't worry. I will be safe and I will soon come back to the clan, just focus on your training." Yohan smiled as he looked towards Diya.

Yohan felt bad as he was lying to his mother and partner but he didn't want to make them worry about him. Diya had not even started her training in practice, so he didn't want to make her worried about him so it was better to hide the truth from them.

Finally, Diya nodded her head as she didn't have any choice and Leon's words hit her very hard as she didn't want him to tie him into her. After all, one day he was going to lead the Lin clan so it was better if he trained hard to become stronger.

Diya took a deep breath as she looked at Yohan.