
Dream A Lost Time

Life is unpredictable and filled with all kinds of mysteries and unexpected events. After a year of deep sleep, Rey woke up from his coma. Due to a Coma, He lost all his memories. However, Rey remembered pair of beautiful pale indigo eyes of a person from his past. He started to search for that mysterious person with that he felt some deep connections. Unfortunately, people around him never met a person like that description. Rey asked his family and friends about his past life. However, no one was willing to say anything about his past. Fortunately, he started recovering some of his memories through dreams. He felt closer to reach to the truth of his past life as he started regaining his memories back.

Warrior_7 · สมจริง
11 Chs

Dream A Lost Time

"Everyone's life is just a part of the story; characters can only do what the writer wants them to do."

Chapter one "A girl in my dream"

Young boy leaned against the wall, and he slowly opened his eyes. Even though he opened his eyes, he still could not see a single thing. He tried to blink his eyes a few times, but unfortunately, he could not see anything. He had a flurry of questions circling in his mind, "am I blind? Why can't I see anything? Who am I? What am I doing in this place? He tried to remember about himself, but he had no luck. He tried to recall his memories, but it was like someone wiped out all his memory. He had no memories of himself. "Why can't I remember anything?" young boy thought. He was still lost in his thoughts, when suddenly something happened. He saw a faint light and his body reacted unconsciously. He tried to stand up in a hurry, but he fell on the ground. He did not realize before, but his body was too weak to lift even himself. "Why is it so hard for me to stand up?" he thought while struggling to stand up. He looked at the direction of light and thought, "at least I am not blind, I can still see. This place is so dark, that's why I can't see anything." Even the light was faint, but still it was a big hope for him. Once wiseman said, "A tiny bit of hope can lead you to light even if you fall into a deep pit of darkness." He tried repeatedly to push himself towards the light. Finally, after a few tries, he was able to stand up. He managed to stand up, however his legs were still shaking. He tried to step forward towards the light, but unfortunately, he fell on the ground again. However, he did not stop trying. He tried repeatedly to stand up and walk towards the faint light. He fell 10 more times and after that he finally managed to walk. It took him so much effort to take just the first 3 steps towards the light. After taking the first three steps, he felt something had changed in his body. It was like he suddenly got his strength back, and his body started recovering. Even though he could not see his body, he could still feel the changes in his body. He started walking towards the faint light. As the distance was becoming short between him and faint light, faint light started growing brighter. He picked up a pace and started walking fast. When he was about 100 meters far from the light, unexpected changes occurred around the light. Bright energy waves started to gather around the faint light, and it started to change its shape. That unparalleled phenomenon happened for an incense of time. Faint light turned into a beautiful young teenager girl. She had long beautiful blonde wavy hair. Her eyes were closed, and it looked like she was in deep sleep. From the looks of that it was like she would never awake again. However, the aura around her was still bright and warm. Young boy froze for a moment when he looked at a beautiful person in front of him. She was like a goddess of light straight from heaven. "How can someone be that beautiful?" Young boy thought in his mind. Young boy was still in his thoughts while the beautiful maiden opened her beautiful pale indigo eyes. She looked straight at him, and her lips curved up while forming an exquisite smile. Young boy looked straight in her eyes. His heart started beating so fast while looking in her eyes. While he was looking at her, he saw a change in the atmosphere. He suddenly saw dark blood red eyes lurking behind her. His heart filled with terror when his eyes met with the sinister aura behind her. It was getting larger and larger. He wanted to warn her, but it was too late for her. He could not even utter a single word due to fear. However, he gritted his teeth and ran towards her, but the bloody demon already caught up to her and snatched her. He helplessly looked at her while a bloody demon took her in front of him. Demon was flying while holding her in his sharp claws. He tried to reach out to that girl, however he was no match for that demon, and he just fell on his knees. He stared at that girl and painted a smile on her face. He kept staring at her until she completely disappeared in front of his eyes. He felt tears coming down from his eyes and thought, "am I crying? Why? Who is she?" After a few seconds, the whole place lit up and it was so bright that his eyes could not stand the brightness while he was looking in her direction. He unwillingly closed his eyes and in the next second when he opened his eyes. He found himself in a room lying on the bed. His vision was still blurry, and he blinked a few times. After a few seconds, his vision started clearing up and he looked at the roof. He moved his hand and accidentally