
Dream A Lost Time

Life is unpredictable and filled with all kinds of mysteries and unexpected events. After a year of deep sleep, Rey woke up from his coma. Due to a Coma, He lost all his memories. However, Rey remembered pair of beautiful pale indigo eyes of a person from his past. He started to search for that mysterious person with that he felt some deep connections. Unfortunately, people around him never met a person like that description. Rey asked his family and friends about his past life. However, no one was willing to say anything about his past. Fortunately, he started recovering some of his memories through dreams. He felt closer to reach to the truth of his past life as he started regaining his memories back.

Warrior_7 · สมจริง
11 Chs

Dream a Lost Time

Chapter 9 My days are silent without you

White snow started falling from the sky. Young boy with short black hair and ocean blue eyes walking on the street while leaving a trail of his footprints behind. He looked up at the sky and lifted his hand to catch the snowflakes on his hand, "it's already winter, ha." He looked beside him and felt someone's presence. It was a short brown hair girl with shining hazel eyes. He looked at her beautiful smile and his lips curved up unconsciously. Girl's illusion just faded in a few seconds and Rey found him staring at empty space. There was no one beside him. Even after her illusion disappeared, his smile was still there, "It has been already six months since I last saw you, but sometimes I feel like you are still here with me." Rey fixed his muffler and continued walking. Rey stopped in front of a café and entered it. A 22-year-old boy with short spiky black hair looked at Rey with his deep brown eyes. He wore a uniform with black full sleeves and pants. It was a small café with three employees working at once. He greeted him with professional smile, "Hi there, how may I help you." Rey responded him back, "hello, can I have one double-double special." Cashier punched the order and asked with same smile on his face, "That's all for today." Rey said, "that's all." And paid with cash for his order. Cashier collected the cash and gave the drink to Rey, "thanks, have a good day." Rey and grabbed the coffee cup and responded back while walking, "you as well, thanks." Rey lifted the coffee cup to his mouth. He took a sip and felt the taste of hot coffee on his tongue. He continued walking while taking small sips from the coffee until he reached the park close to his house. He stopped and looked at the 2 kids who were playing with snow in the park. He illusioned himself and Kiniko while looking at Kids in the park. Rey started to think about the last days that he spent with Kiniko.

Few days after the festival, Rey was leaning against the bars at the school rooftop. He was looking at the sky with lonely eyes. Roof door opened and Rey looked at the figure with orange spikey hair and recognized him. "Chinta, what's he wants?" Rey asked himself. Chinta walked to Rey and asked, "Rey, do you know anything about Kiniko's transfer." Rey looked up and replied with sad look, "I know." Chinta felt little surprised when he heard his answer and said to him, "Did Kiniko tell you about this?" Rey replied with same sad expression, "Mom told me that Kiniko's father is going to transfer back in City of Nirvana." "Then, what are you going to do?" Chinta asked with a little upset expression. Rey stood up and held the bars. He looked at the blue sky and replied in a sad tone, "what can I do? It's not like I can stop the transfer or something. it's not an anime or manga where the protagonist can just stop the decision of the heroine's parents." Rey continued, "Besides, it's not like that she is going to another country or something, where I could never see her again." Chinta about to ask something, "what…?" but interrupted by Rey, "I don't want to make it hard for her, so I just want to say goodbye to her with smile, so she could be happy." Chinta heard his decision and agreed with him, "I guess that's okay, if that what you want." Rey put fake smile and said, "it's already time for next class, let's go." Chinta and Rey descended the stairs and walked to the classroom. Rey took his seat and looked at the empty seat next to his, "she has not come again." Next lecture started, but Rey's mind was still somewhere else, "in a few days, we will not be in the classroom. Every time this thought comes into my mind, my heart aches." Rey attended all the lectures without concentration on study.

