

i will repost

RaelDsultan · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs



"What the fuck happened here?" Yuna and Yume had the same speech due to the surprise they felt when seeing the entire forest area destroyed.

The trees turned to dust and there were several huge craters spread across the region.

"Hey, Leeches how about you stay away from here, I'm being very generous in giving you this warning." A gigantic brown wolf commented as she rested next to a gigantic red fox in the wastelands.

"You little bitch, if you have touched the master, I will show you what destruction is." Yuna, who was no longer in a good mood, said to the wolf who had now transformed into her human form.

"Although I would like to show you, little stray animals, their place, we didn't come here to fight, unless you hurt the master…" Yume says with a warm smile on her face.

Although the aura she emanated was not one of kindness but of fury. Around her body, a red aura emanated, the pressure of her anger caused the ground to crack.

"Are you threatening us? HAHAHA, I don't know if you have a lot of courage or a few loose screws." Lena, like Yume, emanates an aura from her body, white.

"I tried to be friendly, but to talk to puppies I have to have a bone in my hand, right hehehe," Yume says, summoning two weapons in her hand.

To be more precise, there were two desert eagles.

Yuna follows Yume's example and summons a large scythe.

"Your toy guns don't intimidate us." Helena summons a flaming bow along with flaming arrows, Lena following suit summons a huge ax that, like its owner, emits a white aura.

The four were already ready to battle.

Before they start fighting, the women notice something strange in the sky.

"What is that?" Yuna looked up at the sky and saw something coming towards her like a rocket.

"AHHHHHHHH!!" the unidentified object screamed, as it fell in an endless fall.

THUD* The being fell face down on the ground, forming a gigantic hole, due to the impact.

Right behind him, a beautiful woman with blonde hair that reached her hips landed gracefully, in the middle of the 4 women.

"You guys are too loud, you're ruining my fun- I mean Rael's transformation process," Camila says, analyzing the situation around her, realizing that the girls were going to start a big battle.

She just sent Rael flying here as a way to make this battle not happen, since she doesn't want to deal with the mess later.



The 4 women ran towards the hole and saw a man now wearing only pants showing off his exorbitant muscles.

"Calm down, I'm fine." Rael now with a different appearance comments while showing a reassuring smile.

His hair had grown to reach past his neck and his eyes, previously light brown, were now half red and the other half amber. Two colors in one iris.

Yume was the first to notice and I decided to speak up.

"Ara~ Master at the same time that I feel that you are a vampire I also feel that you are something else." With some surprise, she approaches him and begins to analyze him.

"Camila, while dealing with my out-of-control state, explained to me that I am a half-breed. That is, I am a vampire, but I am also a werewolf."

Rael sees Helena and suddenly appears next to her, pulling her to bite her neck.

"Mnnnh" takes Helen by surprise, unable to react and just having her blood sucked out by the species she hates most.

"Alpha, let go of me mnnnh~~" Helena, even though confused, doesn't try to force herself out or hurt Rael. After all, she and Lena see themselves as responsible for him.

And he is an alpha, a werewolf, the being at the top among the metamorphophos and their groups.

"I'm sorry Helena, I'm just really hungry." Realizing that he acted on her instincts, Rael quickly releases Helena and moves away from her.

"Ah, thank you~... but I didn't need to let go right away..." Helena, feeling so much pleasure from having her blood sucked, murmurs her dissatisfaction at having it end so quickly.

But she still had to maintain her image. It's a shame that everyone has acute hearing and understood what she said.

"Master, spit out her blood, it could hurt you!! Drink mine instead!" Yuna, afraid that she might do some harm to a shapeshifter's blood, offers hers as a means of neutralizing the possible poison.

Rael, being hungry, does not reject it and accepts it willingly.

"Mnnn Master~" What a good feeling, he is really special, Just the way that old woman is, when she finds out about this she will want to take the master all to herself.

Yume, watching Rael suck Yuna's blood, felt the desire to have her blood sucked and walked towards Rael.

"Master taste mine too~" As if she were a lustful demon Yume stirs up Rael's will, making him stop feeding with Yuna and switch to her older sister.

'~~mhnmg~" Master, this is so pleasurable and addictive.

"How interesting, isn't this all Lena~" Camila comments, looking at a Werewolf who is also a vampire, drinking the blood of Ino Natsukawa's daughters the most interesting thing is the fact that both they and Helena felt pleasure and had their cheeks pink when bitten by Rael.

"Lena offer your blood to Rael." Wanting to resolve her doubts as to whether it is pleasurable, Camila tells Lena to go to him.

"What? You-" Seeing that Lena was going to retort, Camila quickly cuts off her speech.

"Before you want to refuse, remember that now, whether you like it or not, he is part of our pack. So just choose, what do you prefer? for him to be fed by vampires or by us, his companions?"

Leaving Lena with no alternative, Camila uses her eloquence to convince Lena.

"Tsk* I have to agree with you, you damn old woman." Showing your fast speed.

