
Dream A Lost Time

Life is unpredictable and filled with all kinds of mysteries and unexpected events. After a year of deep sleep, Rey woke up from his coma. Due to a Coma, He lost all his memories. However, Rey remembered pair of beautiful pale indigo eyes of a person from his past. He started to search for that mysterious person with that he felt some deep connections. Unfortunately, people around him never met a person like that description. Rey asked his family and friends about his past life. However, no one was willing to say anything about his past. Fortunately, he started recovering some of his memories through dreams. He felt closer to reach to the truth of his past life as he started regaining his memories back.

Warrior_7 · สมจริง
11 Chs

Dream A Lost Time

Chapter 7- Days in Middle school

In his room, Rey was taking out a white shirt from the closet. He put his white shirt on and walked in front of the mirror while closing the button on his shirt. He looked himself in the mirror and combed his short black hair. Someone Knocked the door and Rey gave permission to the person to enter, "Mom, come In." His voice was also changed slightly like his other physical features. Charlette opened the door and entered the room. She a wore casual winter clothes with her long hair tied as ponytail style. Even she aged around 5 years, but it did not affect even slightly to her beauty. In fact, she became prettier. She asked to Rey, "how long will you take?" Rey finished working on his hair and looked at Charlette, "I am coming in a minute." Charlette nodded and descended the stairs. After fixing his hair, Rey walked down the stairs and entered the Kitchen area. Charlette who was serving the food looked at Rey and said, "Rey, take a seat." Rey walked to the dining table and took his seat, "thanks mom." Charlette walked to the other side and sat down. Rey started eating and complimented on food, "Taste great! mom." Charlette thanked with sweet smile, and asked to him, "thanks Rey. by the way, have you bought your all books for this semester?" Rey nodded while enjoying the food. Rey was now in 8th grade, and it was the start of new semester of 8th grade. After eating the breakfast, Charlette gave a lunch box to Rey. Rey walked to his room on the second floor and put his black blazer and black necktie with white stripes on. He put the lunch box into his bag and descended the stairs. He was in little hurry while descending the stairs and opened the front door to inside. Someone was about to approach the doorbell but startled by his actions. It was winter, snowflakes already started falling from the sky. The person behind the door slipped and about to fall, fortunately Rey dropped his bag and caught her in his arms. She had a wooly hat on her but still her brown bangs were little visible on her forehead. She wore a black blazer on her white shirt, and black Tights underneath black skirt. Rey looked in her beautiful hazel eyes and blinked while thinking, "Kiniko, what is she doing here?" Kiniko's position was at around 130 degrees backward falling angle, When Rey caught her in his arms. Rey was still holding her in his arms while in stupor. Kiniko blushed while found herself in his arms and said to Rey in nervous tone, "Thanks Rey, I am alright now." Rey came to his senses and supported her to get back on her feet. Rey apologized while feeling little embarrassed, "I am sorry." She replied in her sweet voice while picking up her bag, "it's alright." Rey also took his bag and asked her, "shall we go?" She nodded with her head. Rey took a glance at her and thought, "I never thought that she would become this pretty." Kiniko looked at him and asked to Rey while blinking cutely, "is something on my face Rey." Rey averted his eyes and replied with nervous expression, "no, no there is nothing on your face." Someone shouted their names from behind, "Hey Rey and Kiniko." They both looked back in the direction of the voice and recognized the person. The figure with spiky orange hair was running towards them. It was Chinta. Rey and Kiniko became friends with him in the starting of middle school. They were in the same class from the first year of middle school. Chinta joined Rey and Kiniko. They arrived at their school in a few minutes. They entered the school building and joined the morning ceremony with the other students. After attending the ceremony, Kiniko saw her friends Miya and Reet. Miya had beautiful deep brown eyes underneath the glasses and her hair was styled as twisted ballerina bun. Reet's light brown eyes followed the gaze of her friend and met with Kiniko. Her long shiny black hair was styled as a simple braided ponytail. Kiniko called to her friends, "hey, Miya and Reet." They responded back to her by waving their hands and walked to her. They started chatting while walking to their classroom. It had been 3 years since they became friends and were studying together in the same class. They reached the classroom and entered the classroom. Shortly after, a middle-aged man entered the classroom. He was quite the good-looking man with his short beard cut and long blonde hair. His name was Steven Hawk, and he was the teacher of that class. He welcomed his students and introduced himself. There were 90 percent students already studying under him in the previous classes but still there were some new students, so he decided to introduce himself to them. After his introduction, all the students introduced themselves one by one. After the introduction, he started teaching them English, "let's start the first lesson of this semester…..."