School was over. Rey left the school with his friend Chinta and parted ways with him on the way. Rey crossed the small bridge and reached the small park. He moved his eyes towards the park out of habit and saw short brown hair girl sitting on the bench, "Kiniko." He walked to her and called her name, "Kiniko." She was lost in her thoughts. Rey woke her up from her stupor. She looked at Rey and called his name in slow tone, "Rey." Rey looked in her eyes that lost the usual spark and asked her, "Why didn't you come to school today?" Kiniko fell silent and she did not respond. When Rey did not get any reply, he sat down next to her and he said while pointing at the slide, "we met here in this place for the first time and then you took admission in my class. We became friends from that day. Time does really fly, isn't Kiniko?" Rey looked at her face and continued, "look Kiniko, I know you are transferring to another city. Mom already told me about everything." Kiniko's expression changed into surprise when she heard his last words, and she faced him. Rey continued when he looked into her eyes, "Look, I know you are sad. You probably don't want to leave this city. No one from us wants you to leave either. It doesn't matter if you are living in another city or anywhere else. We will always be your friends. and you know, it's not like your parents transferring into another country. So, we can meet whenever you want." Kiniko hugged him and she asked, "you won't forget about me, won't you?" Rey was taken back by her sudden actions but composed himself, "I told you; I will never forget about you." He moved a little back and released himself from her hug. He cupped his hands around her face and looked in her hazel eyes, "Don't be so sad, okey. let's go I will walk you home." Kiniko nodded. Rey dropped her at home before leaving.

Rey came back to present from his thoughts. He almost drank the coffee while watching the kids playing in the park with snow. Snow falling speed increased and almost everything turned into white. Children stopped playing and left the park with her mother. Rey walked to the garbage bin and threw the coffee cup into the bin. Rey thought to himself, "I wonder, what are you doing right now?" and he left for home.

Chapter 10 Encounter with fake girlfriend

Rey walked out from the convenience store and started walking while carrying one bag in his hand. He walked for five minutes and took left turn to the apartment building. He climbed up the stairs to second floor of the building and stopped in front of his apartment. Rey was living alone in the apartment because his mom went to overseas for her work. Rey took keys from his pocket and opened the apartment. He entered the apartment and put the bag on the shelf. He separated the things and put some of the food canes into the refrigerator. After setting up all the things, he took one packet of noodles and started preparing his food. He already prepared the ingredients before leaving to convenience store, and now he just needed to have the noodles to boil. He looked at wallpaper on his phone screen while preparing the noodles. It was picture of Rey with his mom. "It has been 2 months since you went for your work. I did not hear you since then. I just received 3 letters later, and herewith my allowance from you," Rey thought while staring at the screen. Charlette told him that she would be busy in her work for few next months, and she probably could not even contact with him. Rey did not know the details about his mom's work and nor he ever asked her. He tried to contact on her cell phone, but no avail. He received letters from Charlette Every month, in which she always told him not to worry and she would come back soon. So, he was not that much worry about his mom, but still felt uneasy not having to see her for last two months. he looked at his food and it was ready to eat. he took the food on the dining table and started eating. Rey looked at the date on his phone and thought to himself, "Classes are starting from tomorrow. I should change my sleeping schedule now." Winter season was already there, and Rey was now in 10th grade. After Christmas vacations, it was beginning of the new semester. Rey ate his food and walked to sink to wash the dishes. He washed the dishes and put the dishes on the racks to rinse. After finishing with dishes, he walked to his room and looked through the window at the sky, "it's so dark outside, even with streetlights." He closed the curtain and walked to his bed. He laid down on his bed and started scrolling his phone. After using his phone for a few minutes, he set up the alarm and put his phone on the small table close to his bed. He fell into the dream world while looking at the roof.

Next morning, Rey was outside of his apartment while carrying his school bag. He was in black winter uniform. He locked the door and started descending the stairs. He looked at the sky, "There is no sign of sun, it's so cold today" and started walking with his hand in his pockets. Rey was walking to his school when someone called him from behind, "hey, stop please!" He turned around and looked at the figure who was running towards him while waving her hand. Rey did not know the person, but looking at her dress, she was a student from his school. Question started roaming around in his mind while he was looking at the girl in black uniform, "who is she? I never saw her in school. is she a new student?" Girl was running to him. She slowed down her speed when she reached close to him, but unfortunately her feet slipped, and she fell on Rey. Rey tried to catch her unconsciously, but his feet slipped too, and fell backward while the girl top on him. "Damn it!" he cursed while feeling a little pain. He closed his eyes when fell. When he opened his eye lids and showed lights to his ocean blue eyes, his eyes met with the beautiful pale indigo eyes of that girl. Her beautiful wavy blonde hair fell on his face, but he was still lost in her eyes like someone looking at something so mysterious. She blinked, and Rey came back to his senses, "hey how long you are planning to stay on me like this," She also was in dazed and snapped out from his spell, "I am sorry." She moved herself from on top of him. Rey stood up and started cleaning up his dress. Snow was already removed and in the last few days there was not much snow on the walkway, that's why Rey did not get dirty. After confirming that his dress was not dirty, he was about to start walking, but she stopped him, "wait." Rey looked at her and replied with a neutral expression, "look, I am already late because of you. so, don't waste my time. Tell me, what do you want?" She fixed her ponytail and her blonde bangs fell on her forehead. "don't you recognize me?" she asked instead of giving an answer to him. He shook his head and said with the same expression, "no, I never met you in my life. So, don't waste my time. if you don't know the way to school, then just follow me." She started walking with him, but she did not stop talking, "don't you remember me? We met on the day of Christmas. I recognize you; you are the one who saved me that day." Rey looked at her and thought about the day of Christmas.

