
Chapter 6

As the cacophonous roar of the dragons quieted down out of instinct i reacted pushing valkyrie to her dragon as a plume of flame engulfed me havenoir atop his dragon in plated armor bearing the crest of the one who had rebelled 100 years ago laughing "this ceremony is worthless a dumb cloak and weapons made from bone. I serve the emperor of dragons davenire and by his will i will burn this citadel to the ground he turns around to fly off his dragon spewing flames as he flew off away from the citadel i stood within the flames immediately climbing onto bahamuts back as he took off lightning crashing through the sky as the blue on bahamuts scales began to glow us soaring high above havenoir once we were over a lake i jumped from bahamuts back angling myself as i fell ripping havenoir off his dragon and flinging him to the lake spear in hand i roared as he drew his sword slashing at me a gust of wind hitting me as i threw my spear lightning following it as it pierced his armor then his chest embedding itself in the lake bed the water pushed away from it as i was caught by bahamut he flew down so i could retrieve my spear havenoirs body landing with a thud as i used the lightning to keep the water from rushing in walking over as he coughed up blood my eyes glowing as i could see his dragon being restrained by others and then being put down. "Why did you turn your back on the dragon masters?" He smiled "because youre weak old decrepit and out of time. The elders believe the new generation can bring the dragon masters back to their former glory my emperor intends to forge a new glory where dragons are our steeds nothing more than a tool how they should be" i put my soear through his throat and kneel down "then i swear on my cloak i will bring your emperors head to the elders myself on a pike." I grab his body dragging it by his hair and tossing it at bahamuts feet getting a rope and tying the body to his tail "sorry for this but im sure they will want to examine him" he nods "it is fine isravor i understand. You sure did react to save valkyrie awfully fast" i pull my hood up hiding my ears as they turn red "quiet you big lizard" he chuckles and i climb into my saddle his body hanging below us as we begin to fly back to the citadel the other dragons carrying the dragons body i landed by the elders and used the rope to drag the body my teacher putting his hand on my shoulder from behind "this is your first kill as a dragon master and it was rightfully done. But remember we offer a chance to surrender before all else." I nod looking at him "im going to bring the emperor here alive if i can so he can face trial." He nodded patting my shoulder "i have watched over you for a year isravor. And in that time i have seen you push through every challenge that has faced you. Remember that strength and remember this and all of us are your family should you ever need help from us all you need do is ask." I nod and touch his shoulder before the elders who stood behind them at the ceremony spoke to everyone "Even though something as horrible as a student turning on us has occured the newest generation of dragon master taught by elder virio himself has thwarted the evil that darkened our doorstep today is still a cause for celebration for in him and in valkyrie we see the hop of not just the dragon masters but of the world." Bahamut uses his tail and rose hers pushing me and valkyrie to stand by the elders as they speak and they stand behind us. I could feel a sense of smug pride washing over me thinking to myself 'bahamut you dick' he chuckled 'it is a surprise hearing you in my head like this do not make mention of it right now' i nod and smile as everyone gathered cheers and the bodies are taken away to be examined an arm gets wrapped around my neck as one of the older dragon masters leads me over to a giant barrel where they hand me a flagon filled with mead and i take a drink my eyes searching the crowd for valkyrie as i find her dancing with a few of the other women as i hear bahamut in my head

'youre staring at her'

'Shut it. Its damn near impossible not too'

'So you admit you like her'

I growl and hear him chuckle as i drain my flagon and get it refilled walking off on my own with him following "so what with this telepathy thing do all dragon masters have it?" He shakes his head as he speaks "no only very few have it they have extreme potential and absolute trust with their dragon. The fact that we can do it so early on is a good sign i believe."

I walked into a building looking at the murals on the walls stopping at a depiction of a dragon master with blackened arms "whats up with this guy?"