pulled something out from his arm. He felt a little pain in his arm. It was like he removed a sharp piercing object from his arm. He looked at his arm and saw a catheter hanging around his arm. He thought, "Was that all a dream?" He gathered all his thoughts and remembered that he was in hospital. He remembered that he recently woke up from a coma and he was hospitalized due to an accident. When he woke up from his coma, he found out that he had no memories of his past life. He did not even remember his name. Doctor told him that his condition is temporary, he was in a coma for so long, that's why he got amnesia, but eventually he will get his memories back. It has been almost 2 days since he woke up from the coma. Young boy was a little weak due to a long time in hospital. His name was Rey. he slowly stood from his bed and walked to the window. His height was at 5feet 9inch. He wore a hospital gown. He opened the window and inhaled a breath of fresh air. His falling bangs slightly covered his blue eyes. He looked at beautiful green trees through the window. It was the start of spring season, chirping sounds of birds could be heard. Spring is one of the most beautiful seasons on earth, when every tree and plant looks so alive. Everything looks so beautiful in this season, and everything feels like the real heaven is on earth. It was morning time, and the sun had already presented himself in the sky. Rey started to think about the dreams he saw in recent days while looking through the window, "why I feel like those dreams are not just dreams, you are real. When I close my eyes, I can clearly see your beautiful pale indigo eyes. Apart from that I could not remember anything. It does not matter how hard I try; I just could not remember anything about my past life. He sighed and looked at the clear blue sky and thought to himself, "I wonder what are you doing now? Will I be able to meet you again? I don't know why I am feeling that I failed to protect you." Even Rey did not have any memories, but there were still regretful feelings lingering inside his heart. Those feelings never wanted to go away from his heart.

In Town, Young Woman was walking down from the stairs in her house. She opened the front gate and looked outside with pair of beautiful sapphire eyes. She wore a light blue dress that complimented her attracted looks. She looked like an elf princess from the fantasy novels with her long beautiful blonde hair. From her looks, she looked like in her 20s even she was in her early 30s. Her height was almost reached at 5 feet 8inch. She was Rey's mother, and her name was Charlette. She walked out and locked the door of her home. She started walking towards the parking. She texted someone while she was walking towards the parking. Parking was at the backside of the house. She reached at back of her house in few steps and walked to her SUV black color car. She pressed the button on Keys to unlock the car. She opened the door and entered the car. She started the engine and drove the car out of the parking to the main road. "Does he really lose his all memories? This is all my fault; I should not have left him alone" Charlette thought while driving. Shortly after, she arrived at her first destination. She stopped the car in front of two-story house and walked out from the car to the front gate of the house. She put her index finger on the doorbell switch and pressed it. Inside the house, there was a short brown hair girl sitting in her room. She was holding photo frame in her hand and looking at that photo with her glowing hazel eyes. In that photo, there were two children playing in the park. one was girl with short brown hair and the other was black hair boy with blue eyes. She lost so deep in that photo even she did not notice the doorbell sound. It was like that she was living that moment of her life again. Charlette pressed the switch again. When Charlette switched the bell again only then she woke up from her deep thoughts and the heard the sound. Brown haired girl stood up in hurry and thought to herself, "oh I forgot, it must be Aunt Charlette." She placed the photo on the table and ran downstairs to open the door. Charlette saw cute girl walking out behind the door in pink dress when the door was opened. She was 159cm tall. She had a short brown hair and it parted in middle of her forehead and curl up at the end and covered the slightest part of her eyebrows. Girl greeted Charlette with smile on her face, "morning Aunt Charlette." Charlette greeted back with smile on her face, "Good morning, Kiniko. Looked at you how beautiful you are looking today." Kiniko blushed when she heard compliment from Charlette and thanked her. Charlette asked Kiniko, "are you ready, Kiniko?" Kiniko nodded, "mmm, I am ready." After changing some greetings, Charlette turned around to walk towards the car, "let's go then." Kiniko followed Charlette and they both entered the car. Charlette started the conversation with Kiniko and asked her, "was your mom at home?" Kiniko Replied, "no, mom went with some of her friends." Charlette was looking at the traffic lights. It was already yellow and about to turn red. Charlette slowed down and stopped the car on red sign. She looked at Kiniko and felt little happier to see her smile. Charlette was happy because her son woke up from coma after one year. When Rey met with an accident. It was the darkest day for Kiniko and Charlette of their