


No one has heard a story we're the soul's of loves have been reincarnated many times to be ripped apart everytime they get close.

Long ago were wars of Princess and Queen were ruled by kings but love flourished.

A spell some say but true unconditional love between two innocence girls which lead to bloodshed just to keep them apart.

What if ever love story in here is they're experience and love and pain and some kinda of memory within a memory would you truly read it.

I think not so a story about a young Queen who has been reborn many of lives and Princess who has always followed her blindly for that love at times.

So let me tell you now 17073 year Kauron has married Lin-jeung she has married her many times before in other lives but this one is permanent.

Permanent" Yes" In many ways for this time they can't die and they have lived and had Children and Grands for lifetimes and given chances to others.


Centuries long ago A.D two families as close as pie agreed that their children would marry 1st borns a son a daugther.

The two families had daughters again they tried many times but still daughters.

1890 two families agrees their first borns would marry a son was born with a daughter from the first family and a daughter from the second family.

The marriage was arranged the two girls had gotten close since they would be sisters soon.

So do they're hearts and the sister of the 1st family got taken to a nunnery for her sins.

Years had gone by and the sister had been beaten to death for her love of her sister in law.

Family hearing the news show no emotions but the new wife poisons herself while eating dinner to be with her.

The cruel cycle continues for years and different lifetimes in different alternate life's and Galaxies away.


The Queen hid the child in a cloud which has a special Yin and Yang with a sword inside of her.

One child everyone is warring over the child who will rewind all the pain away and time.

In the Cloud's its a sacred place and below the clouds people stare at and tell stories.

These cloud's have all the secrets of the world she is the orginal being the ones that they have been looking for.

The Queen activated the cloud's to keep that child safe for her power within herself will change the Worlds together.

The core of Cloud looks fluffy but it has all the knowledgeable of all the World's the Seas and the Air.

The future's and past and lies hidden of all species including humans.

This child is ancient from old histories and knows all the language's from now and past she was sent her into the ocean below.

For the Sirens and Mermaids wouldn't touch it but if the earth core and the planet dying they could try to move it.

The Queen of the Clouds named each child she sent into the Ocean or Sea.

1. Aries,


3.Cancer ,

4.Gemini ,

5.Taurus ,








One child has all the knowledge and can control the others to her will.

Just like the Queen before her if they are all separated they will find the Princess who will set them free.

And herself the Princess must be whole meaning one person not two for she is not a Star name.

Her parent's we're picked before the Queen hid her.

A Hammerhead shark Father and Seahorse Mother they were preordained to be the parents even they aren't together.

Her Parents are always the same people or species no matter the circumstances.

Secondary Earth Present:

Seven has been disappearing outside going on adventures on her own she discovered the whole full of glowing Dragonflies and Pink Raven's by the Hand trees.

A secret hide away under a old cave that had a pond with no fishes but frog's dancing on lily pads.

Seven joined in on the dances sometimes she could hear them speaking.

Seven discovered the mountains which had foxes singing songs which bring out spider lilies flower.

Each day Seven went out by herself and met new Species and People but when she met a dog like creature it followed her around.

Even when she tried too send him and her away but after a while Seven got a pet and named him Joran.

(Joran's body with wings of a dog tail like a bird and heads of one white wolf with red eyes and black cat with silver eyes and bird had gold eyes )

Other species Joran looked like a normal dog but older men and women knew the Beasts as Hybrid Walkers for Dream Walkers the Guardians of the Queen's

Since Jaejian got into high school she has been experiencing herself she made memories of loves and losses and Seven has been feeling everything.

Seven feels J.j heart flutters and memories of the warmth her loves of new as Seven is experiencing her adventures alone.

Jaejian has been ignoring Seven at home and when she sees her outside its not normal typical relationship between siblings you would think.

Prayer has grown and left for her love but Seven couldn't understand Why she could feel J.j thoughts?

One day Seven was out on her adventure and she saw a field of sunflowers waving in different colors.

Bright pink and green deep yellow's and light blue bright oranges just swaying in the wind floating into the air.

Seven felt like she was floating higher in the sky as she walking she met unusual a person but at second look, at first look was a cloud pulling closer to her on the ground.

