
Beginning: Transmigration

Scorching silicon oxide and an extremely high amount of sulphur gas surrounded the air, dark smoke rose clouding the sky.

Laid there, a young boy bruised with face uneven, with cuts and gastly wounds with maggots crawling out from his legs. Luckily the sulphur in the air killed off most of them. An intense wave of pain came jaming in, bolting the uncouncious Davi back to reality.


"Where am I?"

"Am I dead?… No it can't be I can still move but... What's this feeling?"

Davi laid there wasted at the edge of the scorching valley trying to recall something... But nothing seems to be coming.

"Ahh!" He screamed

Seems like a vision, no! That would be wrong as it would confuse my readers, a transe.

Yes! It was a trance accompanied with a wave of pain from all over his body. This trance led Davi to recall all the series of events, and how he ended up in this valley.

(Sigh of disappointment)

"Of all things... A blind body?" He said out loud

"So I am dead... Or should I say, I transmigrated into a blind body" a thought of conclusion came into his mind.

"Wait... this can't be right, can it? Brother? Russell?! Russell were are you?"

"No!!!" As the scenes played out leading to the separation of Russell his brother, he screamed in pain. Finally reality finally managed to hit him; he is a pitiful, blind, sick and a failure, simply a nobody who all he has left is Russell.

Davi entered a state of emotional pandemonium, scratching his head with his uneven and dirty long nails profusely wounding himself in the process he screamed.


The seemingly blind Davi suddenly opened his eyes, and a dazling crimson glow erupted out. (Don't get me wrong readers, he cannot still see ok?)

1...2...3---10 seconds later he closed his eyes shut, (keeping them open was unhelpful anyways he couldn't see either ways, besides they where dead both in life and emotion)


This smile of Davi was normal, infact so normal that it gave a creepy and very chilling vibes.

"I am coming... Guildmasters of Raion continent"

As Davi said that, his voice fades away as he collapses once more.



The valley edge on which Davi laid cracked and completely broke out from the valley edge plummeting into the abyss below.


Davi looked as if he was completely devoid of life, as he laid at the entrance of of a dungeon. Boom! A sucking force pulled him in and after that, the dungeon vanished as if it wasn't there.

Davi didn't Know all of this as he was uncouncious.

What laid in wait for him is unknown... What then would be his fate?


Wait a sec... How did we end up here?



YES YOU! The reader don't just turn around and look in another direction am talking to you dummy, sorry I mean my very esteemed reader, do you know the answer?




I guess you don't know right? Sad... Very sad indeed. Well since you asked I will tell you the tale and beginning of davi's journey beginning from his transmigration.

How it all began...


"And that's it for today, on the subject creativity and imagination, make sure you all hand in your projects before the term runs out so as to complete your credit unit".

"I will take my leave now besides if i stayed longer the rain will be so much that I wouldn't know if I would make it home or sleep in the staff quarters" saying that Bleter left the class as all the students burst into laughter.

"Honestly, she keeps on saying the obvious things as if they where so profound" said a student.

"Of course (ofc) we all know she has lived in the staff quarters since time beginning. Does she even have a home? Haha..." Said the class dummy.


"That's going to far Ash!" Said the class representative.

"Infact that does it. As the class representative, considering the current weather I hearby assign you to your respective study groups use this time to work on your respective projects. Until the weather calms no one is permitted to leave without my consent. Am I clear?" He said domineeringly.

All nods, well except one person.

"Am I clear Ash?!" He said looking directly at Ash.

"I really hate this... He gives me so much intimidation, *sigh* guess am on the lower food chain" Ash thought as he reluctantly nodded.

"Yes! You are clear", he said.

"Good now get to work!" The class rep said as all said groups quickly assembled.

Group 5

Location: at the edge of the class just besides the window

Cold breeze poured in as the group quickly commenced.


"Hey here comes the dummy hehe" a student said who belongs to group 5

"I wonder if he even has a single credit point?" Said another.

"He always looks depressed, and continually finds trouble why is that?" Another asked.

"Ohh? You haven't heard?" Replied another.

"Heard what?" Replied the askee

"They say he is the only child in his family and even prays aloud while asleep for a sibling a boy or a girl anyone would do. To that so called God of his... How weird is that?" He replied as he laughed

"It's okay guys cut it out he is here let's get down to business class rep would be mad should he find out we covered nothing at all". Group leader said.

Ash walks in, and quietly takes a sit. Even when he heard all they said what could he do they where true and it made him sad. So he decided to just sit quietly. "What harm would that do right?" He thought.

"Should you be given an opportunity at reincarnation what would you choose and why?"