It was the day of Christmas. "Today is Christmas, mom you still have not come back home" Rey thought while walking to the mailbox. He saw one mail in his mailbox and said, "I know, you will send me something on this day." He took the mail and opened it and started to read, "hi Rey, it's mom. I know you are angry. I wanted to come to celebrate, but I could not. I am sorry Rey...." Rey saw some money in the envelope and put it into his pocket as well. He threw the envelope in the garbage after coming down from the apartment. City was decorated with lights. There were Christmas trees almost in front of every house and in front of shops which were decorated with lights. All the lights looked like little stars in distinct colors from the above. Rey was walking on the streets. City was filled with cheerfulness, and people were enjoying Christmas with their loved ones. Rey stopped at the traffic light because it was red. He pressed the button on the traffic pole. He saw a blonde girl with wavy hair walking towards the pedestrian walkway. First, he thought that she was going to stop. but when he saw her walking on the walkway with a red signal. He approached her and pulled her towards himself, "hey watch out." She got close to his chest. He looked at her and asked, "are you alright?" She looked at him with her half-opened pale indigo eyes and the image of black -haired boy with ocean blue started forming in her mind. She felt a little headache and thought to herself, "what just happened?" She was still feeling a little dizzy and could not hear clearly what Rey was saying to her. In a few seconds, she started to feel better, and Rey's persona became clearer to her. She heard, "are you alright? Do you need to see a doctor?" She composed herself and Rey released her from his arms. She said, "thanks, I just felt a little headache and my head started spinning. But now, I am alright." Rey asked her once more, "are you sure? You don't need to see the doctor." She confirmed that she was alright. She moved her eyes to her phone screen. Rey took a glance at her and started crossing the walkway. "10 missed calls; he is going to be angry at me." she thought while her eyes were on the phone screen. She averted her eyes in the direction where Rey was standing, but he was already gone. She thought to herself, "I am such an idiot. I haven't even asked his name."

She was walking with Rey on the way to school while talking about the day she met with him. "I forgot to ask your name that day. I am Kayoko and what's your name?" Rey replied with neutral tone, "I am Rey." They arrived at the school. Rey was walking to his classroom, but he stopped and looked at Kayoko who was still behind him, "hey, stop following me! go to your class." She replied with pouting expression, "I am not following you. my class is also in this way." Rey did not argue with her and continued walking. He entered the classroom and sensed her still following him into the classroom, "No way! don't tell me, she is in my class. what is this feeling? something is bad going to happen." Rey continued walking to his seat without looking back at her. Half of the students were already present in the room, and they looked at new girl with curious eyes. Rey took his seat close to the window and averted his attention from around while lost himself in his own thoughts. Kayoko made good impression on other students with her lively personality. Some girls circled around her and started asking question to her, "what's your name? which school did you study before? Where do...." Boy with spiky blonde hair, and green eyes who was sitting in front of Rey turned his head towards Rey, "Hey Rey, how do you know this new girl? Rey moved his head towards him and answered, "I don't know anything about her." But Kayoko's answer was completely different than his when one of the students asked her, "what is your relationship with Rey? are you two related or something?" All the students watched her coming to class with Rey. So, they were all curious about her. They were curious but did not expect the answer she gave. Kayoko looked at girl who asked her that question and answered with smile, "my relationship with Rey. he is my boyfriend." all the students felt like they did not hear right and asked to her in unison, "boyfriend! you say." Kayoko nodded at them. All the students turned their attention toward Rey. Girls had shocked expressions on their faces and boys showed hostility at him. Rey's face turned pale when he heard that, "Damn! this girl. I knew, she was going to do something bad, but I did not think that she would lie in front of all class." Blonde hair boy looked at Rey with little angry eyes, "you said! You don't know her." Rey was about to reply to blonde boy, "Ken…." But interrupted when teacher entered the classroom, "hey you guys, take your seats." All the students scattered to their seats and paid attention to the teacher. Kayoko was the only one who was standing there alone with the teacher. Teacher said, "You should have come with me, but it's okay. you already introduced yourself then let's just find a seat for you." Teacher looked at empty seat next to Rey's side and made gesture with her finger, "you can sit there next to Rey." Kayoko thanked her with smile, "Thanks miss Yumiko." Yumiko wore a combination of black and white dress and her neck length hair set loose. She had semi rimless glasses on her oval shaped face, but her black eyes were still visible underneath glasses. She was quite friendly with her students and one of the most famous teachers in the whole school. Rey deeply sighed when Kayoko sat next to him and thought while looking out the window, "it's just like before. Why I am feeling 'déjà vu'." He took a glance at her and thought about the time he met with Kiniko in the classroom for the first time. Miss Yumiko started teaching mathematics after she finished with attendance.

