
Chapter 9- Blackbeard

The sunlight danced around on the deck of the saber of xebec as I unsheathed Ace and Soul Reaper, both blades humming as armament coated them followed by conquerors, giving the two blades slightly red twinges, i slid my jacket of my shoulders and put it to one side as, i crept one foot back into a two sword style fighting stance, my hips lowering into position but, Blackbeard was foolish enough to try and use conquerors again, this time i retaliated, forcing my will down on him like a hand squashing a fly but he rolled out of the way and stood facing me, sweat rolling down his face and into his beard. 

I had clearly caught him of guard, and he wasn't sure what to make of me, my observation realised the movement of dark matter towards my feet and withing a second i was behind Blackbeard, coating my leg in armament and delivering a kick to his lower back sending him tumbling forwards into a barrel, as he stood this time, Blackbeard had a different glare on his face, and i knew this bad mutt had to be put down.

Teach charged at me like a bull, i sidestepped at the last second and watched as he crashed into his own deck breaking his nose and drawing blood, i wondered how that felt with his fruits "double pain" weakness. This enraged teach more and i realised i needed to finish this quickly, so i slashed down at his head with Soul Reaper, expecting to hear the thud of a body landing i looked around only to see a hand of pure dark matter holding Soul Reaper's blade. There was no way Teach possessed this kind of power i thought as i pulled back releasing my sword from his gasp. 

seeing this ruthlessness i sheathed my two precious swords i faced Blackbeard, coating my legs with haki, ready to use my kick based combat. His first shot of dark matter was blocked with my right leg with a front kick, before he relentlessly released a volley of dark matter and with each block i felt my legs get heavier and weaker as if something was dragging me down, that is when i realised there was dark mattered clustering around my legs but they were dispelled with a burst of conquerors. "You're an annoying man to fight Teach, it's my responsibility to humble you nicely!" I shouted as i delivered a haki coated axe kick to Teach's face sending him backwards flipping over the dead bodies of his crew, landing with a heavy thud, and the deck creaked as he attempted to stand up.

With a single side-kick, Teach went flying into the ocean, head first, and now that the sea doesn't hate me, i grabbed a pineapple from a barrel jumped right in and kept pushing Teach further and further into the sea until he became rigid and motionless, falling to the depths of the sea. I saw the pineapple in my hand turning purple and i swam to my boat and sat on a deck chair, drying of as i looked at the fruit in my hands, with no doubt in my mind, i ate the whole fruit, it was as disgusting as always. Instantly, i could feel the darkness pouring from my hands and it formed into an orb at the palm of my hand, and with a single shot, coated with haki, i watched as the saber of xebec and it's dead inhabitants sank into the depths of the ocean.

I could do a lot with this fruit, but what i wanted to test was the 2 df system and i would need to find a fitting devil fruit, i had one in my mind but that's for later, right now, i need to find a red haired friend of mine, Shanks.