
Dropped for improvementsss

What makes you believe that God is always silent? Are we truly alone in the God-created Universe? Is being born a blessing or a curse? Humans like to live only when they have something to lose. But... What about people who don't have access to that? Nathan was at his wit's end when an Angel arrived and revealed the mystery of God's creation...

Yoknow · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

A New Member


"Did it actually happen just now?"

"Who is that stranger?"

They were all taken aback by this change of events since they had assumed Galand would disable him after landing his strike. However, in actuality, a completely different scenario occurred. Not only can he produce a Black Flame but he sent Galand flying with just one punch.

"He must be a Fallen Archon or a Cherubim,"

"No, that's impossible; he must only be on tier 4's second stage."

"But still, no one on Elpis has ever achieved that power."

You see, in order to advance in your tier, you must pass through many stages. If a person is tier 2, they must go through three stages: stage 1, stage 2, and stage 3. The same is true for tier 3 if you wish to go to tier 4, however, there is a fourth phase that needs you to complete a quest issued by the Archon or God himself in order to progress to tier 4. However, the tier 5 realm is extremely mysterious since it is the domain of those Archons, who do not want anyone to know the exact degree of their power. The other living things on Elpis just believed that if someone wanted to get to tier 5, there must be stages as well.


They were contemplating the Stranger's true identity when a door on the second floor of the Adventurer's guild burst wide...

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU PEOPLE DO ON MY BUILDING?!?!?" said the man that had just burst out from his room.

"Oh, shit it's the Guild leader!"

The man had a bald head and had a scar on his eyes, he had a muscle that can literally crush you to death and he wears a suit that typically aristocrats only use, also he appears to be around 50 years old, based on his looks.

"Guild Leader Ciceron, Galand, and this stranger just fought a duel, and --" Lydia said to Guild Leader Ciceron,

Just as Lydia was about to utter another word the Guild Leader Ciceron then interrupted her.

"In that case, Galand is to blame," Ciceron said then he headed to Galand which was on the pile of rubble.

He then started digging through the debris but he was only searching for Galand's wallet!

His Wallet!

"This should be enough" Ciceron said after collecting all the Gold that was in Galand's pocket.

He then left Galand and returned to the area where the adventurer's guild members were conversing.

"Now then, what's all of this about?" Ciceron asked

"We're not helping Galand?"

"Leave him be, that bastard is a tough nut anyway." Said Ciceron not minding Galand to be picked up from that rubble.

"You're not Mad anymore boss?" A Female adventurer asked.

"Hehe, look at this," Ciceron took out a bag of Gold," As you grow older you'll learn that money can solve everything," He said Laughing.

"Greedy bastard!" Said Lydia.

Then people in the area explained what happened and what the stranger was all about and why Galand and the stranger fought.

"Damnn Son, you really got some big kahunas to speak to Galand like that HAHAHA, " Ciceron said to the stranger while laughing.

The stranger remained silent but then Ciceron asked a question...

"What's your name, young man? We've never heard of you before, but you possess power that rivals, if not surpasses, Galand," Ciceron said of the stranger.

"His name is Samyaza Ignatia," Angelica suddenly said.

All the people inside the adventurer's guild then looked at Angelica...

"Oh, Lady Angelica are perhaps interested in this stranger?" Ciceron said.

Leon then was listening intensely at where he heard this phrase...

"No, he just said that his name Samyaza after he send Galand flying that's all," Angelica said annoyed.

" Actually I heard from your father that you wanted to become an adventurer so that you can find yourself a strong man?"

"Not you too, like I said countless times already I just want to go adventuring to oth-"

Just as she was about to finish her words, Ciceron then said...

"Take your pick," Ciceron continued, as if he were a slave dealer, "with these guys here with Gold you may purchase them from me."

After all the adventurers heard that they sneered at Ciceron...

"We're not your pigs dumbass!!." They all shouted.

After Angelica heard this ridiculous offer she then decided to not utter a word anymore but then the stranger named Samyaza spoke...

