

The longer she heard the crispy voice, she was sure but couldn't place it as too much was going on in her head.

It seemed all the female staff was already drowned in the deep voice. "Thank you and yes, by the next week the interns have to complete the task and promotions will be in a pipeline in the meanwhile. " Saying so , the CEO headed towards his table . The assistant asked one of the interns to switch in the light. The moment the room was back in full light, Navi felt eyes on her, as she looked up she felt herself drown in the hazel eyes. " Oooo noo Hardeep is the CEO." A wink met her, across the room, all she could do was cover her already blushed face.

Her friend Reva was saying something but she was all lost in the cufflinks, and red bow tie on the striking shirt with a black jacket.

"As per the discussion, you all can come up with your ideas, you've two days to think about the projects and the workload will be divided accordingly later on as per your calibre, now please get back to your cabins ", Mr. Rao, the assistant said . Everyone started leaving. " Ms. Navi you wait " , came the deep crispy voice.

"Mr. Rao you can leave and collect all the financial details from the concerned department and report back to me tomorrow morning". "Yes boss", saying so he left the cabin.

One could hear the heartbeat and even count. " So I'm the old grumpy CEO, Ms beautiful", Hardeep said, closing the distance between the two.

Navi, all broken in sweat, was once again on the verge of blabbering, " you could've told me", .. "and spoil the fun ", drawled Hardeep, tucking the strand behind her ear.

Almost whispering, he said near her ear , "so, what do you say now? " Leaving the goosebumps on her skin .

Navi, on the other hand was all blushing upto her hair roots , was trying to move away but Hardeep left no space keeping her rooted in her seat with his hands on both sides.

"You, you " , stammering she said, "wanted to instruct me", "o yes, you've been removed from your post", rest of the words were still coming but Navi exploded, " what, just because I called you, old grumpy CEO, you are taking away my job, no doubt you've been tagged so " and she kept on speaking but Hardeep drawn to her pink lips n deep eyes, made her quiet by just kissing on her lips and Navi was all shocked with wide opened eyes looking at him , while he deepening his kiss on the lips nibbed her on the lower lip holding her too close, almost her girls crushing into his steely chest.

The moment lasted a few minutes which was all spoiled by a heavy thump on his left foot.

"How dare you?,"

"One more insult and you know the consequences..hmm"

"Dear, you're being promoted to be my personal assistant from tomorrow morning you'll be performing your duties, go and collect your appointment letter from the desk." Hardeep said with his eyes on her pounding chest and flickered enough to see her stormy eyes.