
Drawn: A journey to a new world

I have heard about sleep talking, sleep walking but sleep drawing in what world does that exist? in my world apparently. Brenda King is an 18 year old college student in her first year who suddenly starts drawing in her sleep, for some unknown reason she draws the man she dreams about along with some other items that are featured in the dreams constantly for a period of time until her dreams become a reality and she's drawn into a parallel universe to fulfill a prophecy and right a wrong.

JazarahBlade · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

What did they put in the ice cream?

The first time I went on a roller coaster, I had my eyes closed all through but still felt out of sorts when I got off, I had thought that since my eyes were closed then I should have been perfectly normal and Brad who had his eyes opened and grinning all through was perfectly fine. My logic then was that I get dizzy when I spin around with my eyes open but not when they were closed so it should have applied to the roller coaster experience, I never quite forgot that feeling.

And currently that's exactly how I feel, my eyes are still closed and I clearly remember what I saw before everything went dark so apart from trying to get my bearing I'd like to listen to my surroundings to figure out where exactly I am cos I know that I'm definitely not in my room.

One, the temperature is perfect, I have my heater on and the window closed to keep the wintry air out of my room so it's normally toasty in there but here it's not too warm nor cold, neither is it windy just a slight breeze carrying a refreshing scents that I don't recognize, I was so focused on figuring out what could produce the scent that I almost jumped when I heard a voice.

"Heg vish ghas oilkj shay vayu jen kush ikahegsi " a string of almost unintelligible words flowed into my ears, I used almost cos strangely enough I understood what they said or rather I had a feeling that I knew what was said and if my guess is right it meant "why's she still unconscious" but I was doubtful the length of the words don't match up.

"Ghas Jen ikahegsi" "she's awake" both the sentence and interpretation seemed to come hand in hand to me, then I realized what was said I guess there was no use closing my eyes anymore so I opened it and immediately shut it back.

The first thought that came to my mind was am I dead? Is this heaven? It has to be cos if it's not there won't be appears to be a middle aged man wearing light. Yes you heard me correctly, light! This is too unbelievable I have to check again but this time I sat up and turned my head away from the direction the man was standing in, prepared myself mentally before slightly inching an eye open ok so I'm outdoors, I opened both eyes fully and noticed a figure at the corner of my eyes, on focusing on the figure it turned out to be 'him' I am not sure I'm ready for this so I take my eyes off him for a moment intending to look at the other person there.

This time around the light didn't seem as bright, but still glaring, the face above the light is younger than I saw initially and the cloth he's wearing actually seemed to be a white dress? No that's not right, it'slike a free gown so purely white it looks like it's emitting its own light. I squint my eyes at him for a bit noticing the tranquillity in his gaze before turning to look at my surroundings. Someone looking from the outside might think that I'm taking this quite well.

Well I'm not!!! Ok! I'm panicking, I mean did I really die? Wait if I did, how did I go? Have I been dead for a while was the whole sleep drawing thing a part of my purgatory or did I die in the bathroom. What's going on? Questions keep popping up with no answers coming to mind I'm tempted to ask the two of them but I already feel disadvantaged so I quickly try to get up and stand on my own, I sway a bit still not balanced and I also have the urge to puke. This feels too real, there's slight movement from Adonis, I have decided to call him that at least till I know his name, I move back hurriedly which was a bad idea as I almost fall face flat before a super comforting hand reached out to steady me.

The light garment man's hand was exuding comfort, how's that even possible? My mouth finally caught up with my brain "who are you people?" I'm quite surprised with how non panicky I sound.

"Be calm daughter of Eve" I am very sure he didn't answer me in English but I heard it clearly in English with the exact voice he used earlier. Oh boy I'm losing it, wait maybe there was something in that ice cream.

"Again, please who are you? Where's this place? And where the heck did the auto-translator come from?" ok the last part kind of slipped out.

"I am Uriel, he's Aryk, you're in Yatonwa and the auto-translator as you call it should be the Amittkabah" the amytabar? What's that supposed to be? and the only thing that sounds familiar in his sentence is the name Uriel, that's meant to be an angel's name. But how am I even sure it's the same name because the only words that matched the movement of his lips were Uriel, Aryk, Yatonwa and auto-translator.

"Mr Uriel, what country is this Yatonwa in and can you please explain what is going on here and.." I turned to Adonis, I mean Aryk, hey they both start with A, focus! "how are you here? How are you even real?"

Uriel replied before Aryk could say anything, "Yatonwa is not in a country, it's the name of this world, I know this might be too much to take in but you have been brought here to fulfil your destiny" my mind blanked out at another world I faintly heard what he said about destiny but at the moment if he had said that 'hey, soo you're dead and your now in heaven' I'd probably be less shocked. Gosh I should have asked Marie where she got the ice cream from, don't tell me that they've started drugging them now *sigh* one cannot be too careful this day.

At the call of "Brenda" in a strange accent my mind was brought back to the present, "you are the key to saving our world" what? Who's saving what?