
Chapter 10- Shanks

When i reached their ship which was docked on a random island, all i heard was laughter and all i smelt was a humongous scent of alcohol. Shanks sat on a beach chair, a bottle of rum in his hands, singing old pirate shanties and more. His pirate group, sat around him also drinking and behind him was a fire, and someone else that i expected to see, Dracule Mihawk, who was here to show Shanks, Luffy's first bounty. After the festivities and Mihawk drinking some, i approached the crew, and as i came out of the shadows, Shanks hd dropped his bottle of rum and Mihawk had his hands rested on his sword, "Yoru." 

"Drakon san!"

"Shanks, you little brat, i see your a big pirate now, wahahahahaha!"

After catching up on what we did after Roger's execution, we talked about Luffy, shanks was clearly very proud of him, but his first bounty had changed from the manga and anime, he had a 50 million bounty now, probably because of my training i told shanks and he was grateful to me for giving the boy guidance, and i told him of the crew he is forming and how i sailed with him for some time. The last thing i showed him was the new sword i had acquired, Roger's Ace, shanks mouth fell in awe of the sword but ended by saying i deserved to carry it. 

As we sat drinking, i asked Mihawk if my bounty had resurfaced and he looked at me with calculating eyes before showing me my poster. 

"Dark Lord Drakon"

[5,200,000,000 B]

"Great era pirate"

The bounty was quite flattering i guess, one of the highest in the world. My stats and system however literally could earn me a 10 billion bounty but i guess i haven't been very active lately. 

Strength: 5500

Stamina: 5400

Speed: 6100

Smarts: 4500

DF: Dark fruit Stats (Intermediate, not awakened)

haki: all forms mastered

Abilities: Swordsman (worlds greatest) Kick based style (mastered) 

Bounty: 5.2 Billion B

i wanted to get stronger, i still had a thirst for adventure, im going to do something very stupid, he will probably decline but hey, it's whatever.

"Say, Mihawk I'm interested in making a pirate crew, would you join? Stop licking the world governments ass and join my crew, become my vice captain!"

Shanks looked gobsmacked, his crew laughed looking at his expression and Mihawk just stared at me contemplating the offer, "What do i get from joining your crew?!"

"Fame, unlimited power, Vice Captaincy and more!"

"Now that you say it Drakon san, i think this is a good idea, i better write to the marines saying i revoke my warlord status."

"Dahahahahahahaha welcome Dracule san!"

With that i jumped onto the ship which i had upgraded using the system to accommodate one more person and it also added a swordsmanship training room and a blacksmiths room. As i was about to set sail, Mihawk stopped me and said, that he wanted to fight before we officially became a crew. Shanks was packing up his booze onto his ship when he heard this, "hahahahahaha, hey old man, can i fight yo too?" 

"Sure you stupid brat, both of you can fight me-" they smiled "-at the same time!" Shanks started laughing and Mihawk stood as calculating as ever. I jumped of the ship and met the two youngsters, and suddenly i had an idea, "if i can beat both of you, then both of you, including the red hair pirates will be on my crew and subordinate to me!"

Shanks and Mihawk had confident grins on their face, but hey was i that old, im only 45 man. They were so confident that Shanks was even laughing, not drawing his sword even though i had both Ace and Soul Reaper out, thirsting for blood. I sheathed both my swords, used the marine technique soru to come behind Shanks and i punched him with an armament clad fist to the back of the head, fortunately, though this Shanks was strong, he's not even close enough to my level of observation, and i watched, laughing as he sprawled face first into the sand. He stood up bringing out his saber - like sword and Mihawk cut to the chase and brought out Yoru.