
Chapter 4 part 1: Pharine Government

The Nation the Pharine's founded was originally coined the 'Republic of Fanfow'. However, due to economical instability, foreign aggression, and civil strife, the Republic quickly dissolved. What rose from its aftermath was a confusing governmental style that has yet to be tested anywhere else in the world. The Triumvirate of Fanfow is likened to an autocratic oligarchy, or a modified dual-kingdom, for it operates with three earls. Each earl is in charge of a specific, and often narrow, responsibility.

The lord of iron, is in charge of marshaling all military assets of war. The primary military elements of the Pharine's are the infamous Aiverix war clans, nomadic warrior cults that roam the lands seeking glory. During the raiding season, these warriors pillage their hostile neighbors to the west, stealing vast fortunes of gold and slaves. While some would think this would make the lord of iron the strongest, or most advantageous to seek complete power, one would be mistaken. For the Aiverix war clans are more likely to fight amongst themselves than unify to seize control.

The lord of coin is in charge of all economic policy, including overseeing the vast network of sea routes. The merchant fleets are known for sailing far and wide, even to the far reaches of Kindole and the free territories of Cre.

The lord of Thaxning is in control of the very capitol, and largest city, of Fanfow. The foundation of this city was built using all the remaining belongings of the Pharine's earliest founders. It is a sacred burrow overlooking the vast ocean. Its might ports provides foreign trade, and its walls guard against things said to walk the cold grounds of that distant land. A single road connects the city to the capital of Harwickia, thus solidifying the friendship between both countries.

These three lords rule in tandem, although their relationship has waned from time to time. Many have wondered how this web of power would keep itself together, should it truly be tested.

Outside of the city of Thaxning, most Pharine communities oft keep to themselves. Therefore making each separate village and township an independent locality, rarely ever caring of the so called 'lords' of the Triumvirate.

- From the teachings of Syncerastus Aurelio of the great library of Rothetbia