
Chapter 18: Crisis no. 3 - Earthquake

I told Hannah and Terrence about what happens to Sapphire, at first they mad at me but I told them that Fairy Liz doesn't want me to interfere with their fate, because it was their destiny to face it but I did everything I can to get there but it's still not working. I never mentioned me seeing a grim reaper maybe they will think I'm crazy so I never told them about that. After I told them they want to see her, so I gladly say that they can go into my apartment after school. We start a new normal day, writing our lessons eating lunches and my friend went to my apartment to see Sapphire after school. While me working so later evening after I'm done in my work I'll just go home.


Now it's night time and I'm going to sleep, Sapphire makes herself a small fairy so each of us can sleep together in my bed. I closed the light before I lay on my bed after that I fell asleep.

In my dreams there are earthquakes everywhere, the ground collapsed and it went straight to the town. There are plenty of people's were devastated by the catastrophe. They weren't even prepared for the disasters because the earthquakes are suddenly coming unknowingly. There's plenty of people are screaming, running, and crying. They have family members buried in the ground, and there are people's only did was to pray. There we're buildings, hospitality, houses are destroyed by the earthquakes. If I tried o change their destiny again would that be another consequence that will happen to me or my friends? But Sapphire doesn't want me to interfere with other Fate's because this is God's trial for them. But I don't want to see something like this again, I was too scared that I lose someone important to me. But Sapphire gives me the courage to face it because my dreams are what we called a gift from God. So I must accept my personality of having this ability. Should I thank God for having a nightmare what I always saw others Fate? Or how they are killed? What if I never born like this, can I be like a normal person?

After what I dream I woke up, I looked to where Sapphire is. She's still sleeping peacefully then I searched for the clock to found out that it was 3 in the morning, but why I woke up at that time? I thought I always having nightmares like this by midnight after that I woke up with heavy breathing. The elder says that if you awake at 3 in the morning, the devil's are trying to wake you. But I don't believe them I wasn't believing in anything. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and drank it. I was going to my room when I suddenly saw something strange in the window. I went to where the window to see it more clearly but before I get there, I was shivering because I saw this grim reaper again! He was outside my window, the glass I was holding slipped into my hand and shattered caused it to make a sound. I was about to approach him when he suddenly disappeared I thought he was gone so I sighed in relief and then I decided that I will clean up the shattered glasses later when the daylight comes in. I went inside my room just to find out that this grim reaper was beside Sapphire who's still sleeping in my bed. I was shocked and before the grim reaper starts to swing his scythe to Sapphire I shout. "NO!!!" After that Sapphire suddenly woke up and the grim reaper vanished in the air. I opened the lights to see if this grim reaper is still inside my room but he's nowhere to be found. I immediately approached Sapphire and hugged her tight and cried as if I was afraid to lose her.

"Hey, are you alright? What happened?" she asked me in a worried voice. I shrug my head for not telling her what I just saw."i-it was nothing, just let me hug you" I only said. She pats my shoulders while hugging me like I was a kid which requires the care of a mother. I can't lose her, not today, not tomorrow but forever I will do everything so no one will harm her. She felt that I was shivering so she does not make a move but instead, she hugs me tight that she thought I've got nightmares again. I know she's worried about me but I can't tell her what I just saw earlier. 4 hours passed and it was 7 in the morning I did not go to school, instead, I message Terrence and Hannah to go to my apartment. And now they are here together with Sapphire I told them what I dream yesterday "in my dreams there's an earthquake near the mountains but I don't know where it is, but just like Sapphire always warned me I won't change their Destiny they have to face it alone." I said, that caused to Hannah startle what I just said." what? Are you out of your mind?! There's plenty of people will die because of the earthquake, we can't just let them die!" she said. Sapphire entered and shout at her "if he changes others Fate's again this might be the end of one of us. He doesn't want all of us to get injured by making mistakes again!"

"but---" she was about to speak when I cut her. "listen Hannah even if I want to help, but I don't want anything that can harm anyone of you. You're all my friends, my family now. I rather lose everyone but not all of you. I'm not going to interfere with other's destiny if it can make all of you safe" I said. She slapped me while she was crying. "I thought you're too kind, you even change our destiny just to save us. You even make us fly to help others in need when there's a disaster is coming. In the first place that was our mission, our motto. To help other's destiny, if their fate is making them suffer so we need to make it upside down. But I was wrong about you. You disappoint me" she said. "I can't lose you Hannah" I only said. "but you just did" she replied after that she went outside in my apartment while crying.

Terrence looked straight at me with a concerned look written on his face "I'll talk to her, don't worry about it" he said. After that, he walked out to my apartment. I look devastated I looked up to Sapphire I knows she was worried about me. I just went inside my room and locked the door so no one can see me crying. This is not the first time I cried like this, I cried like this before when my mother died.

Later on the news spread and it says that there are thousands of people who died from an earthquake near the mountains. I was stared at the window looking up in the sky while listening to the news. I don't know how can I start a new life if I have always seen their futures. It was like I'm the one who's making the world's destiny because of these tragedies that come in my dream. While I'm looking at the skies, Sapphire entered my room and brought me a tray full of foods for my lunch but instead, I ate what she made I just replied "I have no appetite" she replaced the food above the table beside my bed "but you haven't eaten this morning. You have to eat" she said.

"don't worry I'm fine, just leave it there. I'll try to eat later" I replied. She looked at me first with a sad face after that she leaves my room.

What have I done? Maybe this is my faith. But I don't want to be alone anymore, I don't want anybody to get injured because of me. And now Hannah is disappointed in me because of what I decided I've made. But I only did that just for their safety is it that bad? Do I make a wrong decision? I sighed in that thought I just wanted to help but if my friend's fates would be their substitute I'd rather not helping. I hope Hannah will understand.

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