After taking some boring lectures, students finally get a break. Rey stood up from his seat and walked towards Kayoko who was talking with some girls. He moved his hand towards her hand and held her arm, "come with me." Kayoko looked at him with a confused expression, but she did not refuse him. She smiled at the girls around her and walked with him. Rey did not have a bad reputation in school. In Fact, he was a decent guy in a student's eyes even though he just enrolled in that school a few months before. Student did not pay that much attention towards both and got busy talking again. Rey ascended the stairs on the way to the rooftop while holding her arm. His expression was neutral, but Kayoko felt like he was angry somehow. She asked while walking with him, "hey Where are we going? Why are you angry with me?" Rey looked at her with small smile and replied to her with sarcastic tone, "are you afraid from your boyfriend?" She understood why he was angry with her because she created a mess in the class in the morning. Rey opened the door on the rooftop with one hand and made her lean against the wall around the staircase. She felt a little scared and stood against the wall like a statue without uttering a single word for a moment. Rey propped his right hand against the wall and looked into beautiful pale indigo eyes. From the audience's perspective, it could be an ideal example of a famous romantic pose 'wall slam' in Anime or Manga. However, in that situation there was nothing romantic in their eyes. Rey asked while still looking straight in her eyes, "You already know the answer, Aren't you?" Kayoko nodded by blinking her eyes. "So, why did you do that," Rey asked with a neutral expression. Kayoko replied to him, "do you have crush on someone or girlfriend?" Rey's lips twitched and felt irritated, "that's not the point. I am asking you, why did you lie?" Kayoko felt more scared after hearing his angry voice and answered with a shivering tone, "I don't know why I did it. It's just, I wanted to say or rather I wanted to know the feeling of having a boyfriend. so, I just said that." Rey's angry expression turned to confusion, and he lost in his thoughts, "this girl is really a problem. What the hell, she just wanted to feel how to have a boyfriend, and she just lied in front of the whole class." Teardrops started falling from her eyes and she said, "it's not like you have a girlfriend. Can't you play the role of my boyfriend?" Rey woke up from his thoughts and looked in her teary eyes, "stop crying, and what are you talking about? Role! This is not a game." Her tears did not stop, and Rey thought while looking at her, "Damn It! Now I am the villain here." He said, "Okay, I will act as your boyfriend, but it's just an act, don't bother me too much." She stopped crying, "really, I know you are a kind person." Rey did not answer and just left her. Rey started descending the stairs and stopped, looked back towards the figure of a blonde-haired girl, and thought, "did she make a fool of me, or she was really crying. Whatever, now I have one more thing to worry about." Kayoko looked at him and said to herself, "I did not think this would be that easy." Rey walked to the cafeteria and bought lunch for himself. and after eating his fill, he came back to the classroom in time for the next lecture. He entered the classroom followed by Miss Yumiko and walked to his seat. Miss Yumiko started the next lecture.

After school, Rey came back to his apartment. He felt exhausted and fell on bed. He looked at the roof, "that girl…"

That day, Kayoko entered Rey's life. New chapter begins in his life.

have a beautiful day or night.

Warrior_7creators' thoughts