


Writing_Student · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Dungeon Dive

- POV Man -

Escaping from the caretaker after yesterday was... well a lot of chores the same actually the same amount as yesterday, But I did get away eventually now then how does the dungeon creation skill work?

I don't think it was explained by the system, Maybe it works like the menus?

"Dungeon Creation"

A sudden feeling of nausea over took me, I collapsed to my knees and closed my eyes, However when I opened them back up the environment changed into a swamp.

"Not what I was expecting but alright, I can work with this."

I grabbed the broadsword from my inventory, However I immediately realized a problem

"How the hell am I supposed to swing around a broadsword?, I'm twelve I don't have the arm strength for this" I said questioningly

But as I looked at the broadsword a window popped up

[Equip? {Yes} {No}]

I clicked yes however

[User doesn't have high enough stats to equip]

"I just got my hopes crushed by you system"

"So now what am I gonna do, I don't have a weapon to use so how am I gonna fight any monsters?"


I heard a twig break behind me

I turned the fastest I could, Turning just in time to see a crocodile quickly biting into my leg.

'"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed, The crocodile dragging me into the water and began it's famous death roll, Quickly ending my life.

I felt an out of body experience before appearing at the place I created the dungeon.

[Host has lost one life]

[Host has completed the hidden quest Die for the first time Gained:

1 extra life

Title: The one who escapes death

Hidden Missions shown on Mission Board ]

- POV Narrator -

As Man sat there is abject horror, At the immense pain and his first death... well in this world at least.

As he processed his feelings he also began to feel curious about that title he gained.

"Status" He said his tone shaky and uncertain


Name: 'Man'

Titles: The Gamer, The one who escapes death > ,

Extra Lives: 3

LV: 1 EXP: 0/100

Age: 12

HP: 200

MP: 150

Str: 10

Vit: 10

Dex: 10

Int: 15

Wis: 10

Melee Damage: 100

Attack Speed: 10 Per Min

MP Regen: 10 Per Min

Stat Points: 15 ]

'Huh so titles have descriptions as well alright' Man thought to himself ' I should also distribute my stat points'


Name: 'Man'

Titles: The Gamer, The one who escapes death ^ ,

Effect: Instant death magic no longer effects host - Host's fear of death removed.

Extra Lives: 3

LV: 1 EXP: 0/100

Age: 12

HP: 250

MP: 150

Str: 15

Vit: 15

Dex: 15

Int: 15

Wis: 10

Melee Damage: 150

Attack Speed: 15 Per Min

MP Regen: 10 Per Min

Stat Points: 0 ]

- POV Man -

I also have an idea, I suspect that the system hides things from me perhaps another type of trial.



Gamers Mind >

Gamers Body >

Semi-Immortality >

Observe >

Meditation >

Dungeon Creation LV: 1/5 > ]



[Updating skill page]


Gamers Mind ^

Mental Attack Nullification - Clear Mind

Gamers Body ^

Endless Stamina - Perfect body

Semi-Immortality ^

Host will never age past 21

Observe ^

Host can look at the level and name of anyone five levels ahead of them or lower, Also allows the user to appraise weapons and skills

Meditation ^

Doubles MP Recovery while in active use, If used enough can reach 'Enlightenment'

Dungeon Creation^

Host can create dimensions full of monsters that when killed give EXP, And potentially dropping skill books, However host has no control of difficulty or type ]

I knew it, So I have to look out for secrets with this skill that also means that quest probably need to be looked into as well.

My assumption seems to still stand.

I guess I need to level the dungeon creation skill up before it's actually usable meaning I have no reliable way to level up, Except maybe daily quests I wonder when I'll get one of those?

Now then, Grabbing the broadsword from my inventory "Observe"

[Broadsword {Common} :

Effect: +10 Attack Damage, Mana Conductivity 5%

Requirements: 30 Str, 20 Vit, Dex 15. ]

Alright I have the required Dex but I don't have any of the other required stats.

I guess I'll have to workout for the stats I need if I can, Can I even grind my stats through normal means?

The system tutorial wasn't really that good if I'm being honest, Again I guess another trail.

" Hey Man you gonna come in for lunch? " the caretaker asked

I can begin training later though it's lunch time!

I suck at writing, Please tell me about any mistakes I made

Writing_Studentcreators' thoughts