life. Kiniko had been forgotten then how to smile when Rey did not wake up back after his surgery. She always visited to check on Rey with Charlette. Her smile only came back when she heard the news from Charlette that Rey returned from the coma. Charlette accelerated the car when lights turned into green. It took them just few minutes to arrive at the hospital. Charlette parked the car in the parking lot. Charlette and Kiniko stepped out from the car and walked to the main door of hospital. It was automatic doors. Door opened automatically when Charlette and Kiniko stepped in front of the gate. After entering through the front door, they both walked straight to the reception desk. There was young receptionist. Her black hair was tied and small ponytail hanging on back of her neck. Young receptionist made eye contact with Charlette and Kiniko while on phone call. After done with phone call, she finally came back to Charlette and Kiniko. Young receptionist greeted them with smile, "Hi Charl and Kiniko." Charlette and Kiniko greeted back to her. Her name was Rosy. It's had been almost year since Rey was in hospital. Charlette and Kiniko often visited to Rey. Rosy became good friends with Charlette. She gave Charlette nickname Charl. Rosy commented on Kiniko, "look at you Kiniko, you look so pretty. This color really suits you. Rey sure is lucky to have a girl like you around him." Charlette's beautiful eyes averted at adorable girl next to her and she agreed with Rosy, "yeah he sure is." Kiniko's cheeks turned red like red roses. She felt happy and embarrassed at the same time hearing those comments. Charlette changed the subject and asked to Rosy, "by the way, how is Rey doing?" Rosy replied, "he is doing fine. I asked my colleague, and he told me he is fine and doing okey." Charlette and Kiniko was satisfied with the answer she gave to them. Charlette asked again Rosy, "I have an appointment with Doctor Renske today. can you check with him because it's almost time for the appointment?" Rosy replied while dialing on the phone, "of course, I can." After talking with doctor, Rosy told Charlette to go for meeting with doctor. Charlette told Kiniko, "Kiniko you can wait here in the rest area. I'll call you after the meeting." Charlette parted ways with Kiniko and walked to elevator to go to the 2nd floor to the meeting. Charlette already knew about Rey's memories. When 2 days ago, Rey woke up from his coma. Rey did not remember anything. Doctor told Charlette about the condition. But they did not let Charlette meet with Rey until today, because of his amnesia. Doctor wanted to take tests on Rey's brain before any family member meet him. Doctor took different tests and found it was just temporary memory loss, because he was in coma. He would regain his memories back soon. Doctor did not let meet Charlette to Rey, because it could trigger fluctuations in his brain if he meets with his family members and it could damage Rey's brain. Doctor did not want Rey to put too much stress on his brain to remember the person he used to know. Charlette walked to the office and knocked the door. Doctor said, "come in." she opened the door and stepped into the room. It was small office (12`× 10`). Office was so clean and there were 4 to 5medical certificate in frames which were placed on the back wall and there was wooden self was attached with the wall, which contains books, some plants, and some family pictures. Doctor said, "hello miss Charlette, how are you doing?" Charlette answered with smile "I am fine. what about you?" Doctor said, "not bad, please sit here." There were two chairs in front of the table and Charlette sat and said "thanks." Doctor was an old man and he had long white beard and long white hair. Doctor was scrolling down on his desktop while talking with Charlette. Doctor said, "So, miss Charlette, Rey's condition is now good and as I told you before he has amnesia, and he has not recovered from amnesia yet. It is not life threatening." While doctor telling all of this to Charlette and he stood up and got near to the wall, there was almost 40" lcd and there was a picture of Rey's brain. When doctor stood up then his height could be easily measure, his height was at least 6 feet 2inch. Doctor pointed to the screen and said, "there is no injury in his brain and but because of the accident somehow, he forgets all about his past. While he was in Coma, that time he was in danger. But now he is out of danger. However, you must take care of him and make sure that he does not get too much stress on his brain. He will soon recover all his memories. Doctor took paper from his drawer and gave it to her "So, you must fill this form and there are prescriptions of medicines for him. After you fill this form, take it to the reception desk and give it to the receptionist then you can take him home. Doctor said, "if you don't have any questions for me. you are good to go to Rey. I already told him; you are coming for him today and he can go home." When Charlette parted ways with Kiniko. Kiniko first walked to the rest area, but she could not wait for long for Charlette to come. She visited from time to time in that hospital. Rosy already told Charlette and Kiniko about Rey's room. She walked towards the elevator and pressed the elevator button to get the elevator on the ground floor. Shortly after, the elevator door opened. She entered the elevator and pressed 3 to get to the third