
Chapter 10: Dragon Knight

More than anything in the world, Junipor wanted a mate to comfort her. She wanted a handsome male to walk up from behind her while she sulked from her wounds. She imagined he would wrap a warm blanket over her sore shoulders. He would then embrace her with a firm grasp, and offer his warm body to lean up against. It would be a dream come true. She would fall asleep in his embrace, her chin nuzzled against his firm chest, and he would keep her there without complaint until she eventually awakened. Such was the misery of loneliness that one could sit around for hours wishing for things beyond ones reach.

Junipor Reigns sat at the corner booth of the tavern with one hand on her chin and the other resting on the moulding surface of the table. Her tail hanged loosely by her side, and her ears fidgeted from the dust in the air. She was grumbling, grinding her teeth in frustration. Next to her, she had a empty mug and an empty purse.

Junipor had come with her sister and the male named Trent. It turned out his family were fisherman and they harvested fresh trout from the nearby river. Because of this they hadn't lived in Hitecross, but came to trade frequently. Supposedly he had a brother who was also single, and eager to meet her, but the moment his brother got a look at Scarlet…his attention was solely fixated on her.

Mere feet away, Scarlet found herself arguing among the two brothers who were competing for her interest. Their arguments were starting to get heated, causing several to take interest in their childish uproar. They were close to fighting one another, Junipor wondered if a Vanderblunt would be called between them. She wondered why she should care.

Junipor had decided to wear a blue gown, thick leather boots, and a collared jacket to cover up some of the bandages wrapped around her shoulders. It would be a while before she was back to full strength. Her shoulders still ached, and she felt a dull throb emanated from the base other spine. Her arms protested when she tried to lift anything heavy, and her calves couldn't keep her standing for long. Despite this, Junipor was feeling better. Soon she would get back to the forge and make up the past three weeks of work. Part of her couldn't wait to get back to work, anything to distract her from the mating season was welcoming.

There was a healthy crowd scattered throughout the tavern, but there was no music to lighten the mood. The fireplace on the far side of the living space was lit, Junipor noticed a small collection of older males were talking amongst themselves near it. She wondered who they were, and guessed they were discussing business. There was a thick layer of dust and pollen in the air, it was alleviated only by the smell of cured meat and alcohol.

It didn't take long for Derrick to notice Junipor sitting by herself. He walked over to her bearing a fresh serving of mead and a small dish of chips and vegetables. Francesca cuddled alongside Junipor's arm, and instantly jumped up in excitement of the small dish. "I'm glad to see you up and walking again little pup, I was worried for you."

"Whatever," Junipor scoffed. She was in no mood to talk, rather she was getting close to decide on leaving.

"You don't have to be rude you know," Derrick responded as he sat down the drink and food.

Junipor sat back in her chair, the wood groaned as she repositioned. Francesca was quick to devour the treats on the bowl without hesitation. Junipor looked at the newly filled cup of mead and took a long sip, as she sat the cup down she couldn't help but voice her opinion. "Sometimes I wish I died in that desert."

"You and me both," the voice stunned Junipor. She nearly jumped from her seat as the new guest strolled past Derrick in a 'nearly' blind stupor. The Dragon Knight wore what looked like a silk robe underneath a dark black chest piece. He also wore vambraces and attached a collection of daggers to the belt around his waist. His greaves were strained along the ankles, making her think he must've borrowed them.

Junipor had a hard time not gazing into the Dragon Knights stark yellow eyes. His primrose hair was shaggy and disheveled, almost unbecoming of a 'so called' Knight. Two leather like wings clung to his back, folded inward so that they wouldn't get in the way of his surroundings. An aura of nobility followed him wherever he went, each footstep seemed to cement some kind of lesser authority. The Knight had a handsome face, with a sharp nose and pronounced cheek bones. He had a stubble along his chin, but kept his cheeks shaved. It was an odd grooming style, one that seemed silly to Junipor.

"Just what are you looking at?" The Knight asked her with a curious, yet slurred, tone of voice. His accent was foreign and seemed to glide off the tongue. There was nothing rustic hidden in his voice, instead he sounded refined and soft spoken. Junipor imagined he spoke much like a scholar, or what she imagined a scholar to sound like. He sat down on the free chair next to her and almost slipped off in his haste. His drunken state was almost comical as he tried to steady himself. "Do I have something on my face?" He asked noticing her stare.

Junipor cleared her throat, "I'm…I've never met a Dragon before. Not until…wait you rescued me!" Junipor had no idea why it took her so long to put it together.

"I did what…" The Knight hiccuped. He narrowed his eyes as if just now grasping who she was. "By the lord of fire you are the fox-girl I saved in the desert. Where have you been this whole time?"

Junipor looked at him dumbfounded, "Um…I've been"

"Let me guess," he cut her off, "you've been out for revenge! You went back to the desert to reap a terrible reward to the monster who killed your comrades!"

Junipor gulped.

"I imagine it was a tough fight, but after what she did to your friends it had to be a worth it." The Dragon Knight settled in the wooden chair. He looked over at Derrick and tried to hold up his empty flask, "Do you mind sir, bringing me another spiced mead. Extra rum please, nothing beats more…" His train of thought waned, "wait, what was I talking about."

Junipor felt a chill run down her spine as she noticed he couldn't stop looking at her. His blushed cheeks were most likely the result of his drunken stupor, or so she thought. But the way his eyes swayed up and down her body made her feel uneasy.

"So tell me something," The Dragon Knight leaned forward. His arm almost brushed into Francesca, causing her to shriek at him in alarm. "What does a gal like you…have to do to…wait…shit, how does the saying go again." His lips were drooling.

Junipor just watched in confusion, she had no idea he was actually trying to flirt with her. "Say what?"

"Just hold on a minute, I had this written down…somewhere." He comically started looking through his pockets only to give up and finish his tankard.

"You are a silly man aren't you," Junipor did her best not to laugh.

"What now?" He looked back at her, "Oh yeah your the damsel I saved in the desert, where have you been!" His voice boomed.

"Are you kidding or stupid?" Before Junipor got her answer, the Dragon Knight collapsed onto the table and fell asleep.