Lena takes Yuna and Yume out of Rael's arms and throws him away with her.

Causing him to fall to the ground with her on top of his abdomen.

"Alpha~drink my blood...~" Realizing the position she was in and the request she made. Lena ends up with red cheeks and is ashamed of her bold request.

My dignity is gone...

"All good." Rael pulls Lena down by the neck and bites her feeling her delicious blood.

"Mnnn~ alpha~~" Lena is caught off guard due to the pleasure and ends up getting a little wet underneath. Which didn't go unnoticed by Rael.

"Did you piss yourself?" Rael decided to encourage her more.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Having witnessed a pleasure she had never felt before. Lena

"No~I don't know what you're talking about!" Having witnessed a pleasure he had never felt before. Lena is even more embarrassed by what just happened.

She jumps back and eagerly denies what happened.

"fufufu~ It's okay Lena, you've already cleared my doubts, now I just have to try it." That being said, Camila takes advantage of Lena getting off Rael, and she throws herself on top of him with her neck exposed.

I was in a complicated situation just now and right now I'm in paradise hahaha. Rael, being a man of culture, will not reject advances from beautiful women, even if they are crazy, which for him only makes the situation better.

Yes, Rael has a huge fetish for crazy women, in addition to apparently becoming a magnet for them.

"mnhnm~~" How magnificent!!

Camila soon confirms what the girls felt, tasting enormous pleasure. Drinking the blood brings a lot of pleasure to the person, was Camila's conclusion, in addition to possibly being beneficial for Rael as well as the girls.

What pressure is this?

While Camila and Lena had their great fun moments with Rael, Helena noticed a difference in the air around her.

TRACK** Cracks formed on the ground, and large stones began to float.


Looking back, Helena discovered the reason for all this.

They were the vampires.

Yuna and Yume had an evil pressure around their bodies. Their weapons were in their hands and their faces showed a disturbing smile.

"Girls, we have a little problem..." Helena summons her flaming bow, which causes the others to be alerted.

"You guys are quite brave to do this in front of us..." Yuna comments in an uneven voice, showing the growing hatred she is feeling.

"I'm going to rip out your nails, your fingers, the skin on your back, I'm going to finish you off..." Yume just as her sister expresses by whispering her thoughts.

The sky was becoming cloudy, rain clouds were arriving.

"Calm down girls, it's okay."

The rocks fall, the air becomes normal again, and the clouds break up and return to normal.

"Master~" Yuna and Yume hug Rael without intending to let him go as if he were a special treasure.

"fufufu what a shame~ Boy you ruined my fun~." Camila laughed comfortably, observing that with just a few words and a hug, Rael managed to control the troublemaking sisters.

Not that your girls aren't too...

"A shame indeed, but now I just want to do what I intended and then I'll deal with all this."

"And what do you intend to do now, alpha?" Helena decides to ask what all the girls are curious to know.

"Go to the Oiktsu dormitory."

"OIktsu? And see that vampire crazier than these two together?" Lena says in disbelief at what Rael said.

''Well, I own that place, so I'll have to go, to take over what's mine.'' Rael pats the two vampires.

'mnmn' they both like the feeling.

"You are a werewolf Rael, enemies of vampires, I can't let my student go to the nest of a crazy vampire." Camila now says with a serious expression, showing her opinion about this.

'mn' Lena and Helena nod in unison about Camila's opinion.

"He's a vampire too," Yume says to everyone present.

"Yes, and I don't care if vampires are Master's enemies or not, whoever touches him I'll kill," Yuna says

"Yes, and I don't care if the vampires are Master's enemies or not, whoever touches him I will kill," Yuna speaks with conviction and a warm smile due to the pat that Rael is giving their heads.

"Since that's the case, let's all go together."

"Fufu~ It's fine with me, I've been wanting to get out of this forest for a while now," Camila says showing support for Rael's decision.

Despite being somewhat uncertain, Lena and Helena end up agreeing, as Rael is now even unofficially part of their pack.

"Master, they are enemies!" Yuna shows her dissatisfaction.

"Enemies who helped me survive through a painful transformation, even if they used unconventional methods." Rael looks at Camila, showing her a forced smile.

"There was no other way." Camila retorts with a reassuring smile, but she is lying.

"Alright then..." Yume and Yuna speak in unison.

I can finally go to the dorm and get clients on top of that. What beautiful Marketing I have. ey are enemies!" Yuna shows her dissatisfaction.

"Enemies who helped me survive through a painful transformation, even if they used unconventional methods." Rael looks at Camila, showing her a forced smile.

"There was no other way." Camila retorts with a reassuring smile, but she is lying.

"Alright then..." Yume and Yuna speak in unison.

I can finally go to the dorm and get clients on top of that. What beautiful Marketing I have.

Please vote and add to the library so I can continue the story.

I will be grateful and it will motivate me to produce chapters.:)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

RaelDsultancreators' thoughts