
Drunken Desire - LLS #1

LOST LOVE SERIES #1 Sofia Beatriz Collins almost ends up her life after knowing that her husband cheated on her. While staring at the waters under the bridge, she can't help but reminisce the moments and ask where everything went wrong? Her body is chilling from the cold. She wanted to end everything and stop blaming herself. One step toward jumping, she closed her eyes, wanting to end the pain, and chose the option of death, but then falling didn't come to her. Warm arms envelop her. And before she could turn to that someone who rescued her, everything turns black.

styloamoureuse · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs


They say that love withstands even in the most impossible way as long as it's true and strong.

They say, faithfulness is never questioned even once, especially when assurance is there.

They say cheating is a choice of someone who tries to be true but fails to fulfill their promises.

And they say promises are not literally meant to be broken if both of you remain loyal.

But when love can't withstand it, faithfulness will be questioned. If faithfulness is questioned, then there is something wrong. And sometimes it correlates with cheating.

How cruel could the world have become? When you trust someone the most, you love someone wholeheartedly, but end up hurt and betrayed.

How cruel everything ends when the person you were supposed to be with until the end turns their backs against you, even without remorse?

My heart hurt so much thinking about my dear husband, panting and moaning heavily above her woman. In our room, in our bed, in our own house.

I shut my eyes thinking about it.

It is already past midnight and the weather seems like it's adding to my pain. The rain poured and the cold wind wrapped my body.

My lips quiver as I step on the pavement, looking at the city lights in the distance. I moved closer to the railing. And when I touched it, my hand immediately felt the coldness of it.

I knew John and I's relationship had been shaky these past few months. I have lost our baby. And he blamed me for what happened.

"Shut it, Sofia! You are careless, that's why our baby has now gone! Our baby is dead and it's your fucking fault!" He gets the glass vase near him and throws it near me.

My spirit almost jumps out of my body because of the fear.

"It wasn't my fault, John! Come on! Do you think I didn't mourn for our lost child?! It's hurting me too—"

"Shut up! This is all your fault, so how dare you even mourn if you killed my child!"

"Goodness, John! It was an accident! I slipped and the bathroom floor was too wet. I am not feeling well and—"

My explanation stopped when he grabbed my shoulder and pushed me to our sofa. My tears linger in my eyes as I stare at my dear husband who has turned into someone... someone I didn't know.


"Stop talking you fucking stupid!"

My tears pooled as I stood again. Facing him. But before I could stand firm, his palm landed on my left cheek.

The side of my face feels warm suddenly and it seems like I still feel his hand on me.

My tears welled again as I trembled while remembering that scenario.

Despite what he did to me that day, I forgave him. I forgave him because I loved him. I love him so much that now, I am here at the edge of this bridge, blaming myself for why I am so stupid. For losing our baby. For being not enough to make him happy.

I closed my eyes. I want to give up. I want to end this. Ending my life means ending my pain.

I climbed up to the railing. Accepting now that my inner turmoil wins. Accepting my defeat. Accepting my end.

I am so ready to end everything but I was shocked when I didn't even fall. I felt my shirt being tugged too. Suddenly, warm arms snake my waist.

Then, my body landed on the road.

"What the hell, woman!" I heard someone yell.

But before I could react or even look at that person yelling, everything turned...black


I stared at the bridge while looking at the same spot where I was supposed to end my life.


"Oh shit, Carol! Why are you shouting!" I looked at her, glaring.

She pressed her lips together. I rolled my eyes and continued to look at the bridge.

"You still think about it?"

I shook my head. "No. I only think about it now."

It's been months since that happened. I ended up waking up at the hospital. The first person I saw was Caroline. She was so worried after what happened.

"What are you doing with your life, Sofia!" she cried and hurriedly hugged me after she saw me awake.

My tears rolled down my cheeks when I realized something.

I am alive. I am alive!

A nurse went inside and checked me.

I looked around to find out if the man was still there. I am very sure that the last voice I heard that night was from a man!

"Where's that man?" I asked.

"Man? In your state, you're still looking for a man?!" she asked loudly, with disappointment in her eyes.

I looked at the nurse before I shut my eyes and shook my head.

"Before I lost consciousness, I heard a man, Carol. For sure, he saved me—"

" I was so damn worried, you woman! Why would you even do it? What about you? What about me? You could have called me if you needed someone to talk to! Oh, Sofia..."

I watched my cousin. My lips pursed and held her hand.

"I'm sorry—"

"You should be sorry!" She pointed her finger at me. "I almost had a heart attack after I heard that you almost committed suicide! I will hate you forever if you die that day, woman!"

"I'm sorry..."

"It's not enough—"

"I'm very sorry, then..."

She glared at me. I smiled at her weakly.

"Where's John?"

She rolled her eyes and walked away from my bed.

"I don't know! Maybe he has been eaten by sharks by now!"

"Sharks?" My eyebrows met.

"He left. Via ship."

My eyes widened in shock.

"He can't do that—"

"He did already! And he should leave, Sofia! He's no good at all! You haven't married even a year and now, this happened? Come on, Sofia! Stop being so blinded about that man!"

My thoughts have stopped. He left me. Now, for real.

"Oh, Sofia! I said, stop thinking about him. America is so big! And also, for sure, there are bigger dicks than his, so stop pitying yourself just because your cheater man left!"

I looked at her. "I love him—"

"Oh, God! Give me patience!"

I pouted my lips and looked down.

I pressed the elevator number for the assigned floor. I keep on looking at my files while looking at the red arrow.

The elevator stopped and opened on the thirtieth floor. I sighed heavily repeatedly and looked at myself in the reflection before stepping out of the elevator.

"Hi, Miss Collins. Morning! You're the new hire?"

I smiled at her and nodded. Her lips curved in a friendly way and her eyes twinkled before she held my hand and led me to the table near the glass door.

"Okay, so here's your place. The piled files are the required documents for this week and that one..." She pointed to another set of files. "That's for later. Mr. Marchetti is still in the meeting room, so you can put that right now on his table."

"Right now?" I looked at her.

"Yes, Miss Collins. Right now."

I smiled fakely and got it immediately.

"Where's his office?"

"The one beside you..."

"O-Oh... Thank you."

I almost wanted to punch myself. I laughed awkwardly and walked away from her.