floor. Elevator stopped at the third floor and Kiniko straight walked towards Rey's room. She knocked on the door, but she did not get any answer. She put her small white fingers on the handle and held it to move to open the door. She slowly opened the door to check if she was in the right room. She peeked in the room and could not see anyone on the bed. she moved her eyes to look to the other sides of the room. Her eyes met with a young boy, who stood close to the window and looked outside through the open window. Rey was still thinking about that girl in his dreams. "Why I just remember only her eyes. I can clearly remember her beautiful pale indigo eyes, but why I can't remember her name." Rey thought while looking outside. Kiniko slowly opened the door. Rey felt someone open the door. He turned around to look at the door. Rey's blue eyes met with Kiniko's hazel eyes. Rey blinked his eyes, and his mind visioned a kid with black hair playing with a short brown girl in the park. Rey felt a headache while seeing pictures in his memories. It happened only for a second. Kiniko's heart started pounding when she saw Rey in front of her. Kiniko was Rey's childhood friend and she liked him. but she never confessed her feelings to Rey. Kiniko and Rey studied together until she transferred to the City of Nirvana with her parents. After the day of the accident, Kiniko met with Rey after almost 2 years. But Rey went into a coma due to an accident. Now finally she was facing the person she loved. "Doc told me mom is coming for me. but he did not mention anything about the girl. Is she here to see me? not maybe she walked into wrong room." Rey thought while looking at Kiniko. Kiniko was about to say something, but Rey interrupted her and asked her, "who are you looking for? maybe you walked to the wrong room." Kiniko unaware of the fact that Rey lost his memories. Her smile froze at that moment when she heard that question. Her heart was broken into tiny pieces like broken glass. It was too unexpected for Kiniko that she could not comprehend what just happened. "Did I hear right. Rey does not remember who I am. Or he is just joking with me. He must be playing a prank on me" Kiniko thought while comforting herself. Rey was still looking at her. Rey saw how her face completely turned pale. Rey felt like a beautiful flower withered in front of him. Rey realized that he offended her. Rey forgot the fact that he had no memories of his past life. "Oh, I forgot I don't have any memories of my past. If I somehow related to her then it might be rude of me to not know about her. I should have asked her first." Rey thought. Rey explained to Kiniko, "I am sorry if I offend you. but the thing is I don't have any memories of my past life, so I don't not know if I know you or not. Doc told me that my mom would be here today, but he did not mention anyone else. that's why I thought you probably here for someone else. Please tell me if you know me or not." Now Kiniko was even more shocked after hearing Rey. Kiniko froze in time and thought to herself, "whatttt, he lost his memories. He does not remember me. why? Meanwhile Charlette had done with meeting and walked out from doctor's room. She tried to call Kiniko, but Kiniko did not pick it up. "Why Kiniko is not picking up my phone. Oh no I did not tell Kiniko about Rey's memory loss" Charlette thought while pacing up herself towards Rey's room. Rey asked Kiniko when she did not react to the phone call, "hey are you okay there? Your phone is ringing." She looked at phone, but call was already canceled. Charlette was arrived at the site very quickly and opened the door in hurry. Kiniko turned around and looked at the door. Charlette looked at Kiniko. Charlette felt little heart ache to see her like that when Charlette saw her sad face. Charlette whispered Kiniko, "I am sorry Kiniko. I did not tell you before about Rey's memory loss. But I talked to doctor. It's just temporary. Eventually he is going to recover his memories, so don't worry okey." Kiniko looked in her eyes and felt little assured by her words. Rey was still confused what was going on. He could not recognize the first girl and then one more beautiful lady entered in his room. "First this girl and now this young woman. who are these people? Why did not doc told me about that mom is not coming here alone. Where is mom?" Rey thought while looking at Charlette and Kiniko. Charlette took her eyes off from Kiniko when she felt that she is okey and turned her eyes to look at her son. Rey asked Charlette, "miss if you know me, could you tell if my mom is here?" Charlette prepared for that scenario already in her mind but still when he asked her that she was still taken aback by his words. After a few seconds, Charlette laughed to lighten up the mood and said, "ha! I know you lost your memories Rey. but I could not believe you would ask your mother where your mom is. I am your mother, Charlette." When Rey heard that sentence from Charlette he was dumbfounded. "What, how can it be? How could this young woman be my mom? did I hear right or my ears playing tricks on me. She is so young and beautiful. If she said that she is my sister, then probably I would believe her but mom" Rey thought while looking at Charlette with a perplexed look. After seeing the site in front of her, Kiniko felt little relax, and she thought, "if Rey could not remember even his own mother, then how could he remember me." While