
Chapter 159: Couple's dates?

Philip POV

After we got home safe, we take a rest and sleep a little since we were tired from getting there and to find something about how I end up alive, but the strange part was why do my friends keep talking about me that I forget about them... That they meet me inside the cave and saying that I don't remember them, but the last time I saw myself was here with them... I know what they said is true but I tried to believe them but every time I want to it's just that I'm too scared to understand since I don't remember that part.

I woke up when the night already set, I went downstairs and everyone was already there.

"So, what's your plan now Philip?" Rhea ask.

"Well, I don't know I mean we already know how I end up alive right? Of how you find me in the cave... But honestly, the man you all meet there I mean me? I don't remember that part." I said.

"But who was the person we meet in the cave if you are not him?" Hannah ask.