
Dream Trip { HIATUS! ]

the daily life of a Supreme Being. English is not my native language. I like Mc Op . . DO NOT TAKE THIS STORY SERIOUSLY.

Biggubosu · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
76 Chs


Ignoring them I went to Merlin and asked him "Merlin, how long will this take? '' Saying this, everyone started looking at me surprised and with a slight fear in their eyes, except Merlin who already knew I was there.


( Merlin ) Not long.




Knowing that their training might take a while I went to the nearest shade, creating a throne made entirely of gold. Sitting on the throne was satisfyingly comfortable, I took a bottle of wine from my inventory while I drank and relaxed.



While I was enjoying the wine I heard them talking about me.


(Jenna) Merlin, who is that man?


It was not only Jenna who was curious about that man Griamore, Gilthunder, Howzer and Hendrickson were also curious about this man who seemed to be quite intimate with the Sin of Gluttony of the boar Merlin .


( Merlin ) That man is Noa .


His next response shocked everyone .


( Merlin ) My lover!



Everyone had shocked looks on their faces they didn't expect this woman to take a lover.

They turned their heads to me and began to look me up and down, assessing me and not even feeling a magical power emanating from me, they were curious.


After they all calmed down they began to throw several questions at Merlin, but the one question they all had in their minds was.


( Howzer ) How strong is your lover, Merlin-dono?


( Merlin ) He's the strongest person here.


( Jenna ) Is he that strong? Why can't I feel any magic power emanating from him?


( Merlin ) Noa killed one of the Commandments single-handedly with one blow .

( Jenna ) He defeated one Commandment alone? which one was defeated?

( Merlin ) Galand, the Commandment of truth.

( Jenna ) That monster .


Calming herself, Jenna turned her attention back to the group in training .


( Jenna ) So guys, let's keep training. Are you still sure you're not going to train?

( King ) Yeah, I don't feel like it.

( Jenna ) Very well. I get the slight impression the Ten Commandments won't care about your will or convenience.



Looking at the black portal that formed beside her King recognized it immediately.

( Licking sound )


( king ) Ah! Oslow!


( Jenna ) A black hunter?

( Jenna ) That's something you don't see every day. And I thought they were extinct.

( Hawk ) He's a brainless dog, isn't he?


( Jenna ) Well, those of you who want to train, head to the entrance.


( Jenna ) You should leave your clothes and everything you have.

( Jenna ) Being naked is more effective for feeling your own strength and getting it flowing.


( Gowther ) You can count on me!

( Jenna ) You don't have to take your underwear off too!


( Jenna ) Moving on... You'll need something to fight with. Guys, take these. They're mere tree branches fortified with magic, but they're very strong.

Are you all ready? Then go into the cave.


( Hawk ) All right, all of you, follow my command!

( Hawk ) Don't split up!


Looking at Merlin and Jenna who were looking at a floating bubble the size of a human head. Looking into the bubble I saw that there were two people fighting a full grown lizard.

One of them was using wind and hitting the lizard on its head but it didn't seem to have any effect on the lizard. putting enough strength into his legs he jumped a few feet above the ground. channeling a large amount of wind magic into the tip of the tree branch, soon a ball the size of a fist formed at the tip and was shot at high speed in the direction of the full grown lizard, seeing that it didn't cause any damage to the lizard and backed off and let his friend try to deal with the lizard.

Looking at the other person he was channeling into his branch tree which soon covered his whole body and in his empty hand appeared a large shield made of lightning.


( Jenna ) Looks like the reserved guy is going all out now.

( Merlin ) They reached their full power in a short time. These two are interesting.


Using his tail, the lizard attacked the man with the lightning armor, defended himself with the shield and managed to stop the lizard for a few seconds, he used large amounts of magical power to strike back at the lizard who was being electrocuted, in the end the lizard gained a small resistance to lightning and managed to defeat them easily.

The two fainted and were teleported out of the cave.


Cof -Cof


(Howzer) Where is the dragon!

( Gilthunder ) Have we lost again?


( Jenna ) They were very naive. they did very well until halfway through the battle .


( Sighs )


( Jenna ) Well, you did good. That's enough to reach the next stage.


( Howzer ) We did it!

( Gilthunder ) Yes!


Ignoring the small conversation Meliodas was having with Hendrickson.

I saw Merlin walking toward me, and when she got in front of me, she gave me a beautiful smile and sat down on my lap and picked up my bottle of wine and began to drink my wine as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

Taking the bottle back and taking another sip she took the bottle again and this lasted until the wine ran out completely. Leaning her head on my shoulder she began to sleep, it seemed that I was taking care of a child, not a woman who was 3,000 years old.

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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