While on a school trip, an 18-year-old falls into a frozen lake and wakes up as a baby. Disclaimer I don’t own any elements used in this fanfic just the Main Character.
I was doin a normal night of patrol, the city bustling below me as I casually leaped across rooftops, occasionally scanning the area with my senses. My reiatsu expanded, giving me a broad view of everything within a considerable radius. But for now, the streets were calm, the usual routine continuing. My mind, however, was elsewhere—deep into the chat group. It was always fascinating to see the progress of the members.
I saw the chat interface again showing Hinata is typing something.
[@Byakugan_Princess]: "Tsunade-sama has been teaching me some advanced healing jutsu! It's so intricate, but I'm learning a lot. Kakashi-sensei is also helping me with elemental jutsus. Lightning is especially tricky, but it's getting there!"
Hinata was always so earnest and hard-working. It was amazing to see her growing even stronger. I sent a quick message to her.
[@Blade]: "You've come a long way, Hinata. Elemental manipulation takes a lot of skill, especially with lightning. Keep it up, and soon, you'll be an even more formidable ninja than before."
Her reply came in seconds.
[@Byakugan_Princess]: "Thank you, Shiro! I'll do my best."
[@Web_Slinger]: "I've finally got my bio-electricity under control, but my invisibility... yeah, let's just say it needs some more work. I nearly scared Aunt May when I turned invisible infront of her, I lied saying she must be stressed and was probably seeing things!"
I chuckled. Classic Peter. His Spider abilities were really developing well, especially the new powers like his bio-electricity. But I could imagine the panic in his aunt's eyes if he just randomly disappeared and then reappeared.
[@Blade]: "At least your bio-electricity is stable now. Invisibility will come with time. Maybe focus on calming your mind, kinda like meditation—it should help you turn it on and off at will."
[@Web_Slinger]: "Good idea! I'll try it out."
[@Billionaire_Playboy]: "The Arc Reactor is a success! Well, mostly. I haven't been able to miniaturize it yet, but I've managed to store its power in a battery for now. Still, the energy output is phenomenal!"
My eyebrows rose at that one. If Bruce had cracked the Arc Reactor, even in battery form, he was way ahead of schedule. This was the guy who could probably solve the world's energy crisis in one weekend if given the chance.
[@Blade]: "You never fail to impress, Bruce. Just make sure you don't blow up your lab with all that energy, though."
[@Billionaire_Playboy]: "Haha, don't worry. I've taken precautions."
[@Pottah]: "The Black Vault had so many ancient magic tomes! It's overwhelming, but I've got the hang of it now. I can control my ancient magic properly, and I've learned a couple of new spells. I'll be heading back to Hogwarts in three days for my fourth year."
Rose had really come into her own. Ancient magic was no joke. It was rare, powerful, and dangerous if mishandled.
[@Blade]: "Impressive. I bet no one at Hogwarts will see you coming this year. Keep learning, though—there's no limit to what you can do."
[@Pottah]: "Thanks, Shiro. I'm so excited to go back and surprise everyone!"
Suddenly, a notification flashed on my screen. My patrol senses sharpened momentarily, but there was nothing dangerous around me. The notification was from the group chat.
[System: Two new members have joined the group chat!]
Huh. This was unexpected. I clicked on the notification, and two new names appeared on the chat screen.
[Welcome! @Ten_Shadows to the group chat]
[Welcome! @Spoiled_Brat to the group chat]
Ten Shadows? That sounded familiar. And Spoiled Brat? Oh boy, I had a feeling about who that might be. Before the new members could start bombarding the chat with questions, I decided to jump in.
[@Blade]: "Before either of you starts asking, let me explain a few things. First, welcome to the chat group. You're probably confused, so here's the gist: this group connects people from different worlds—universes, really—and allows us to communicate, share knowledge, and occasionally go on missions together. Yeah, it sounds crazy, but you'll get used to it. We're all from different universes, like you, and we got invited just like you did."
There was a brief pause in the chat before the system flashed again.
[System: A long-term mission will be revealed in one month. Estimated completion time: 1 month to 1 year.]
Great, just what we needed—a mission that could take up to a year. Everyone seemed intrigued by it, though.
[@Web_Slinger]: "Whoa, a year? What kind of mission could take that long?"
[@Byakugan_Princess]: "It sounds like a really big challenge…"
[System: Character sheet is now being shown]
[Name: Megumi Fushiguro; Age: 15; Occupation: Student (Sorcerer); Alias: Potential Man; World: Jujutsu Kaisen]
Peter, as usual, asked the obvious question.
[@Web_Slinger]: "What does Sorcerer mean?"
Megumi answered after a brief pause.
[@Ten_Shadows]: "In my world, sorcerers exorcise curses—manifestations of negative human emotions. We use cursed energy to fight them."
But then Tatsumaki chimed in, and it was clear she wasn't going to pull any punches.
[@Spiled_Brat]: "What kind of alias is 'Potential Man'? That's so lame."
Megumi didn't seem to understand what his alias meant. Classic. I knew the story behind Jujutsu Kaisen well enough to know that who was the one who gave Megumi this title.
Next, Tatsumaki's character sheet appeared.
[Name: Tatsumaki; Age: 28; Occupation: Hero; Alias: Tornado of Terror; World: One Punch Man]
[@Web_Slinger]: "Wait, 28? But she looks like she's 12!"
I silently laughed at Peter's surprise. Yeah, Tatsumaki did look like a child despite being one of the strongest heroes in her universe. I knew better than to say anything, though. She had quite the temper.
[@Spoiled_Brat]: "What's that supposed to mean, bug?"
Peter backtracked quickly.
[@Web_Slinger]: "No, no, I just meant... you're so powerful and... um, mature for your age!"
I could practically feel the smugness radiating from Tatsumaki through the chat. But I kept my mouth shut. No need to start an argument with someone who could crush me with her mind—at least, in theory. Who am I kidding to her whole verse would be dead before I go all out becuase even if Saitama beats me in strength he is not immune to Illusions and Soul based attacks.
Everyone seemed to be getting along well enough, and the anticipation for the long-term mission was growing. But for now, I had a patrol to finish, and it seemed like tonight was going to be peaceful.