
Dreamer's dream

Elisa is a girl who has a special ability, she is able to travel to different parallel worlds in her numerous dreams.

dreameryuki · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

The kingdom of Food part 1

"Let's organize all your notes and then go to our cooking class." Mrs. Melissa, who is one of the teachers who teaches culinary art in Titan's high school, she knocked at the desk slightly after turning off class computers.

It was another gloomy morning for Elisa, she wandered around a little bit and then she walked straight into room 4o2 of Titan's high school's cooking class carrying the cat "transformer" and her recipe notes as usual.

Elisa sensed other one's strange sights once again; she knew that she was being stared due to the cat "Transformer," instead of her long ponytails or normal uniforms.

It had already become my daily routine. Elisa sighed and started to wash all given ingredients.

"Elisa, What are you doing? Hurry up! You are not going to finish the plate at this pace!" Shouted Mrs. Melissa

"Yes! Mrs..." Murmured Elisa, then she washed those ingredients in a rush as she possibly could

She began to slice all the vegetables, but none of them turned out great slices such as other classmates' vegetables.

"What are those? They look like as they were poisoned! " Mrs. Melisa glared at those poisonous foods and cried.

"It had already been two semesters, haven't you practice a little bit in your house?" Mrs. Melisa looked at her solemnly

"I had..." Elisa whispered

"Practice More then, your current efforts are not enough, better try harder if you don't want to stay behind!" Groaned Mrs. Melissa

Actually... I think you know nothing about me! Even I tried hard, nothing happened as I expected, I am still like two semesters before. You surely do not know anything, aren't you? Elisa, noticing her own frustration, she silently moved her sight away from the teacher; she turned around to grab some plates. Then, she held a deep breath so that she could keep those emotions under control.

"Hey, You!"

All of a sudden, Elisa heard an unexpected sound, she didn't recognize that sound. Generally, Elisa is able to recognize all sounds that she heard for several times, but this time she clearly knew the strangers was not from her classmates, neither teachers nor friends.

"Maybe, it could be the cat Transformer?" She glared at her shoulder, but the cat was still in his cat form, he didn't turn into other people. Therefore, she gazed around and stepped backward.

"Gyaaaaaaaa!" Elisa was startled because there was a strange helicopter, also there was a mysterious creature who was driving it; the distance between it and Elisa was so close. As someone who is still 15 years, she had imagined many times about the purpose of her life and sometimes the end of her life. Nonetheless, the idea of being hit by a helicopter had never happened to her.

"Whoa! I don't want to end my life in this way!!!" She started to cry out, running at her maximum speed that she never ran before.