Everyone has a love story with slight twist. They are clues that tell you who dream you're reading. Look at the names and times meaning years. If first reading the 1st book blue realm explains some of the characters each character are taken from books before and has new ones .
Danilo is now called Judge he is straight forward and dresses up in red suits so the blood doesn't show up in his killings he is a close combat fighter.
He is now 11years old and his partner while working is Respect who is was known as Geon is killing style Bacom or Vacon is one of the deadliest martial arts in the world .
It was developed in the streets of Lima for the development of the Peruvian Military.
Respect is 16years old now he has a mustache his hair is long enough that he puts it in a man bun normally dress in a workout ware he works in a shopping center in the back.
Flower died at the age of 14 years old she tried to escape and warn the target the man called Dad took her out and the targets twin brothers who lived to torture girls and elderly women.
Kamala known as Heart killing style contain of Swords and Hammers she was Flower partner but wasn't assigned the case.
When Flower was she didn't shred a tear when Flower died not in front the others.
But behind the door of her their room she cried like no other and she got sick right after for Flower was her love mate .
Heart didn't die she stay strong and was put with Judge as partner's.
John is now 16 years old no matter what you did to him physically or mentally or emotionally he just smile with a croaked smile.
He is very muscular and he used guns of all kinds to kill and destoryed lives the man called Dad liked John very much he would test him calling him Yo-han to see if he would respond but he never did.
Moonlight learned to hack into computers and dimensional systems she uses all weapons including swords and guns she's tall slim and and becoming very attractive she 11years old.
Her partner Guardian she also 11years years old but looks much older in her body but not her face she a close range fighter and also an excellent gunsmith and gunslinger.
Her hair has become matted with leaves Moonlight separates her hair to make presentable when going out together their love for each other is innocent but could became dangerous if they're separated.
Christmas was known as Crisanto he dressed in red hat and shoes and white pants and shirt he has always watched the man called Dad.
And has taken notes and left for one other person who will take on the investigation of the man Dad.
First assignment of the execution of their first case was a student who would create a bomb substance that would destroy children and adults who had Powers and abilities.
His name was Tejas Walkerton his parents were millionaire's at the time when he was alive but once he died and any the investment in the product died with him and money fell through.
The guards of Walkerton used laser guns and flamethrower on the John which burned his body badly some of them was shocked that he even made it back to the secret sewers doors in the first place.
John died that night he was injured badly and burned when he fell at through the secret door it was heard in the sewers below.
There were phone rings through the houses of the young children and young teens home.
Moonlight and Geon, Judge,Christmas we're summoned too the sewers.
He told them too bring bandages and ointments and burn powder and a body bag also known a cadaver pouches or human remains pouch.
They all arrived about 5am and left after 1pm in the morning for the had school the next day.
John was on life support when they left but when they came back he was gone the man said.
7years has gone by and the remaining children now 18 to 23 years old have been returned back to their destination worlds except for Moonlight and Guardian who stayed together now.
In they're second year of highschool Moonlight met Fortune who she thought was Guardian she grabbed her and said What are we making for dinner tonight?
Fortune pulled her hand away and said you have mistaken me for someone else and Fortune walked away in different direction .
Guardian called for Moonlight in the opposite direction Fortune turned around when she heard Guardian voice and stood in shock as Treasure walked up behind her.
Guardian grabbed Moonlight hand and started walking towards the gates to the school grounds Fortune said thats Arizela Treasure said Where?
When they looked she was walking holding hands with a tall Thai girl the teacher came out yelling Guardian you forgot you're book again!
When the teacher saw Treasure and Fortune she was confused for the two young teen girls looked just like Guardian.
Treasure ran towards the gate while Fortune was in shocked as the teacher handed her the book and gave this to you're sister Guardian.
The teacher said that's odd Guardian said she didn't have siblings but you're definitely triplets aren't you, teacher walked away.
When Treasure got the gates the limousine was there too pick up Treasure and Fortune the young man said holding the door Are you ready Miss Cydia Wisers Dragon?
Fortune answered Yes we are ready Treasure get in now the two entered the limousine as the sat down Fortune said Mrs.Greer gave me her book her name is Guardian Chosen now.
Treasure said we have to tell the Uncle Dylan when we get home as they drove passed Guardian and Moonlight they saw that they entered the shopping market the light changed to green they didn't see where they went afterwards.
In year of 4001 the triplets and several other children were born in this 4001 year by the time they were 7year old they all were kidnapped from each time in all worlds.
Arizela and the other children we're kidnapped 4006 had arrived and the parents dreaded it at that was time when Jessimay tried a spell from the past to bring her to the missing children.
Jessimay tried to complete the spell but then the older version of Nikaya stopped her she put her in a time warp for her own protection.
Casonya had collasped at work her powers had gone out of control burning down mountains that her siblings put her in a coma.
Leaving the two remaining children went to live with their Uncle Dylan and Kyle and Nikaya they moved out the new town Paleolithic
Paleolithic soliders which helped they search for the missing children, they promised to search all galaxies and dimensional worlds that was the last they saw of the soliders of Paleolithic.
In the year 4013 they we're eleven years old Treasure now known as (Dani )and Fortune(Asha) experience they're first power of two they had the abilities to change tree branches into veins of poison or of healing in their dreams .
Treasure and Fortune have been traveling to their past when they were born in a different times and worlds and different they were male's first before they became the women they're now that including their missing sister.