
Chapter 8

As we flew the bandits screamed as they dangled by a rope attached to bahamuts tail. Eventually they passed back out and the trip was silent as we flew the last 2 days landing in a forest outside of the city of serelval. Bahamut helped me hide our supplies in the forest before shrinking down to the size of a house cat I stared at him before picking him up "since when the hell can you do that?" He chuckled "only dragons who have lived as long as I have can change their size at this size I can sit upon your shoulders and be hidden by your cloak. It shouldn't be necessary here but better safe than sorry correct." I nodded and let him climb to my shoulders where he curled around my neck and I pulled up my hood as it completely hid him from view picking up my spear and the rope that held the still unconscious bandits I began to walk towards the city gates. Being stopped at the entrance by a guard I looked up seeing he was dressed in full plate armor with a greatsword on his back as he spoke it was with a thick accent.

"What is your business in serelval and who are these men you have behind you"

"These are bandits who attacked me on the road. I am here to meet with friends I have no intentions of causing trouble." He eyes me up and down rubbing his chin. "You dress funny for a traveler young man and your weapon is quite unique. Very well you may enter. Once we have processed and checked the identities of these bandits a reward shall be brought to you."

I shake my head and smile.

"No need to bring me a reward just give it to an orphanage or a church somewhere they could use the money." I hand the rope to him as he nods and head into the city smiling as the sounds of the open air market filled the streets. Maidens stood outside of taverns to draw in customers. I stopped when I heard a loud familiar laugh accompanied by children's laughter. I began to follow the sound until I found a bronze skinned man with a full beard and an unruly mass of hair. He was dressed in heavy armor bearing the mark of the church as the kids saw me I put my finger to my lips smiling before jumping on the man's back putting him in a headlock. "Oh ho a holy paladin of the order of Sedalia. You never change brent" he had been resisting but as I said his name he stopped and looked at me as I released him before picking me up in a bear hug "MICHAEL thank the gods you are alright. When you weren't around beside me when I awoke I was so worried it is good to see you alive and well my brother." I smile patting his shoulder "its good to see you as well. Was Jason with you?" He nodded and smiled as he led me into the nearby temple leading me to a dining hall where water and bread were brought to us along with some cheese. "He was with me for a while yes. But as I became a paladin for Sedalia. He decided to take a different route." I raised my eyebrow at this as I took a bite of cheese and bread "what did he do?" He smiled as he looked at me "well for all intents and purposes he's known as a merchant but he has actually become a peacekeeper." I cough as I choke on my water wiping my mouth "Jason the old man with no legs is a peacekeeper?" Brent nodded and smiled "funny thing about this world Mike there is magic here his legs were given back to him he was actually completely cured by some of the priests that found us." I scratch my cheek laughing "yeah I've had my fair experience with magic here myself. So do you know where he is?" He chuckled softly but his eyes held a somber expression. "Yes he is on his way here actually. But so is the davenire empire." The flagon breaks in my hand as I clench my fist "what?" He nodded "so you've heard of the state of this world. This town is close to the border so the davenire empire is planning to take it as a foothold. The plan is to evacuate the city before they arrive and abandon it." I shake my head "change of plans I need to speak to the leader of this place." He looked at me for a moment "why what can you mean by a change of plans?" I motion for him to follow me as I head for an aviary heading for a coop of messenger birds as I whispered to one and tied a note to its foot before sending it off Brent looking at me "what are you doing Mike. Tell me or I wont take you to see the lord." I look at him my eyes glowing as they had unbeknownst to me taken on the appearance of a dragons eyes. "We're going to fight if davenire wants to spread they will have to fight for it. What do you know of their troops?" He looks at me incredulously "what has changed about you Mike. What have you been doing this past year?" I smile "take me to the city lord and you'll find out" he nods and leads me through the town. As I enter into the town hall with him he leads me to a room upstairs "wait here." I pull down my hood as he leaves bahamut leaping from my shoulders to the desk in front of me. "Seems you found one friend and another is on his way." I pulled a pipe from the pouch I had around my waist under my cloak filling it with what my teacher had called moon flower bahamut lighting it with his fire breath before continuing as I took a few pulls "with battle close on his heels. I can already tell what you are going to do you know I will stand by you but you cannot act alone if there is a dragon rider you must face him and focus on him" I nod as I exhale blowing out a large plume of the smoke as the lord came in upon seeing me and bahamut he dropped to his knees Brent looking in shock as he spoke "our prayers have been answered the gods have sent a true dragon master." I smiled at Brent as he looked at me and I waved before putting the pipe away extinguishing the burning plant material in the bowl before walking over bahamut flying onto my shoulder "I don't know anything about prayers but I am here and I will fight I need to know everything you do about their forces that are coming." He nodded and began to tell me everything before I instructed him to have everyone gathered in the city Square the next day. He obliged and then gave me a room in the town hall to stay in and I accepted. Looking at bahamut while Brent entered the room "so you're one of those dragon masters I've heard stories about?" I chuckle and run a hand through my hair "yup and I'm not gonna be the only one joining this fight I sent a message with that bird back to the elders. At least 2 more dragon masters should arrive. Those birds are fast but they'll send out wind wielders there will be 3 if not more dragon masters here in 2 days." Brent sits down his eyes never leaving mine as I relight my pipe with a candle "so are you really as strong as the stories depict you all as?" I smile my eyes glowing as lightning cracks outside "I'm much stronger."