"This is the theme of group 5 project. Instructions: keep all sentiments and religious beliefs out of the line and free up your imagination... Even you may be surprised at your conclusion. Good luck" said the group leader as he read the instructions.

Looking all of them in the eye, he opted to go first as the group leader which everyone unanimously agreed to.

"Am not a fan of reincarnation but I have an idea I would love to be a mighty character and be loved by women with lots of money. Then I wouldn't have to school anymore isn't that so ladies?" He said as he cast a charming smile towards the ladies in the group as the blushed form whatever their reasons where.(because even I cannot understand the reason for blushing common?)

Soon everyone said their respective opinions and Ash was left, some opted for a common life some opted for the religious type of life and some opted for a hareem queen... How queer is that?

"So Ash what do you have to say?" Group leader said as they all turned to stare at him.


Another cold breeze blew ushering in a new wave of calm to the atmosphere.

Ash began "isn't it strange?" He said

"That?" Replied one impatiently

"That in all books on reincarnation and all fantasy genre and all there is no blind character? I should clear myself, no blind main character to be precise. Well my answer to this would be I would love to be a blind. I mean what is there to look at if not horrors and pain of this world? The pain of people crying, wailing and moaning out their tears" Ash said

At this point the whole class descended into calm, ofc the class dummy is talking although it's weird it's still as new as fuck! Who doesn't want to get a gist of it?

Ash continued "I rather be blind even now besides the world has been blind to me since my birth, what so wrong about doing the same unto the world? Being blind I have my imagination and perhaps my imaginary brother and sister my family all to myself. I don't have to learn I could just settle as a farmer or something I don't care. Just a brother, or a sister why can't I have one? Should I reincarnate and I have a brother I couldn't be any happier" Ash said at this point Ash broke down and began crying and without orders from the class rep, stormed out of the class.

"A special thanks to Bleter, for bringing out my inner most of emotions". Ash thought as he left the class. The class once again descended into a state of guilty and began to plan how to surprise Ash the next day and perhaps be that family he always wanted.

It clicked, finally the understood why he had being acting this way and they all felt sorry for having treated him that way, sadly that was the last day they would ever see him.

Walking down the hallway and into the rain, Ash walked home dejected as the thought repetitively on all he said.


"I sure am an idiot" he said as he smiled.

(A little background on Ash: Ash is a black African often confused as a black American but of rich origins as his dad is a mayor of a small town yet he was never happy well + all said above)

About 500meters to his house he heard a voice

"No your not" it said

"Who is there?" Ash said in fright.

"Do not be afraid, it is I" the voice replied.

"And you are?" Ash asked

"First of enter that Alley over there to your right it would be weird if you talk to yourself on the road wouldn't it?" The voice replied.

Ash seemed to have just noticed that a lot of people where staring at him and he quickly left the area.

"Am alone now" he called out.

"Good! Second you need not know who I am, for it is I" the voice replied ones more.

Rolling his eyes Ash said "so.. Mr. It is I... What do you want?"

"Haha you are a funny lad. To cut the chase I am here to present you the opportunity and if accepted, I would give you my very own gift. Don't worry you will know of who I am after you get my gift, or not" the voice replied.

"Ok. Mr. It is I, that is blackmail" replied Ash.

"Ohh so the class dummy knows some vocabulary huh?" The voice teased

"I am a writer duh?" Ash replied.

"Ok, I can give you a chance in another world weather or not you will like it I cannot say but the mysteries within are overwhelming. But one thing I can assure you is that the brother you have always asked for will be given to you all you have to do is accept." The voice said as it suddenly turned serious.

"Are you saying reincarnation?" Ash asked

"No, I say transmigration, for your soul shall be taken and placed inside a body and a soul is being prepared to take over yours so as to not break vtge heart of your parents" the voice replied.

"Ohh so you have thought that far? Well then just one thing this world which you speak of is there magic?" Ash asked

"Yes" replied Mr it is I.

"Good am in do your thing!" Replied Ash.

"What!? So fast not even a time to think?" Said the voice.

"No, you did say I don't have to worry about anything I was about to commit suicide anyways so what's the harm. Are you in or out?" Ash replied.

"Fine I give it to you you are queer(strange) indeed. And you where joking on the sucide part true or yes?" The voice asked

"Obviously!" Ash replied.

"Well then good bye" said the voice and with that, Ash soul entered the new world of mysteries.

"Hmmm don't disappoint me for I gave you my precious weapon okay?" The voice said as he vanished into nothingness.

But before he did, a monkey's tail, containing unparalleled divine aura erupted out.

Who then could this being be?

This is the beginning of Davi's Odessey!!!

Don't forget to add to your library if you enjoyed it.

Blazing_valcreators' thoughts