
DROPPED Across The Ages - A Harry Potter Fan-Fic (EN)

Across The Ages - A Harry Potter Fan-Fic (EN) Everyone knows Harry Potter, but do you know the story of the magic world? Have you ever read historical accounts of the goblin war? How did the ancient wizards manage to subdue the powerful race of house elves? Why Salazar Slytherin doesn't like muggles? What does the magic world in China, Brazil or Africa look like? You will find out in the next episode of Pokemon! All Harry Potter rights, characters, spells and more belong to J.K. Rowling. BUT the story you will read here as well as the characters not present in the original story belong to me! P.S: It's the first time I write a novel and I'm French, English is my second language. And for the cover image, I did it on photoshop, but I took lots of pieces of images all over pinterest, so if a piece belongs to you, tell me ^^'

Strom400 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
18 Chs

Dragon breath !

"Kids ... what did you imagine? I was helping * cough * just my friend here to try a new ritual that increases * cough * physical strength. We were just wrestling ... I have to say that * cough * at my age, winning this showdown was a real surprise, this ritual is very successful! "

The three children sighed in relief. Elias smiled and looked at the man who stood beside his grandfather. He had golden brown hair, a beard of the same color, green eyes and a strong build.

"* It must be Lily's dad, they look very similar. *"

"I see that your grandson has already met my children, hello young man, delighted to meet you, I am Hector Gryffindor, the father of these two." Said the man with a big voice.

"* So he was the one who wrote 'Basic Enchantments'! I was wondering how grandfather could have a book written by a Gryffindor, it's because they are good friends! *"

"Pleased to meet you, my name is Élias Ademisault."

The two shook hands, smiling.

"Kids, go play somewhere else, we need to talk about important things." Asked Elias' grandfather.

Then the three went to the library, the two young Gryffindors exclaimed in front of the incredible number of books. Elias showed them the book written by their father and their eyes twinkled with admiration.

Then after an hour spent playing and chatting, they left.


Then the days of the week passed one after the other, Elias read a large number of books, he absorbed all the knowledge he could like a sponge and he learned a new spell! He realized a childhood dream and was finally able to throw fireballs! The fire spell whose formula is 'incendio' projects an burning fire. Its characteristic is to be able to spread quickly and cause generally significant damage. Its consequences are destructive both on the environment in which it evolves and on the living beings it meets. After a little training, he can control the flames for a short distance.

"* Today is the fourth day of the conference, tomorrow, grandpa will demonstrate in the arena with the other organizers. It will be great! *"

Then he decided to go for a walk in the streets to see if there were new things. He explored for a moment, then just before entering, passing by a small alley, he saw two men in black dresses with hoods on their faces whispering. Their dresses had a strange white spear embroidered on the position of their hearts. He passed them with the air of nothing while listening to their conversation.

"Have you finished the preparations?"

"Almost, it will be near tomorrow ..."

"Hurry up! You know you shouldn't keep these guys waiting ..."

"Yeah, yeah, I know ..."

"* What is that? An attack? Shit, seriously? They want to kill people here? But that would cause an international incident! They are crazy! All the wizards of the whole world would pursue them ... Except ci ... * "Thinking about it, Elias came to a horrible conclusion. "Except this there is no survivor ... Shit, that would explain why in the movies there was no mention of the magic of the rituals ... *"

He rushed to his grandfather's tent to give him this information. He told him what he had seen and the exact words the two had said.

"So, you just saw two relatively shady men * cough * talking about" preparations "and you panicked? Look, * cough * * cough * it's a very secure place, it's almost impossible for him to something that cannot be solved by the thousands of wizards who are present at the moment. Then the area is very large, it would have to be an organization that has a large number of members in order to prevent everyone * coughing * to run away, and an organization of this size would not have gone unnoticed. So it's impossible, they had to talk about something else, don't be * cough * not stressed okay? " Then he put his hand on his shoulder in a reassuring manner. "At worst, if something should * cough * happen, grandpa has a way to get you out okay?"


