
Cruel Fate

Milan's facial expressions changed drastically after hearing Arjun and in the end, she couldn't control her laughter, Arjun frowned seeing her like that.

"You don't have to laugh, this is not a laughing matter, that crazy woman literally sent a man after me, "Arjun looked at Milan in an annoyed manner, Milan controlled her laughter and shook her head before confronting Arjun.

"Why are you blaming her for that misunderstanding, it was your fault to begin with if you don't want to take those services then you should at least have told her beforehand, she simply thought you are not interested in women and that's the reason she sent that guy to please you" Milan gave a look to Arjun, hearing Milan Arjun turned silent afterall she was right, he shouldn't have shut the door on that women's face without explaining her anything, it was his fault that things went to that length.