Rey was still in daze, Charlette walked to him, and she hugged him. Rey did not have any memories of Charlette, however when she hugged him. Emotions started pouring through his heart like a fountain, and he felt something had triggered in his heart. Despite losing his memories, it did not take them much time to recognize Charlette's relation with himself. Even though Charlette reached his heart, still Rey did not recover any memories. Charlette's eyes started becoming teary while thinking about the past year, "every morning when I visited here just in hope that you would wake up. now this day finally came." Rey apologized when he realized that Charlette was truly his mom and he unable to recognized her, "I am sorry, mom." She separated herself and looked at Rey then averted her eyes to look at the short brown hair girl behind her, "Don't need to be sorry. Rey, this is your childhood friend 'Kiniko'." When Rey heard her name, it triggered something in his head. He blinked for a second and his mind created photographic blurry memories in his head of himself with a short brown-haired girl. Those were just fragments when he was almost twelve years old. He could not remember clearly, but he could picture himself accounted for by the girl like Kiniko in his memories. After hearing Charlotte's words, He turned to Kiniko. Before he was in his thoughts when he interacted with her, but now when now took a clear look at a short brown hair girl. He could see how beautiful she was. Her chin length short brown hair parted from the middle of her forehead, and she looked like a doll in that pink outfit. She had a pair of beautiful hazel eyes that were fixated on Rey. Rey looked in her eyes and apologized for his action, "I am sorry." He felt guilty not to recognize her too. So, Rey thought that he should have apologized for his actions. Kiniko shook her head and said, "I should be the one who apologized to you. I just barged in without even asking your permission."

"Could that girl be her?" Rey looked at Kiniko while thinking about the dream he just had in this morning. His eyes met with her glowing hazel pair of eyes. He shook his head and thought pop in his mind, "she could not be her. I clearly remember that beautiful pair of pale indigo eyes." He turned again his gaze at her and continued thinking, "or I could be mistaken her eyes. Why I am feeling like that this girl has something special." Rey turned his eyes to Charlette and asked, "mom, did you bring some cloths for me?" Charlette nodded and said, "I have brought, but they are in car. I'll bring those for you." Rey nodded in response. Charlette gestured Kiniko while walking out, "Kiniko come with me." Kiniko walked with Charlette out of the room. Now, Rey was again alone in the room. he walked to the window and thought, "I would ask mom later, if she knows any of my friend with pale indigo eyes." In few minutes, Kiniko came back to Rey and brought his clothes. Rey walked to changing room and changed his dress. by the time, Rey and Kiniko walked to the reception, Charlette already had done with all the formalities. Shortly after, Rey and the others walked to the parking lot. Everyone entered the car and took their seats. Charlette started driving and took the car on to main road from the parking lot. Rey pondered for a moment, before putting up a question in front of her mother, "Mom could you tell me somethings about myself, like what I like to do. who's my friends are." Rey did not ask her straight about the pale indigo eyes, so he just asked a random question. Charlette replied while driving, "About you, your favorite food is...…" In Rey's mind, his mom was probably the closest person to him, who probably knew everything about him. He thought that she might know about his dream girl. But contrary to his expectations, Charlette just told him few basic things about his past life, including his friends and how he used to be. Charlette did not provide all his friend's detail explanation. While she mentioned, about some girls who were his friends, however none of them matched with description with that dream girl in his mind. Rey was little disappointed, but he got an idea about himself what kind of person he was. After updating some information in his mind about his past life, Rey thought for a moment before asking about a girl he dreamt, "mom, do you know any girl with pale indigo eyes who is my friend or accounted with me somehow?" Charlette was little shocked by the sudden question he presented in front of her. Charlette knew about most of his friends, but she never met a girl with pale indigo eyes. She pondered for a moment, but to no avail. Charlette shook her head, "I have met most of your friends, but I couldn't remember any girl with pale indigo eyes one of your friends." Rey felt little disappointed with the answer. When Rey asked about that question to Charlette, Kiniko who busy thinking about Rey's memory loss, when those words about a girl entered in her ears. She felt excruciating pain in her heart. Even those were just few words, however for Kiniko, those words turn into sharp thousand spears which straight aimed at her heart. Her heart was shattered like hammer crushed the glass into thousand pieces. It was like that, soldiers about to win the battle, however enemy had a trump card and unexpected attack by the enemy put the winning soldier into losing position. There was only thing left that to tears coming down