
Chapter Thirty

                                IAN’s  POV 


She seemed like I had just taken her to Disney land. She literally ran through the garden arms spread wide like she’s was about to fly. 

“ hey steph. “ I shouted her name while I ran after her in the garden so she would not get lost. I ran into the part she went but could not find her. The fuck!!! Where the fuck did she go? 

“ Steph Steph “ okay this is not funny any more. I was already getting alarmed in my head but then I felt some thing hit my head not too hard but I felt a little sting.

What was that? It felt like someone threw a small stone at me. I spin around in rage. Like what the fuck! Does it look like I am  playing around in a beach? I am worried sick about steph who has ran off to God knows where. What would Phoenix do to me? What if some thing bad happens to her? Oh mahn! I spin around to lash the fool who threw me a stick or pebble. I don’t care what it is. 

“ Are you out....” I stop mid way my sentence and blink my eyes twice. It is steph. She is smiling mischievously at me with a villain stance. Oh lord how childish can this grown as pretty lady be? I know I wanted to lash the person that threw a stick on me but of course I can’t now that I found her. Oh, and I so want to whip her dirty for making me worry that way but she looks so cute when smiling I just want to kiss her. Wait kiss her? Oh no !! I shake my head in denial physically forgetting that steph is watching me. 

“ what’s wrong with yah?” She asks taking long strides towards me.

“ nothing. I am very fine apart from the fact that I want to rip your heart out for making me worry. “ I say a little bit arrogant than I had meant to be. 

“ oh some one wants my heart “ she says with a smile and wiggling brows. I almost choke on my spit.  Fucking hell!!!!  Want her heart?! 

“ you just hurt my pride woman. “ I say with my heart on my chest dramatically acting hurt. And she laughs and hits me on the shoulders playfully. 

“ oh please stop being so dramatic.“ she says 

“ besides why would that hurt your pride.? “ she asks and I shrug my shoulders 

“ I have never wanted any woman’s heart before “ ‘ except from my mums ‘ I say the last sentence in my mind tho. 

“ really why? “ she asks looking rather interested than required.

“ I don’t love steph. I can never fall in love. Love is for the weak at heart “ I say looking into her eyes and spelling it out one after the other. She looks at me thoughtfully for almost a minute the. Finally talks

“  Every body loves Ian. You will fall in love on day. Love is not for the weak at heart either “ she replies me with the way I answered her. Funny. I roll my eyes at her boring talks about love. She looks at me again for seconds into my eyes and I feel my breath hitch. Her eyes are so captivating. The fuck! ‘Stop being an ass hole Ian ‘ I say to my self in my mind 

“ one day, you will find that special some one, who would make your heart skip a beat each time you see her. And any time you find her, you will come back and tell me how it feels to be in love “ she finally says to me with a smile and emotional eyes. She looks like she was talking from a memory. 

“ what about you have you been in love before? “ I ask her and her mood changes immediately. Like I had said some thing that should never be mentioned. 

“ we should get going into the hospital now. “ she says and starts walking towards the door with out even waiting for me. What the hell just happened? She was so happy just now. Obviously she had been in love before. But what had happened? How did her live life end? She looks really hurt right now. The day ended quietly. I left the hospital at night and headed for the dormitory. Phoenix was already home when I got back home. 

“ hey bro “ he greets as soon as I walk into the living room of our dorm. He was playing on the play station five when I walked in with a box of pizza on the glass middle table. 

“ what’s up nix? “ I ask as I take a pizza from the table and take a seat opposite him. He looks up at me immediately in shock forgetting he is playing a game.

“ what did you just call me? “ he asks me with a hushed voice. 

“ Nix “ I reply and then I realize what I had just done. I bite my lips, he is looking at me in disbelief. 

" Where did you hear that from? " He asks and sits up .

I scratch the back of my head and reply "your mum? " It sounded more like a question than an answer. Phoenix squints his eyes at me dangerously.

" Ian, " he says. His voice sounded like a warning. 

" What? Why are you looking at me like you would chop my head off. That's what she calls you each time we talk . " I say trying to act like I did nothing wrong. I actually did nothing wrong. 

" you talk to my mum? Why would you do that? I thought you only go check up on her. " he asks and I roll my eye 

" Oh please stop acting like a suckling child nix. She gets bored so we ...... " I start to say but he cuts me mid my sentence. 

" Don't you fucking call me that " he says and palms his fore head. " My mum calls me that. Just her " He says to me. 

" What ever. Nix " I say to aggravate him and I run away causing him to run after me and we both laugh.