
Chapter 2: New Strength

Alex stood up, feeling the rush of warm burning blood pounding against his head, he could feel his internal temperature rising without bounds. He could feel every degree as it went up painstakingly fast, an image of a thermometer breaking came to his mind as his eyes burned with flames until suddenly the temperature dropped and Alex fell face down. 

When Alex woke up, he was exactly where he was when he fell, Wishing he had a helpful crew he stood up overwhelmed by the fire inside him waiting to be released. He thought of going to an island, he needed to train, and what better place than the "little garden." As the ship cruised forward on what seemed to be a cloudless, beautiful day soon enough, Alex came across what seemed to be the island of a "little garden" There was lush, green tress with long limbs stretching, inviting the eager traveler, but he roars from within the forest gave a different impression to Alex. And he knew from the anime that the island was full of dinosaurs and dangerous animals. Eager to begin training, Alex leaped off the boat and began to walk off into the forest, he was nowhere near Roger in terms of haki or handling the blade, but he would get there and that was a promise to himself. 

As he wandered through the forest, following the tracks of what seemed to be a dinosaur it wasn't long before Alex found a tail sticking out behind the large rump of what seemed to be a tyrannosaurus. It was engrossed in eating something, probably a bird. Without making a noise, Alex slid his katana out of its sheath and grinned as the blade shone in the afternoon sun. Holding the blade high he slashed down and cut the dinosaur in half. Alex grinned, this was his stop, this was his training period, to earn the right to challenge roger.