The little boy said Hi Princess, Seven turned around and said I am Seven What's your name ?

He responded I am Aquarius she said that's different Let's meet up again.

I have to go before my parents notice I am gone Seven waved goodbye but Aquarius faded into a cloud above and followed her to home.

Aquarius at home above the sky told the others that he found the Princess but she not the same.

He said she's totally different and her name is 7 the others asked is she older or younger?

Aquaruis said she younger and her magic is starting to activate her abilities inside herself floating and seeing us for we are hopefully.

Gemini laughed and said well I have school in the morning as a teenage girl named Lynn.

The clouds all went back to they're homes below for the are still young and human until the Princess regains her true self.

Aquarius said I meeting her again tomorrow so will see what she truly remembers and befriend her Libra said it will be easier to unlock her true self.

At home Seven was 15 mins late but her parents we're more concerned about her sister.

J.j who throwing up she smelt like booze but kept saying she didn't drink anything.

Seven ran upstairs for she knew it must been cause by her floating in air.

J.j came upstairs yelling down at their parents she opened the door.

And said What did you do to me Seven?

Seven said I did nothing to you I have been out by myself and then J.J ran at her and grabbed her by the shoulder.

When she did that a light was pulling J.j towards Seven J.j screaming" You freak What are doing too me"!!

Then Beni and Meen ran upstairs to their room but couldn't get the door open, the light shined so bright.

That eventually the two girls we not in the room when Beni and Meen finally opened the door.

Beni shocked at not seeing the girls but could hear them Meen throw water in the room but they were stay invisible to sight.

Meen said Let's call Maria and see if she knows what's happening to the girl's she is our Queen and they we're in a cloud.

Beni and Meen leaped into the water and dove deep down into the water Beni became a Hammerhead shark and Meen a Seahorse.

They swarm until they got to the gates and then they split up Meen went to see Maria and Beni to the library to find information on the Clouds.

The next day had arrived and J.j friends are at the door of the house knocking but there is no answer at first.

So one of her friends stayed back as the our three walked ahead.

Humming to herself on the front porch of the house by the Sea and it began raining the raindrops looked pretty but you could hear.

Species complaining that it was hot water falling and not cold water which is needed for the Several Seasons on this planet.

A older woman passing by said that Queen of the Clouds must be missing the other woman said that's a old wives tale.

The two woman stopped for a moment in the streets and yelled up at the sky and said Dear Queen grant us a perfect day and the rain stopped.

And the door too Seven and J.j opened up it was Meen.

What's the yelling about?

The young girl got startled by Meen's voice she quickly got up and said is Jaejian in?

Meen said Yes but she not feeling well today, May I ask Who you are?

The young girl said I am Lynn Shian I am classmate of your daughter Meen said well I will tell her you came by.

The young girl said thank you and went on her way too school.

Back in the house Meen's half water self must stay in the house until Meen returns or calls her back.

(Some Queen Seahorses can duplicate themselves in waters and lands)

Another knock on the door and Meen answered it and her group of Mom's taking the kiddies to school.

Meen said that Seven was sick today but she be back to her bouncing self as usual one of Mom's said I will drop some soup by later Meen waved to them as well.

Maria wasn't in at the castle so Meen asked Queen Herta about the cloud children.

The Queen answered they're not children she is the Goddess of the Worlds of Centuries.

And they have meanings throughout the worlds they or I should say is Seven is from the old ancient worlds of the past she has been reborn many times.

Long ago my Grandmother told me a story of a Queen who came from the Eve gene she are a mix between Angelenos and Demons.

Seven can gave life many colors and creeds and give new lanuages and old ones but she can take back life as well.

They aren't two of them its one person they must merge before the others who protect her come if separate they will cause chaos in this world and the next.

Seven is J.j and vice versa the split into two beings cause the Cloud was interrupted by the earth dying if the Cloud stayed she would have been one being able to pick her age.

Her powers am not sure of exactly but Maria talked to Seven in the Cloud and outside would response too her voice in waves in the ocean too bringing more fish her way.

So they have some connection through lifetimes including this one.

The hibernation is Why Seven disappeared but if she comes back still separate something heartbreaking will push them into one.

And they will never separate again she will also choose the age and species she would be in this world.

In two days she will return whole or separate.