"That is belial he was a master like you. He was so intune with the draconic spirit inside of him and with his dragon he grew scales on his arms when he fought. His eyes also changed from human shaped to the eyes of a dragon. He was the teacher of your teacher. In a sense he is your ancestor." I touched the painting a vague memory from my training my arms covered in black scales as i threw the lightning i shuddered before picking up my flagon taking a drink from it. Looking at the other murals stopping at one of a man catching a woman as she fell "that is the story of the first dragon master couple. Before them love between 2 dragon masters was forbidden. But on the day of a horrifying battle she was struck by an arrow and knocked off her dragon he jumped and followed her his dragon catching them both. It is then that the dragon master lost his temper and fully unleashed his power. He ended the entire war with one strike obliterating the forces that opposed him." I looked at bahamut "youd think that make the elders even more adamant that love should be forbidden." He chuckled. "They were until they realized that they couldnt stop them so they deliberated and the two were married a year later and gave birth to the first dragon master child." I looked at him my eyes narrowing "youre really old right? Were you around to see these things happen?" He chuckled again "yes i am old and yes i bore witness to many of the events here. I have yet to ask. Your spear how does it feel in your hands?" I looked down at the spear spinning it over my hand "its perfectly balanced and i can feel power coursing through it whenever i set it down it feels like im leaving a part of my body behind. Virio said you chose a rib from your father for it to be crafted from. Im honored you would do so." He sat down his tail curling around me "we are family isravor you are not my master nor am i yours we are brothers. It is only right you should wield a weapon made from our father" i shuddered as a wave of camraderie washed over me and i nodded leaning against his side before climbing into the saddle "lets take a flight i want to feel the wind and theres something i want to try" he nodded and walked out of the building as i placed the spear under two scales that were curved as it fit perfectly not budging as we climbed higher and higher flying past the cloud banks going above them until we broke through a sea of clouds stretching as far as the eye could see the entire universe shining down at us as i looked up countless stars glistening the moon so large i felt i could reach out and grab it the light it cast illuminating the night as if it was day. I stood as he began to glide over the clouds drawing my spear spinning it hand over hand as i stepped lightly across his back lightning beginning to flow around me and i throw streaks of it across the sky as i focus closing my eyes black scales forming over my hands until i opened my eyes glowing bright blue as i made a singular slashas all the lightning i had cast out gathered and formed into a dragon diving and flying over the citadel bahamut diving and following it as i sank into the saddle our minds connecting as i began to feel every breath and beat of his wings. We could hear the cheers of the other dragon masters below and i smiled holding up my spear as others began to take flight into the sky. A red dragon catching my attention as i saw valkyrie and rose climbing up and beginning to close in on us me and bahamut smiled climbing back over the clouds as the other masters followed bahamut and rose beginning to circle as i looked towards valkyrie our eyes meeting as bahamut and roses wings lined up i stood up holding my spear as lightning flowed around me i walked out meeting her on the wings of our dragons flames leaping and flowing like water around her as we both began to move our weapons clashing but instead of the look of a fight the sparks flying off seeming to join the stars as every movement was a dance stepping from one wing to the other we would follow each other onto rose and bahamut our bodies slowly growing closer in the moonlight as others began to do the same. As we put away our weapons we again moved to the center of the two wings always in step the distance between us never growing as i put my wrist to hers and we began to circle each other spinning before linking hands as i began to lead her her flames encircling my lighting. As the distance between us began to close she took the lead as the music began to come to an end we stood bathed in the moonlight and i bent my head kissing her as i pulled away my eyes went wide realizing what i had done and my brain scrambled to figure out how to apologize as she grabbed my cloak and kissed me again turning away as i caught a glimpse of her blushing. She spoke "N now were even." We all descended back down to the city as we began to drink and feast again my eyes constantly finding her as i caught her looking to me at times i blushed. Bahamuts voice coming into my mind 'so still not going to admit it'

'To her no to myself theres no other choice but to. I feel a pull towards her and i cant help it.'

'Youre drinking alot'

' i plan to drink more before i do something dumb again' he chuckled

'Fron what i could tell she didnt think what happened was dumb'

I groaned putting my head on the table before joining several other men in a drinking contest drinking until i collapsed bahamut catching me with his tail as he laughed the last thing i heard before blacking out was his voice in my mind. 'I will give you a hand my brother'