It was lunch break. Rey was eating lunch with Chinta. They could not go outside because of the snow, so they ate lunch in their classroom and cafeteria. Kiniko looked at Rey while entering the room. Miya and Reet looked in the direction where Kiniko was staring. Miya whispered to Kiniko, "hey Kiniko, why don't you eat with him. Isn't Rey your boyfriend?" Kiniko turned her red apple-like face towards Miya and said, "we are just good friends, don't say things like that." Reet looked confused by their action; she did not understand what both were talking about. Miya replied with a sarcastic tone, "oh, what your face is saying is something else." Kiniko felt a little annoyed but did not refute her, "whatever!" She did not show her face, but she thought, "I really want to eat lunch with him." She looked at Chinta with angry eyes and thought to herself, "why is he the one eating lunch with Rey. I should be the one eating with him." Chinta sensed something scary watching him and turned his head towards Kiniko. Kiniko averted his gaze now he looked towards her. Rey also followed the direction of where Chinta was looking at. Rey asked Chinta, "hey, what happened?" Chinta replied with a neutral expression, "it's nothing." And started eating again. Rey looked again at Kiniko who had now already started eating with her friends.

After eating, he stared at the sky from the window. Shortly after, lunch break was over, and the next lesson started. Steven came back to the classroom and started the next study lesson. After a few more lessons, the first day of the new semester was over. All the students started leaving the school. Rey and his friends were no exception either. Rey was walking with Chinta while followed by Reet, Miya and Kiniko. Kiniko and Rey parted ways with their friends on the way home. White snowflakes started falling from the sky. Rey and Kiniko walked across the small bridge. Rey took a glance at the park while walking and recalled the first day he met with Kiniko. His lips formed a smile while reminiscing of his past. Kiniko looked at Rey and asked to him, "why are you smiling?" Rey looked at her with same smile, "I just remembered how I met you in this park and you were such a crybaby back then." Kiniko pouted and said in teasing tone, "you were the one who played the role of my knight." Rey's smile froze at that moment he heard those words. Those words reminded him of the most embarrassing moment of his life which he wanted to exterminate forever if he could. He felt despair at the fact he could never rid of those memories and his expression darken. They were both just about to reach Kiniko's house. Kiniko looked at his expression and asked him with sad eyes, "Rey, you really don't like those moments of our life. don't you." When her words entered his ears, then only he realized that he was wrong. He did not regret any of those moments, in contrast those memories made a smile on his face every time he thought about those memories. Rey looked in her eyes which were about to dwell tears and his expression turned gentle. He held her small hands and replied while painting gentle expressions on his face, "I am sorry, if I hurt you. I won't regret anything." They were already in front of Kiniko's house. as they were busy in talking, someone opened the house door, and it took their attention. Both looked at the direction of the door and Makino came out from the house. Rey said 'hello' to Makino. Makino suggested to both, "come in you both. it's cold outside I will make you tea." Rey shook his head and rejected the offer, "thanks, but I have some work." Makino did not force Rey. Rey said goodbye to Kiniko and Makino and walked to his home. Shortly after, Rey arrived at his home. Rey opened the door and said, "I am home." Charlette heard him and she walked out from her room and asked him, "how was your day?" Rey answered, "it was good." He spent evening time with his mom and ate dinner with her before going to bed.

Sometimes I think, what are your thoughts?

Warrior_7creators' thoughts