

Seventeen-year-old drummer Amy Parks has been in band since fifth grade, is now the percussion section leader, and belongs to a garage band called The Maniacs. After her first crush on another girl at the age of ten, she swore to keep that part of herself hidden, even from herself, and never let it out again. Her band director is rumored to be gay, but other than that, Amy knows no other gay people, and thinks the word “lesbian” can’t possibly apply to her, even though her younger sister Erin constantly calls her gay and Amy has a half-naked poster of JLo on her wall. But still, she can’t be gay, right?<br><br>Then Amy meets the new girl, fellow band member Becca.<br><br>Amy is afraid of the thoughts and feelings she experiences, and thinks if she gets a boyfriend, maybe she’ll stop being so attracted to Becca. When the first boyfriend doesn’t work out, she jumps to the next guy, but is still unsatisfied. Amy begins to go to the lesbian chat room online and befriends a mentor named WhiskeyMind, who tells her for the first time that being a lesbian is about love.<br><br>When Amy finally decides to tell Becca how she feels, she must face the choice of being true to herself and losing everything, or hiding in the closet just to keep her friends and her position in The Maniacs. Is coming out the right thing to do? Is Becca really the girl of her dreams, or is there someone else out there for her?

Kim Flowers · สมัยใหม่
24 Chs

Chapter 5

“A new coffee shop opened in Muncie,” he told us. “They’re going to have open mic nights sometimes. You guys should go there and play. I called and all you have to do is show up an hour beforehand and sign up.”

“Hell yeah,” Zack said, tuning his bass.

“Let’s pick a list of songs we could play,” I said. “This could be our big moment; what if we get discovered and get a record deal or something?”

Some of our songs were original, and some were covers. We decided to go with two originals and two covers. Steve called and found that open mic nights were on Thursdays and some Saturdays. We had a busy schedule right now with school band, but we vowed to take advantage of the open mic night when we had the chance.