
Escape Plan

I got off the bus, and turned to the right and left looking for the figure of father and mother. They promised to pick me up at the stop terminal when I expressed my desire to go home.

Moreover, the old car was already at his funeral, gathered with other junk. I deliberately didn't make up for it, let it be. Let's just say that it is outdated and it is better to forget it. Because my father promised to give me a new car. His promise frankly made me even more excited to go home. 

A new car, and a new life. Think of it as a fun thing in the middle of a heartbreak that I have just experienced.

I sighed remembering what had just happened to me. A lie on top of stupidity. If Ryan really loves me, why should he lie? What does he want from me? Is it just a momentary pleasure for him?

Or is it true that as the woman said, he wants gratification from a woman who is much younger than her wife?