
Dreamer's dream

Elisa is a girl who has a special ability, she is able to travel to different parallel worlds in her numerous dreams.

dreameryuki · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Tramontana's world-part 10

"Go home." Elisa picks up Transformer and walks to the bus stop outside the school. Suddenly, the falling rain falls from the sky.

"Looks like the bus will be delayed." Elisa looked to her left and right to make sure there was no one but herself, and wept with the falling rain.

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you, but your face is raining on me."

Transformer touches Elisa's shoulder with her cat's paw and whispers.

Elisa took a tissue from her bag and wiped her tears.

"I'm sorry, but I..." Elisa tries to stop crying, but she can't stop crying.

Looks like it failed after all. Transformer folds his arms and sighs.

"Not all efforts will bring the expected results, I envy you, only eat, drink, sleep all day. There are many troubles and challenges in life." Elisa eyed Transformer in her arms with tears in her eyes

"So, are you crying because you failed the exam?" Transformer lifts her cheek

"How can I say it? Yes and no." Elisa forced a smile

'Why? Transformer asks

"There are so many exams, so it would be nice if I failed this time and did better next time, but what if my cooking score stays the same or I get worse reviews and I feel like I'm getting no better or worse?"

Elisa said aggrieved, wiping away her tears

"Can't we talk about this later? Now that it's happened and you've been through it, give yourself a chance to catch your breath and rest."

"Transformer says pointedly

"Yawn! Elisa sneezed and fell asleep sitting on a bench at the bus stop waiting for the bus

Transformer touches Elisa's cheek with her tiny cat paw. In contrast to the temperature of the falling rain, her cheeks are rolling hot.

"It automatically returns to real space." Transformer sits back on Elisa's feet, waiting for the chance to return to the other side. However, Transformer counts seconds after seconds in her mind, until the fifth minute, when nothing happens, he pats Elisa's hot cheek vigorously with his cat's paw. Seeing Elisa doesn't move, Transformer shouts Elisa's name loudly for several times.

However, the bus stop still only has hot cheeks, sleepy Elisa and Elisa's Transformer trying to wake up, the rain is still continuous, wet floor, wet air makes Transformer shiver.

He becomes a middle-aged man carrying a newspaper and wearing a grey padded jacket, which he puts over Elisa.

"What am I supposed to do in this unexpected situation? Just like you're waiting for the bus, I'll just wait for you to wake up and go back to normal, okay? I envy you, always so good at waiting. When it comes to the unexpected, sometimes you try to do it in a clumsy way, but you still try to solve it." Transformer looks at Elisa sleeping in a middle-aged way and stretches out her right hand to feel the raindrop.

"Will she wake up when the rain stops?" mutters Transformer.

Transformer looks suspiciously at the growing rain.


"Well, there you lie, now that you have come to a rare place, you might as well fight with me and get what you desire."

Elisa rubbed her eyes, stood up from the wet floor, and looked in the direction of the sound.

In the front left, a girl wearing a khaki raincoat and a raincoat hat with long hair looks as if she has a 15kg one-handed sword on her back. The girl's mouth turns up and she says confidently:

"Well, must it be one?"

Elisa looked around. The empty, wet floor came into her eyes.

"I don't think I have any weapons to compete with you." Elisa shakes her head regretfully

The long-haired girl in the khaki raincoat, the corners of her mouth still turned up, raised her hand, snapped her fingers, and said in a cool voice:

"Wouldn't it be nice to choose one of these as a weapon?"

In the empty landscape, accompanied by the heavy rain, colorful clouds with different expressions appeared, and they had left and right hands, and their left and right hands held a variety of knives marked Tramontana's, from old to new, with different lengths of knives.

As the rain gets heavier and heavier, Elisa is getting hotter and hotter, using her power one step at a time to approach the clouds holding different knives, but the constantly floating clouds seem to play tricks on her, making Elisa's body tilt from side to side many times. As rain drips down Elisa's cheek, Elisa waves her hand in the air, trying to touch one of the clouds floating in front of her. But no matter how many times Elisa tries, given the many opportunities, she takes the knife she wants from any cloud.

Becoming more and more hot face and tears fell without any reason mixed together, but under the rain is bigger than just now, so Elisa can not perceive their tears, weak feet Elisa reluctantly on tiptoe, the whole body leap, rushed to the front of the cloud, the boiling hot temperature spread to the cloud was thrown down.

"Well, there's something wrong with the boy!" Unable to handle the heat of Elisa's body, the cloud unconsciously releases a tramontana knife she is holding and it slips from her hand. Flying into the soft clouds, Elisa stretches her hand to try to catch the falling knife, but with a bang, the knife lands and Elisa realizes she is too late.

"If I can't even hold a weapon, I have lost."

Elisa watched as she fell to the wet floor, the knife she wanted, as she fell from the air, unconscious and weak.

"Oh, that's hard." Just now it was melting. The empty - handed cloud took a breath, recovered itself, and then said to herself: "Say, did she fall?" The clouds with empty hands anxiously looked at Elisa just now

"Master, you have taken her. "Said the cloud, floating on the shoulders of the young girl in the khaki raincoat.

With one hand, the girl took Elisa, whose body was soaked and blushing, and gently laid Elisa flat on the ground.

"It seems to be someone who has accidentally strayed into our world. Indeed, this is not the sort of place where people enter casually." The girl caught a cloud floating on her shoulder and placed it on Elisa's cheek.