

"I am very dangerous and I can kill you this very moment" he said with his deadly cold voice, trying to make her run for her dear life "As long as it's you, I don't care" she said smiling brightly at him. What!!, is this girl in her right senses, she was in front of death and she was still blindly offering herself. "Do you know what I am, I am a werewo..." "I know, take me with you" she interrupted him. Aidan couldn't help but gasped in awe at this frail, weak and stubborn creature in front of him. "I can't, only if you want to experience hell with me" He said staring emotionlessly at her. "I want to experience hell with you" She said to him without hesitating. Aidan:"..." "What a brave little cat, sorry but no matter what you say, I can't." Aidan turned around to leaved, but before he could move a feet, the girl made an unexpected move... ~-~-~ She couldn't believe what she saw, the man in front of her transformed into a very big wolf that she couldn't even imagine. She could not even scream, run or even ask for help, it was as if words got stuck in her throat and her body was frozen in place as if she was under some kind of a spell. She could not help but stare into those beautiful eyes, after his transformation only his eyes were still the same, those eyes that she can't avoid to look at even though she avoided it, she always thought there were some kind of spell bounded in those eyes. She walked forward to him despite her heart beating fast in fear, he was growling at her like a wolf would whenever they were threatened by their prey but he stopped when she lifted her hands to caress the fur on his cheek. The wolf purr like a cat and looked at her eyes intently, his gaze was no longer hard on her. The two remained like that until they heard the other werewolves call, he looked sideways in the direction of the call and looked back at her before he ran off still in his wolf form. Immediately she lost contact with him, Dani woke up from her dream panting softly. Disappointed, she walked out of her bed to her laptop, she turned the lamp on walked to the window, the moon was still up. "It wasn't even long this time" she pouted and turned away from the window, but what she saw in front of her made her gasp. "Aidan!!"...

SassyQuinn_ · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Whose Husband?


Aidan dragged Dani along the corridors, she saw how the maids were looking at her with pity and some were frowning at the werewolf prince even though they were all bowing as they walked through the corridors.

The prince's pace was very fast that she had to run to catch up with him to avoid herself from falling or getting dragged on the floor as it appeared to her that he wouldn't even care if she would fall and get hurt.

She was panting really hard that her chest was heaving up and down. She even realized that the two men with the prince were at her back, she couldn't help but remember how her father walked and travelled around with his bodyguards with him.

Before she could protest, she winced as she felt something cold fall on her shoulder. Surprised, she looked around and found out they were outside the castle and it was snowing. She had never seen so many people in her entire life, so many people were watching her getting married to the werewolf prince.

Of course, they all came to see the princess that the kingdom sacrificed for the sake of the human race.

To her dismay, the prince stopped right in front of a carriage and turned around, facing her.

Again, staring at those tempting eyes made her feel like she was frozen in time.

When she realized that the prince was not looking at her but someone else behind her, she slowly turned and saw the Queen few meters away from her.

Her cheeks were wet with tears and she was holding a snow white cloak. She waved at Dani to come up to her and before she could look back at the man holding her wrist she felt felt him release his grip on her hand, assuring her to go and meet the Queen.

With a heavy sigh, Dani trotted up the brown stairs that were already cover with snow, gasping at the frigid air as her breath made a steam cloud in front of her.

She was already three steps before the Queen, and was about to take another step and just then she stepped on her dress and stumble forward, almost falling before a strong arm came around her waist to prevent her from falling.

Straightening herself, she looked to see who it was and found a pair of sky coloured eyes staring back at her.

If she had knots in her stomach right now, she was sure that it would have turned into butterflies as she gazed into those weirdly familiar eyes.

When she realized that it was the prince that had come to safe her, she quickly stood up right and he removed his hands from her waist.

"Are you alright, my lady" Asked the prince with a frown.

'Waow, so he can say that after his harsh actions a while ago. Wait how did he even reach here suddenly." Dani thought as she looked around, she also saw how every other people widened they eyes at the sudden occurrence.

"Yes, yes I am... I am fine" Dani replied

"Ella" The Queen called and Dani turned to look at her, the queen's eyes were brimming with tears as she spoke.

"I have always dreamt of this day for you, even though it is not the kind of marriage you want. I always craved for the day when my own daughter would get married and I would be present, but unfortunately for me I have only had a son but I am still blessed with a daughter. And I will always pray for your well being, hm. And Ella, don't brood too much, your mother is always here for you" She said, and Dani could not help but cry. She remembered that it was only her mother that called her Ella because her full name was Daniella.

"Oh my dear, don't cry. And please take good care of her do not let her cry except for now because she really looks bad when she does that" The Queen warned, even though she was fearful of the werewolf prince.

"Affirmative, your highness" The prince bowed in response.

"Take this I made it just for you since the day you went missing hoping that you would come back, and here you are" The Queen said proudly as she wore the fluffy white cloak around Dani.

"We should get going" The prince said before turning and descended down the stairs.

"Go my dear, you have to. Remember that you are doing this for us, our race. Please" Said the Queen as she reluctantly pushed Dani forward to go. But Dani hugged her, she didn't know why she hugged this woman who she didn't even know. But she felt like all her thoughts were washed away just by hugging this woman, and she felt a familiar warmth within.

"Oh, you should get going. Your husband is waiting for you" The Queen said

Dani descended down the stairs, but she recalled what the Queen said.

'your husband is waiting for you'

'uhn, husband. whose husband?"

I am very sorry for the slow chapter updates, I have been busy with my schedule lately.

There would be a 5 chaps mass release next week.

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