
A bet with vanya?

"There is a limit of cockyness,you believe you have the ability to overcome the mightiness of that thousand layers demonic formation. Don't make me laugh,I know you are a capable individual but that formation is beyond your understanding!"Vanya exclaimed in furiousness after hearing yohan's words.

Vanya couldn't believe what Yohan said earlier, according to him he was not interested in that formation to begin with,from the very beginning his goal was different,he was after someone who was hiding under the protection of that thousand layers Demonic formation.

"no matter how many excuses you make or whatever you say to feed your ego,no one under the heaven's can withstand against that mighty Demonic formation which is the legendary treasure left behind by my ancestors,you will never able to get inside that shrine as long as that formation is protecting it"Vanya added as she looked Yohan with utmost confidence.