

After playing the last match, the workload didn't decrease. There is many other matches to play.just like that the month past.

In the last month I make many arrangements for my siblings. I have already buy the house, and hired someone to take care of it and my my siblings too. Her name is Sophia she is in her late thirties. She have a child who is already married, her husband is dead. So she doesn't have many family. She is the perfect person for the job. I have only one thing that I am waiting now is for the judge to send a notice to my aunt.

There is still two weeks now before the magazine is for sale. I want to finish with this. Because if my aunt take notice of those things, she will make the matter more difficult to get my money. I know that she didn't have money anymore. She had already take what my parents leave for us. This is what I know my siblings is in danger. If I don't do something this her greed will kill us.

Today is a good day because I am at home and there is no training. After so many matches in the last month the coach give us a day. I am with my family. I am helping my sister with her homework, when the door is open and my aunt come in, but she with someone else.

"Oh you are here"

"Hello aunt Felicia"

"Ok let me tell you something. This person is my husband. I am married and he will come to live here with us."

"Hello guy my name is Tonio William."

One look at him and I know he is no different then my aunt. He is truly fake.

"Hello Mr Tonio, my name is Alan and this is my siblings, Elie and Antony"

"No need to call me Mr we are family now just call me Tonio."

"Ok we will leave you alone"

"Alan what are you doing here today"?

"Ah nothing much today is off and I decide to stay at home aunt Felicia"

"Ok you can go don't disturb us."

We didn't say anything more. But Tonio eyes never leave my sister's face and mine. I already knows what goin on in his head. I will not take the risk to let that thing happened to my sister. So when I enter my bedroom i say.

"Elie if I am not home don't ever open your room to that men. Do you understand ? I am really serious"

"Why he is not bad"

"He is just like Felicia"

"Ok I will obey."

But still I am not satisfied. I make a call to Carlos.

"Hello Carlos Where are you"

"Ohh Alan I was just going to call you. I received a call today I sent everything you give to us and even assure that you can take care of the children. So when I let the Judge take a look about your ability, he agreed. But with some restrictions. Someone will visit every once a month to take a look at the children condition."

"So is everything ok the layout of the house us ok too.?

"Yes can I take them her already"?

"Yes you can. is there a problem"

"Yes there is a big problem. Felicia is married to a pervert. So I want to take out the children. There is one more thing. I think that the guy know about me this is why he contact her."

"Ok tomorrow i can come"

"No I don't want to take a chance. Come fetch us tonight 7:30. They will go out so we need to move."

"Ok tomorrow the judge will send the notice to them."

"I will wait for you"

With all the expenses I do in the past week, I am broke now. But not for long. With the release of the magazine in two day I can make some profit and sign the contract.

"Elie prepare yourself we are going out tonight."


"I have already by the house and arrange everything. You need to pack all of your things. Use the briefcase I buy for you be quick"

"Ok I will do that"

I then go to my bedroom too and prepare my and Antony thing.

"Brother are we going somewhere"?

"Yes we are going to our new house"

"Really I don't want to go with aunt Felicia"

"Don't worry she will not come with us"


In the evening Felicia call is for dinner. It's a first.

I think that she didn't want to leave some bad impression in front of her new husband. When ate in silence. Tonio sometimes ask us some questions. After the dinner I propose to wash the dishes.

20minutes later I was in the living room watching TV before Carlos arrive, when I see Felicia and Tonio together. She wore a sleeveless dress and gad apply some light makeup, and Tonio a black pant and a simple shirt. I didn't gave them another glance and continue watching.

"Alan we are going out don't wait for us"


I don't give a damn about them. 10 minutes later Carlos come with a pick up we load everything inside and he take us to the Villa.

On the road there, he tell me about all of the adjusting I want him to make. The environment is peaceful. The security is good too. The Villa has two floors.

On the first floor there is a bookstore for my siblings, a game room for my brother and two bedrooms. On the second floor, there is 3 bedrooms one terrace. At the back of the house there is a courtyard that I converted into a small soccer field there is a small piscine too for the children.

That house and the layout take all of my savings but I don't regret anything.