
DROPPED Across The Ages - A Harry Potter Fan-Fic (EN)

Across The Ages - A Harry Potter Fan-Fic (EN) Everyone knows Harry Potter, but do you know the story of the magic world? Have you ever read historical accounts of the goblin war? How did the ancient wizards manage to subdue the powerful race of house elves? Why Salazar Slytherin doesn't like muggles? What does the magic world in China, Brazil or Africa look like? You will find out in the next episode of Pokemon! All Harry Potter rights, characters, spells and more belong to J.K. Rowling. BUT the story you will read here as well as the characters not present in the original story belong to me! P.S: It's the first time I write a novel and I'm French, English is my second language. And for the cover image, I did it on photoshop, but I took lots of pieces of images all over pinterest, so if a piece belongs to you, tell me ^^'

Strom400 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
18 Chs

Black Phoenix

A black flash then nothing, just endless darkness, filled with sadness.

Elias tried to make out what was around him, but his eyes weren't used to the sudden darkness, so he decided to sit down and think. He did not really know his grandfather, he had only met him a few days earlier. But this old man had sacrificed himself to save him. Memories of the time he spent with him passed before Elias' eyes. The day they met, the few evenings when he pestered him with questions to which he answered patiently, the moment when he found him half naked with Hector Gryffindor ...

"* Shit! Gryffindor ?! Lily and her brother ! I hope they are fine ... That should be, otherwise there would be no Godric Gryffindor ... *" He thought that, but a small voice told him whispered that maybe Godric comes from another branch of this family ... But he refused to think that and looked at his environment. Those eyes had grown used to the darkness, now he could see that he was in a cave, an incredible cave!

He was in a large empty underground room, with a volume equivalent to a real football stadium and more than 30 meters in height. The room was full of concretions of all shapes and colors, a sublime mineral universe, a strange world, the forms abound, frozen by their own beauty as if time stopped suddenly! The power of nature manifested itself in silence, invisible to human eyes, only the sound of a few small drops of water resounded in what seemed to be the nave of a gigantic cathedral, adding to this universe that more than mystery.

Stalactites and stalagmites of incredible beauty were placed everywhere, forming rooms similar to those of royal palaces, underground waters, crystal clear and mystical, creating unparalleled, almost magical underground landscapes.

A small river probably flowed from the surface into a gorge and then lost itself under a majestic wall. In the middle of the room, this river was separated by a natural bridge, the vestige of an old rocky arch.

On the ceiling and on the walls, hundreds of mushrooms shone with a soft blue light.

At the end of this large first room, a large 12-meter well and another 18 meters provide access to a second room, as large as the previous one where a large colony of bats had found refuge there and whose smell of their excrement invaded the place.

Elias was seated on a large rock covered with moss, he looked around with curiosity.

"* What a pity that the cameras do not yet exist ... *"

He was fascinated, almost hypnotized by so much beauty, that his thoughts began to disperse, he thought of nothing specific, everything he had lived in his life paraded before these eyes. Those moments as a resident of the modern world that had started to fade have resurfaced, his old family, the moments he lived with his friends, McDonald's ...

Then his arrival in this world, his new parents, his brother, Gabriel, his cute little sister, Rosy ... He made peace with his lost past and directed all his motivation towards his family. He would fight for them in this dangerous world, he would protect them, he would avenge his grandfather, he would become ... Strong!

Filled with courage and determination, he opened his eyes. And there he saw it. He had never seen such a beautiful creature in his life. It was a bird, the most majestic of all, their king, a black phoenix! It was relatively small, about 30 centimeters high, Elias deduced that he had just undergone his rebirth only a few years ago. Its feathers had already grown back, and covered it like a black cloak, some slightly longer feathers on its head and on its tail glowed slightly. His red and golden eyes fixed on Elias with curiosity. He seemed to be able to understand what he was thinking and gave a cheering little cry that further increased Elias' determination.

The latter remembered the introduction to the black phoenixes in the 'register of magical creatures by Shrek Muddy'. According to what was written, the black phoenix is ​​extremely rare, they are not very different from normal phoenixes, their song has the power to strengthen the courage of those with a pure heart and to cause terror in those who have the bad heart. They can disappear and reappear at will and they can never really die. Instead, they undergo a process of rebirth by fire. But unlike normal phoenixes, their tears do not have powerful healing properties, said that black phoenixes only cry when they feel the death of one of their members. So these tears laden with sadness constitute one of he is the most terrifying poison in the world. As Elias did, their feathers can be enchanted so that a person can use it to teleport to the phoenix from which the feather was taken, no matter where it is in the world.

Elias was fascinated by the incredible creature who stood before him, looking just as fascinated by the young man. The two looked at each other for a moment without moving until Elias broke the silence.

"Hello ... can you understand me?"

The phoenix looked him in the eye and nodded gently.

"Well ... do you live here?"

The creature nodded again.

"Can you get me out?"

The phoenix looked at him, then turned and flew away.

"* I'll take that for a yes ... *"

Then he began to run after the phoenix, the sounds of his steps and the beating of wings echoed in the cave. He ran for a while, then, when he was in a tunnel, he finally saw the sunlight. He rushed to the exit and once outside he took a deep breath.

"* Finally outside !! This cave is magnificent, but I don't know if it's the droppings of the phoenix that have this horrible smell ... *"

He waited a few moments for those eyes to get used to the light of day and looked at his surroundings. Before him was a large, lush forest, it seemed limitless. The trees were gigantic, their foliage was thick, their roots knotty. And behind him, the entrance to the cave was placed on the facade of a high mountain. Its sides were cliffs, but its top was strangely flat. This mountain, or this plateau, was surrounded by a river itself surrounded by even more mountains. Tall and majestic.

"* Mountains, a forest ... I can be anywhere in the world ... *"

* sighs * "Tell me, nice phoenix, can you give me the direction of a city with humans?"

The phoenix looked at him, flew away and landed on his shoulder, chirping joyfully.

"Haa? Do you want to accompany me to the city?"

The phoenix nodded.

"Well, okay ... I guess you're not in danger since you can teleport anywhere, anytime ... In that case, let's go !!"

Then they entered under the dark cover of the trees. Because of the thick foliage that formed an arch above their heads, the sky disappeared from their fields of vision. The darkness became more present, more heavy. The humus that covered the ground stifled his steps, enveloping them in silence. No bird, no animal appeared. It was as if they were alone in the world, lost in a sea of ​​oak.

Hello ! A new chapter!

A person asked me an interesting question in the previous chapter, and indeed, I know that I did not make Elias mature enough, I made a mistake here, but, in the end the result is not too bad, so too bad, I will try to make it grow little by little. Thanks for reading: p

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