

The year 1989 a building had collapsed on on top floors leading Elena too fall from the top floor to the bottom she had broken her legs and lost all memories of family and friends.

When she met Frankie she had no memory of their past before the accident Frankie is a Therapist for recover injured patients.

Frankie had been away from work due to personal reasons when she returned she was assigned to Elena Baptistě.

Two years before the accident Elena and Frankie we're in a long term relationship which ended abruptly the two lost connect.

Now Elena had no memory of them at all,at first Frankie was shocked to see her but her family explained that she was hired too recover her memories of them and some of her life before the accident not to involve herself personal.

When she met Elena she told her that her name was Mona (so she didnt get attached her,she used another name)and that she was the same age of her.

Frankie give instructions that she will teach her not only the basic's in life but also they started from scratch her alphabets and shapes and colors math and english that was the first step.

The second step she taught Elena how to cook and clean after she was cleared by the Doctor after completing her physical therapy.

Three months had past since Elena met Mona ,Elena starts having memories of a woman with no face but she can recall her laugh and the way she touches Elena and how she felt from the woman touched her.

The more she remembers about the mysteries woman the less she wants to know about her family and friends.

Francesca gets call into office the Head Therapist asked her three questions

1. Who are you to Elena?

2. Why did you use another name when dealing with this client?

3. Is there a reason you took this case?

Frankie answered Elena and I use to date years ago I chose to use my middle name because she has no memory of me I thought it would be better not upset her or her family.

I was assigned to the case I didn't know it was someone i knew long ago.

The Head Therapist said you are right I was the one who assigned you to Miss Santana case.

Doctor Quinton said I have aasigned you to another case in the hospital this best suited for you Sorry for inconvience Frankie took the case file and left.

In the office a woman comes out and says thanks dad for your help on Frankie, The woman walks out the office towards the back enterance gets in a car and waits.

Back at Miss Santana home she is waiting for Mona to arrive for her next session in life when the door bell rings she races to the door and says without looking Hey do you always leave pretty ladies alone Mona Lisa.

The responses was Miss Santana thanks for opening the door but can you help with groceries.

It was a male voice he said i am your new therapist Carl she screamed get out where's Mona get out !!!!

The young man closed the door and said Mona's been assigned to another client I can help you just like she did she trained me but you mean (Frankie)Francesca right?

Elena tilted her head and said Frankie No I mean Mona Carl responded Frankie middle name is Mona Oh I see she used her middle name with you.

Well they are the same person but she's been assigned to another client Elena stood with a blank stare at Carl.

Carl approached her slowly and said are you okay Miss Santana she answered No as tears flowed down her face he sat her down gently and he got her a glass of water she drank some.

Elena said do you have pictures of Frankie,Carl said Yes you have a box full of pictures of her Elena said I do?

Carl grabbed the box and she poured them out on the table the crying continued until Carl left.

Frankie at the Heavenly Touch Clinic meeting her new client case file name Fyne S Hello I am Francesca but you can call me Frankie.

The woman responded Samantha is fine with me Frankie still reading the case file said this session should take about a month you need to do the exercises to retrain your brain.

Once (we) meaning you have completed that the doctor will move you on to the physical therapy which will be in another month so two months then your session will be ended.

Please sign the papers here I have marked with a x we she start tomorrow at 9am sharp then Frankie left the room and a nurse entered she said Miss Fyne you need to sign the permission slips for the therapy.

Samantha answered she didn't even look at me what kinda therapist doesn't notice a gorgeous woman in front of her the nurse responded a married woman.

Frankie arrived at her apartment at 8:30pm at her home there is two cats name Lena and Mona no wife or girlfriend she works and sleeps and drinks sometimes to relax she tokes the green dragon her cats are her only friends.

Frankie started thinking about early the head prick how could just change my clients (she) would never know it was me her phone starts ringing she looks at the caller no id must be work.

Hello, Frankie Its Elena why did you lie to me Where are you? Frankie please answer Elena please stop you won't Remember me tomorrow.

Its ok go to sleep I will see you tomorrow at the park ok night she hung up on Elena end of the call she hear a echo no words and on Frankie side she could hear Elena crying for her and asking where she is?

Frankie had a dream she and Elena are in the building together the walls and ceiling start to shake and start falling on them.

Frankie gets Elena and one cat out and ran back in for the other one she woke up with sweat all over her body and 4 missed calls.

1st message from Carl Elena's at the hospital your ok right

2nd .

message from mom i saw on the news your building collapsed baby your ok right call me


message where are you Frankie Carl says that he saw Elena body babygirl call mom now


message hi am sorry you two dead Elena is waiting for you.

Frankie got dressed and started to run but noticed she was floating above the room and they're were firemen and police.

Frankie felt a tickle and looked around it was Elena smiling she said we can leave now she's waiting.

When they got the car the woman said its about time Mona and Lena have been waiting for you thanks for saving us its time to go the cats which we're part of their family we're also Angels in disguise for they rescued their owners for their love.