Everyone has a love story with slight twist. They are clues that tell you who dream you're reading. Look at the names and times meaning years. If first reading the 1st book blue realm explains some of the characters each character are taken from books before and has new ones .
Jeneya returned outside the gates she paced and paced for she had never remembered how their father died.
And now finding out that she wasn't the true ruler of the Skeletons Gateway Covenant.
What would the people say not just them her sister Adessia and Quinn Oh Quinn?! if she knew I was really what she is would she love me ?
A skeleton couple with dog skeletons bones walked by and said Princess Jeneya.
Remember the rules she snapped out it and walked threw gates ending up in her sister's half of the kingdom.
Adessia sensing her sister teleports her into the castle Jeneya nervous started acting stranger then usual Adessia said am glad your back!
The two guests should be here soon and then we can eat,Jeneya what guests well Quinn and Reign.
Won't you tell her um uh Quinn I mean Jeneya said I have but never believes me Jeneya looking down in disbelief of she has knowledge of her thoughts rushing from what she had found out.
Adessia called her name 3times Jeneya, Neya, Jene she had began to change the flowers and leaves around her that body started shifting and then Adessia threw a plate at her and snapped back.
What's wrong ?What are you thinking? Adessia screamed at Jeneya you were changing Jeneya said sorry I don't feel good today I should go and then Quinn and Reign stepped in said go Where?
This dinner is for that you're finally back two days you're had us worried Quinn smiled but Jeneya teleports herself to the old castle leaving purple leaves at her sister's house Quinn in shock of the leaves followed behind her.
At the old castle Jeneya spoke out aloud show me my true mother's and the leaves around her began to forming a body from young to the place she had last been in time.
Quinn standing behind Jeneya said your Hyacinth heir the last of time and space you have the abilities of all Carew tribe's the first of the Carew.
You're Princess Azalea all higher Carew have flower names also your the Queen Kandyse and Princess Hyacinth daughter it makes sense now.
Jeneya started to coughing and crying then when Quinn approached her body she collasped when Jeneya awoke she was a the old castle still with Quinn who was sleeping beside her she went to move.
Quinn said you're still you you're just a different version of you let me tell you something Jeneya from the time I was born I was born without my soul mate do you understand...
So listen everyone in my tribe had their soul mates they're born within the other tribe's one day Princess Hyacinth ghost came to see me and told me my soul mate was in the castle in her room.
I gather my dog and two not so friends and went to see her when I got to the castle she was sitting alone my body pulled me to her so do you know who I am speaking about it's you.
Jeneya so don't get up and runaway when I'm with you Quinn pulled Jeneya close and kissed her finaly after the two stop kissing the both where teleports back to Adessia.
Her sister happy now the four had dinner as the twins spoke telepathic to each other secretly Adessia What was wrong? Jeneya my feelings got accepted just needed time alone.
Adessia really am so happy help me out through Neya ..Jeneya course the two sisters giggling too themselves.
Still in the back of Jeneya mind was the thought that her twin sister would never forgive her when she finds out and Jeneya loves her older sister dearly.
A couple days had passed and a new soul came in the twin Queen and Princess front and center of the Gateway to greet Jinu Lang who had committed suicide in jail.
Jinu pleaded with the guards who brought him not to deliver him he said I have money the guard said there is no money in the underworld you pay with the sins you did above the underworld.
The guard pushed him towards the final gate where Adessia and Jeneya we're waiting Jinu said please have mercy on me, I never did anything wrong I loved her that's all.
Jeneya not saying a word walked up to Jinu and touched her forehead and said you will see what your true transgressions your body is only a vessel for you to feed grow and love,learn.
All you done is hate, rape ,kill and destoryed lives this skin you wear is a privilege not all are born with skin some come from bones .
Jeneya now holding him up above the ground took his privileged skin off his body leaving him with flesh and Adessia removed his flesh when the two we're finally done they both said now you're just bones.
A slave to the skeletodemo you can't talk without them giving you thoughts ,you can't touch what is not yours, your life is now and always be in the underworld.
The same rules of those you took lives from don't apply to you they will be reborn and you will never.
The two walked away as Jinu was stretching his arms out a Skeletodemo came and took him into the dark lands of the underworld it's damp and cold and foggy there nothing alive.
In the crowd which surrounded him was the one of soul Reign said well thank God I was good before coming here Adessia looked at Jeneya and collasped her sister turned around and walked back towards Adessia.
Jeneya picked her up wings of light pink and yellow and purple leaves came out her back and she flew the Skeletons around we're in surprise.
For Jeneya never leaves for wings a skeletons people in the crowd said thats the colors of a Carew Queen.
Reign followed until she bumped into Quinn she said Adessia collasped and Jeneya flew off with her Quinn said come with I will take you to where the Queen Adessia, Princess Jeneya went.
They arrived Adessia and Jeneya we're in a cocoon together Reign went to step forward but Quinn held her back and said they're both becoming a new age it happens everytime.
They became older this is the final stage of their growth each new soul gives them life and when a skeletons soul passes through the final Gateway we just have to wait.
In the cocoon the twins spoke telepathic to each other Jeneya said I am the Carew and Skeletons mix and you're sister no matter what right ?
Adessia said it doesn't matter what you are of course we're still sister's no matter what.
You saved me Jeneya when dad turned we are one the cocoon changed colors outside of it Jeneya said your the true Queen of our peoples Adessia said we both are !!
Reign loves you I could feel her love for you so intensity it's true love when the time comes I want you to live above and I will take care of here Jeneya said and Adessia agreed .
They rose out of the cocoon the two holding hands like the day they're were born smiling at the new world.
The two began to glow and leaves surrounded the two Queen of the Skeleton and Queen of the Carew that was four years ago now.
Adessia and Reign are married and live in the Sunside of Up its another Realm which is looks like our Earth.
Reign has given birth triplets girls their names are Dominica Kandyse and Dylan Riley and Daniel- Elizabeth Hyacinth to honor they're soul's of the Mothers.
In the underworld Jeneya and Quinn rule over the underworld collecting soul's and are also married Quinn who chose to have their first child in the underworld.
All has gathered for the new Princess so they think as Adessia walked in the Castle she could hear cry of a baby boy was heard across the galaxy and the underworld Jeneya and Quinn named him August Liam the Prince of the Carew.
The story hasn't ended more to come.....