"* It's normal, with the abilities he has, there are probably few things that can scare him ... I guess I have to trust him, but I'll be careful. *"

After that, Elias went back to the library, studying more than the days before and just like the first day, he fell asleep with his head in a sea of ​​books.

The next day, he woke up, changed, had lunch and then left directly with his grandfather for the arena, he had decided to stay as close to him as possible to reduce his chances of ... dying.

All went well, they watched wizards pass by one after the other

others, some were interesting, others just boring. Then it was the organizers' turn, there were five of them, his grandfather was last. The first two demonstrated extraordinary rituals, they used runes in an incomprehensible way, the spectators were speechless in front of so much talent.

The first to create a sort of seal that allows, once placed on a creature, to invoke it. It works as long as the creature is within a certain range.

The second used a ritual to create a new species, which he named joncheruine, these beings can become invisible and enter people's heads through the ears and thus confuse their brains.

"* Luna Lovegood was right, they exist ... *"

Then was the third organizer's turn, when he went on stage, Elias eyes widened, he turned and grabbed the sleeve of his grandfather's dress.

"It's him! Anyway, he's one of them! He has the same mark on that chest!"

Rusell frowned and gently pulled the wand out while watching the man carefully.

The latter used his wand to magically trace runes on the ground in a large circle.

Seeing this, Rusell frowned even more.

"It's really * cough * strange, it looks more like the center of a runic circle than a complete circle, what is it trying to do ... Men in black ... Preparations ... Center of the circle ... "

He thought seriously for a moment then seeing the runes that the man was tracing, those eyes widened.

"Shit ... You were right ... This is the * cough * * cough * center of a circle of flames summoning ... The men you saw must have traced runes all over * cough * the city, if it ends ... the whole city will burn in ash! And in my opinion, it will not be * cough * just simple flames ... Shit! What to do ... "

"Grandpa, stop him, explain later!"

"I can't, there are a lot of protection runes * cough * around the central arena to prevent spectators from being injured, but that also prevents me from approaching ... It would take the power of a *cough* dragon to break these barriers .... Haaa ?! "

Then he got up with a flash of illumination crossing those eyes.

"Elias, I have a way, but just in case, take this. * Cough *" Then he handed over three objects which Elias quickly grabbed.

"This ball is a protective orb, it has three uses, it will defend you against a dozen dragons for three * cough * minutes each time, the second is an enchanted black phoenix feather, it is very rare, it will allow you to teleport you to the place where the phoenix is, that is to say far from here. Use it if I ever * cough * can't stop it. "

"But ... and you grandpa ?!"

"Me? I'm old, I must have barely two years to live ... Then if I survive and not the other wizards present * cough * on this island, I would be the target of the whole world and accused of crime. So don't worry about me. Take this book ... It contains everything there is * cough * to know about the ritual I wanted to demonstrate today ... It's very useful, but also dangerous, be careful. "

Then he got up, bulged his chest and headed courageously towards the central arena under the astonished eyes of the public.

Elias had slightly reddened eyes, he hadn't known his grandfather for a long time, but his sacrifice touched him very much.

"* I will never forget you grandpa ... *"

When Rusell was only a few steps from the barrier he stopped.

"José, stop this right away, if you continue you will die with us ..."

The man named José turned around and looked Rusell in the eye.

"Hold on, Rusell ... How did you understand?"

"My * cough * grandson is intelligent ..."

"Really? Anyway, he will die with the others today, you can't stop me!"

"We * cough * will see that!"

Then he straightened his small old man's size while holding his back, he relaxed his hands and then took an immense breath. The eyes of spectators previously filled with misunderstanding now widened at this performance which seemed humanly impossible. Rusell's chest seemed to be a balloon that had just been inflated, his eyes fixed José and became red. Then all of a sudden, he released his breath. And an ocean of flame flooded the magic barriers. The flames were immaculate white, they were so hot that the barriers seemed to melt at any time.

Seeing this, some spectators muttered in amazement. "The flames of a dragon ..."

Hello ! Here's a new chapter!

Sorry, I should have posted it yesterday, but it was strangely difficult to write it.

I broke the rule of once a day ...

But whatever x)

I hope you liked it! Thanks for reading !

Strom400creators' thoughts