
Chapter 55: Strange Tunnel

We decided to enter together but before we could get inside Terrence breathe fire to create a light to see from the darkness. While pacing the tunnel the breeze feels strange because it feels so warm. Not like the breeze outside cold but here is warm which is odd. It should be cold just like the outside but sadly this is not just a tunnel. There's something hidden inside here and we will find out soon what was it.

We paced inside the tunnel until we reach three tunnels, wait. Another tunnel? Why there is another tunnel inside the tunnel?

"So? What are we gonna do now? There are three tunnels and we can't separate here. If we did not separate it would be hard for us to find that creature fast. BUT if we separate there would be a trap hidden inside this tunnel and it would be dangerous to each of us if we got into fight outnumbered." Terrence said.