"It is true that my name is Samyaza Ignatia and I'm not from around here," after saying that he then pointed his finger at Galand that was still in the rubble, "I want to join his party so that I can learn more about this place."

"But why them?" Ciceron asked.

"Because I heard that they are going into an Ancient Dungeon," The Samyaza replied.

"That Ancient Dungeon is quite dangerous you know only veterans are able to get out of there alive," Said Ciceron.

Ancient Dungeons were created by God since the dawn of time, these dungeons aged as far as they could or even be older than other angels. Just like normal dungeons, the failed creation of God is put inside those dungeons in order for it to contain them. God was not particularly good at cleaning his mess so he just put them in a place that he thought no one would go into. But humans then discovered the bountiful riches of clearing a dungeon and acquiring multiple World Crystal, so they decided to the creatures inside them. But the ancient dungeons are different, Higher life forms inhabit this place and some ancient dungeons have a failed archon in them. Also, the amount of information about Ancient Dungeons is limited since they are extremely difficult to locate, yet the treasures in this dungeon, if cleared, will instantly raise you to royalty.

"Don't tell me that you want to become royalty?" Ciceron added.

"No, I was only curious about the creatures who inhabit those Dungeons," Samyaza answered calmly.

"So you're risking your life for a Lillllll piece of information?" Tia exclaimed as she heard Samyaza's response to Ciceron.

"Are you a spy from another country?" Leon asked, with a frightening tone.

The nations of Elpis do not get along very well. They all revere and obey their Archon, but greed may occasionally force humanity to break the Archon's commandments. It is hardly an exaggeration to say that this Samyaza is a spy for other nations, sent to gather artifacts or undiscovered treasures from the Ancient dungeon.

"Spy? No, no, please don't misunderstand what I just said," Samyaza said, pausing before continuing, "I simply want to investigate, that's all."

Leon felt a little better after seeing Samyaza's reaction, but he still didn't believe his statements...

He then sighed

"You just won me a bet partner, you also sent that bastard flying that my friend deserves a drink," Leon said congratulating him.

After that, the sleeping princess Galand awoke after a brief period of unconsciousness, and he proceeded to clear the rubble from his tiny physique...

"HAHAHHA, you really know how to throw a punch, young man," Galand roared in amusement, seemingly unconcerned.

"I apologize for not holding back; I believed you could truly block it," Samyaza stated honestly.

"It's nothing," Galand said nonchalantly. "It didn't even harm me in the least."

after he finished speaking Galand's nose started bleeding.

"Didn't harm you you say?" Lydia said furrowing her brow," Come here let me heal you at least."

Lydia then got close to the definitely not hurt Galand and proceeded to heal him...

In worlds other than Terra, in order to produce new magic or words, the elements are combined to create a new element. For example, mixing Fire and Earth will generate Magma, Air and Fire will create lightning, and Fire and Water will create fog. To produce a new element or power, there are millions of possible combinations. However, this is dependent on your mastery of the element or the stage of the tier you are in, as some tiers can combine three or four elements, creating a new power that no one can resist.

"I'm better now Lydia," Galand remarked, blushing. "It's ladylike to be taken care of my wife."

"At least not in public," he said quietly.

When everyone heard this they all laughed at him...

"I can't believe a brute like you can also have a gentle side"

"Please not here, take care of me later HAHAHA"

"Oh no Lydia please don't be so rough."

Lydia merely smiled at their comments; the adventurer's guild is always friendly since, despite their differences, they all occasionally team up with one another and even trust one another with their lives.

"Shut up fools!" Galand said embarrassed.

Leon then approaches his party and then bends down to whisper to Galand...

"Does the Boy pass?" Asked Leon.

"I still don't know how he got his flames to turn black but he has potential."

"Hm-hm," Leon nodded, "But can he be useful on that Dungeon."

"Yes, he will be, and I am convinced of it," Galand said with a chuckle.

After saying that Galand then looked at Samyaza and said...

"Samyaza Ignatia, you are officially a member of the Burned Star adventurer's team."