from her eyes like stream. Even she felt so painful, however she could not afford to lose to her emotions. After leaving the Old Town, Kiniko had not contacted with Rey in those years, so she did not know what happened between those years. After his memory loss, he even forgot about his mom, but still he remembered that pale indigo eyes of girl. How important that girl could be for him. All kind of questions started running in her head and clouds of insecurity of losing him surrounded her heart. Kiniko was in her own world, and she did not pay attention to duo's conversation. After Charlette's answer, Rey thought, "isn't Kiniko my childhood friend? she probably knows about that girl." Rey turned his head to short brown hair and asked, "do you know anything about someone like that?" After not getting any reply, Rey called her name, "Hey Kiniko…" Kiniko woke up from her stupor and looked at Rey with neutral expression, "I don't think any of our school friends had pale indigo eyes." Rey started pondering on the matter of that girl, "If mom and Kiniko don't know about that girl. could it be her just my imagination? if she is just my imagination then why I can't forget about those pair of eyes." While he was still in his thoughts, Kiniko's voice entered her ear with question, "Why do you ask about that girl? do you remember anything else about that girl?" Charlette was also curious about that why Rey suddenly asked about a girl with pale indigo eyes. She paid attention to Rey's answer. Rey answered with confused expression on his face, "I don't know anything else about that girl. it's just, I had a dream today and I just remember her eyes, but nothing else. Maybe it's just my imagination." When Kiniko heard that, Kiniko felt little relieve. It did not take them long to arrive at Charlette's house. Charlette drove the car into parking and stopped it. All of them stepped out from the car. Rey looked at the 2story small house and thought while looking at the house, "is it really where I lived my past whole life? I could not feel anything. I am feeling like that I am here for first time in my life." Charlette looked at Rey while he was thinking about and understood what he was thinking at that time. Charlette said, "I need to tell you something. This is your first time in this house. After your accident, you were transferred to hospital in this city. I bought this house and moved here from Old Town. Old Town was the town where you spent your whole past life. that's why, this place is unfamiliar to you." Rey nodded, "That's explain it." Even Rey had no memory of his past self, however after meeting with Kiniko and Charlette and Kiniko, he could feel their existence in his memories despite not having clear memories of them. Initially, he thought If he would visit familiar places, then he could recover some of his memories. However, when he looked at the house in front of him. He felt nothing and doubt ran into his mind that if he could really remember anything by visiting familiar places. They all walked to the front door. Shortly after, they reached at the front and Charlette opened the door, and entered the house followed by Kiniko and Rey. Charlette showed the way to Rey to his room. Charlette walked ahead upstairs as followed by Kiniko and Rey. She opened the door to the Rey's room. it was small room including furniture queen size bed, study table, bookshelf, and wardrobe. Anyone could tell that by the look at sky blue painted walls that the room was newly renovated. Charlette said, "this is your room, Rey. you can take clothes from the wardrobe and take shower. Meantime, I and Kiniko cook something. Charlette and Kiniko was about to leave, but she interrupted by Rey. Rey asked while looking at Kiniko's phone in her hand, "mom, do I have old phone?" Charlette replied, "oh! I am sorry. I forget to give your phone to you. I bought new one for you. I will bring it to you." Rey asked with worried painted on his face, "new phone, what happened to my old phone." Charlette answered Rey before walking downstairs, "your old phone was broken when your accident happened. it stopped working." Rey sighed after Kiniko, and Charlette left and thought to himself, "I thought, maybe I could have some memories of you in my phone. Now I don't have any clue about you except your pair of beautiful pale indigo eyes." Rey started taking shower, meanwhile Kiniko helped Charlette to cook food for them. After taking shower, Rey arrived at Kitchen downstair and sweet aroma in the air assaulted his nose. Kiniko looked at Rey with pair of her beautiful hazel eyes and said, "Rey, you are already here. please take a seat." Rey thanked her and took his seat. Charlette also walked to the dining table and started serving the food. They all sat down together around the dining table and started serving themselves. Rey took full spoon of sweet rice pudding and put into his mouth. Rice melted on his tongue and tasted the flavor of different dry fruits. Rey complimented, "It's so good mom, and Kiniko." Charlette said, "this was your favorite dish. Kiniko made this for you today." Rey looked at Kiniko and said, "thanks Kiniko." Kiniko replied, "you are welcome." After eating satisfied meal, Rey walked to his room. He received new phone from her mother and exchanged contacts with Kiniko. That day, he almost spent entire day at home with his mom and Kiniko.

Hope You will read to the end.

Warrior_7creators' thoughts