
Drawn to Life

Quick synopsis When the world turns upside down as the laws of Earth changes, our main character only wants two things in this new world ... to protect those he loves and to get back his normal life. ________________________________________________________________ Yahoo, author here. Don't expect too much from this since I'm honestly not sure if I'll be able to update this constantly. I just wanted to write a story and not plan it at all and see where it goes xD Also, this idea has been stuck in my head for ages, so I might as well write it down somewhere...

Lingekid · ไซไฟ
4 Chs


Was there ever a point in your life where everything you held true about the world collapsed in a single day?


What was that? Yikes, you caught your fiancé with another girl?

Well… your too good for him anyway, so just yell 'fuck you' to the world and keep on fighting! He's not even worth you're a single nanosecond of your time.


What was that? You survived a 1,000-foot drop which helped you figure out that your family doesn't care about you?

Eh… the girl next door helped you and now your set to marry each other? Why does that sound like a romance genre tv series in the making!


Eh? You found out your family had ties with a gang?

Your brother is the head of your area and had his subordinates looking out for you? Is this safe? Should you really be telling me this…?


… Now that I think about it, shouldn't this story be about y'all and not me? I mean, come on. I am just a normal guy who lives in the southern part of the republic.

Comparing our lives, mine is definitely tame and boring… well, was.


How I would kill to go back to a normal life… though, I guess its not all that bad. The experience was definitely interesting and the memories I have could never be replaced.

Y'all must be getting confused at this point.

To be fair, I haven't really said much about anything. So, like any other stories, let me start at the very beginning which started with a single question…


What would you do if you had the power to change the world?


It was surreal to see those wispy blue letters float right in front of me. I thought I was in a dream and that the letters were just a figment of my imagination.

Yet, no matter how hard I tried to blink them away, they never went away.


From there, I tried to ignore it as I went back to my favorite past time, drawing. Since I was a kid, I loved to draw. Of course, I sucked at the very beginning, but as I grew, I got a whole lot better. Now, my sketchbook was filled with drawings and sketches of everything that came to my imagination. Sadly, I couldn't even focus away from the wispy letters as they followed my line of sight.


'… I should probably get my eyes checked.'


I thought to myself as I stared at the words in front of me. Then, I couldn't help but think about the question.

What would I do if I had the power to change the world? The answer was simple.




I would do absolutely nothing. Others would have probably said, I would change the world for the better! Or I would use my power to take over the world!


Me, nah. I'd rather not. I'm a simple guy who follows a normal schedule. Wake up, exercise, eat, work, play, and sleep.

Relationship can go somewhere in the middle. For me, a normal life is all I need and an amazing bed is all I want.

I'm not the gung-ho type who would charge into the middle of the fray. There's enough of those in the world and it doesn't need another.


Suddenly, the words began to gather into one point before changing into one word,




Then, it simply vanished. I couldn't help but think,


'What the fuck was th-'


A blinding light suddenly interrupted my thought. I reflexively covered my eyes and fell to the ground. I cursed as I felt a bit of pain on the shoulder I landed on.

Soon, the light died down and my vision returned to normal. Yet, I didn't bother to pull myself up as the scene in front of me left me frozen.


My entire room had been covered by a mist. In the middle, a small pale blue orb could be seen. The mist around me seemed to be flowing right into it, almost as if the small blue orb was sucking it in like a vacuum.

It was beautiful to say the least, almost as if a small aurora had formed inside my room.


I then noticed that small trail of wisp had been coming out of my sketchbook. There, I saw an image of female knight I sketched slowly fading out of existence.

As it did, the luster of the blue orb grew stronger and more pronounce.


My heart was pounding at the sight… though, I didn't notice at the time that it had synced with a faint heart beat that encompassed my entire room.


After a time, the orb began to change as five points jutted from the orb and slowly grew out. It kept growing and growing until it began to morph into the shape of a human figure.

The figure then began to grow defined features and soon a female knight could be seen.


Flowers adorned her auburn-colored hair which was beautifully tied into a French braid crown.

Her eyes were closed but you could tell that she probably had beautiful eyes that accompanied her luscious red lips.


She wore a hauberk with a white surcoat over it. The surcoat itself had a black cross embedded into it with gold linings bordering the cross.

A belt was fastened above her hips which held her armor together and also held her sword to her side. On her back was a white kite shield.

I couldn't tell what design was on it, but considering the small inkling of black on top, I would guess that a black cross was painted on it.


Taking in her entire image, I finally realized that she was my OC. I've put a lot of heart and time in designing her for a web novel that I had been thinking of writing.

Now, here she was in front of me in the living flesh.


I couldn't say anything nor react as I couldn't fathom what just happened. As for her, she quickly opened her eyes exposing a set of crystal green eyes.

She quickly looked around as if to take the world around her. She seemed to have a very serious demeanor as a frown adorned her face.

It quickly changed though when her eyes landed on me and soon the biggest smile I had ever seen on a person could be seen from her face.


In one fluid motion, she unsheathed her sword and kneeled in front of me.


"I, Magdalene Von Cologne, swear fealty to you milord creator!"


With her exclamation, I felt something burn within me. It was a strong feeling that I couldn't describe.

It wasn't pain or sickness… it was, burning… but not in a painful way. Furthermore, I felt as if it was connected to the person in front of me.

Almost as if it was waiting for something.


"I accept you gladly into my service, Magdalene Von Cologne."


I couldn't help but cover my mouth with my hand. Just what overcame me to say those words? Nevertheless, that seemed to do something as the feeling I felt disappeared.

Though, now I felt a strong connection with the girl in front of me whose eyes were filled with glee. Then, it began,


[System Notice:

Congratulations, Earth is now viable to enter the Universal Grounds.

Current Tier: 0

World Level: 5

Administrators: 1

Representatives: 12

Semi-divines: 20

Champions: processing





Champions processed…



Hello children of man…


Lingekidcreators' thoughts