

In a realm where individuals boasting the extraordinary power of magic are hailed as "dreamers," those who manifest abilities by forming pacts with mythical beings are revered. These dreamers possess the unique talent of conjuring creatures from their dreams-be they majestic angels or menacing demons. A covenant with these ethereal entities grants the dreamer unparalleled capabilities. Yet, in this world of mystery, an unyielding rule governs the boundaries between the dream and the waking reality: beings of the dream world must remain confined to their realm, never to tread upon the soil of the humans. However, the ordinary fabric of existence unraveled when our youthful protagonist, Luca, fell asleep after an exhausting day and began to dream. In the realm of dreams, an unexpected and unprecedented encounter awaited him-Lucifer, the Demon King, materialized before Luca awaiting a human who is worthy of his power.

Daki1_7 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

"Whispers of Shadows: The Pact and the Mind's Shield"

After an exhausting day, our main protagonist, Luca, decided to take a nap. As he slipped into the realm of dreams, an unexpected visitor emerged, shrouded in a dark mist. The mysterious figure expressed disdain, exclaiming, "How was I drawn to such a weak and feeble-looking human?" Clearly disappointed by the apparent mismatch, the summoned being began to sever the dream link connecting them.

However, Luca, unfazed and displaying unexpected bravado, began to mock the being, criticizing its decision to break the link without granting him a fair trial. In response to Luca's taunts,he started laughing hysterically stating"VERY WELL, I'M LUCIFER, THE KING OF DEMONS LET THE TRIAL COMMENCE," he declared with an ominous tone, setting the stage for an otherworldly confrontation.

Luca was shocked by this revelation, finding out that he could possibly make a pact with the king of demons. Luca is now more determined to win Lucifer's trail for his "DREAM" is to become the strongest dreamer in the world. This trial is titled "duel of the shadows" out of the 100 humans that lucifer has appeared to only "one" has ever prevailed. The rules are simply defeat your opponent with one of the six weapons provided.

The rules seemed simply enough Luca stated, but....there must be catch. Luca observed all six weapons which possess an unique abilites of it's own,he examined the enemy he was about to face and thought to himself which weapon will help him win this battle. Luca decided on going with the shield of minds, This shield not only reflect physical attacks but also mental attacks.

Upon Luca's selection, Lucifer revealed a sly smirk and signaled for the demon to unleash havoc. To Luca's surprise, Lucifer unveiled the demon to be a mindbender, a demon proficient in mental attacks. The Shield of Minds, it appeared, was the ideal choice against this adversary. Lucifer, amused by Luca's decision, remarked, "How interesting. Will he be able to withstand it?".