
Dragoness Diary

KamciaPv88 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs


- Miriam! have you seen my keys?! -

Robert shouted out through the kitchen windows to his wife, whom drived their car from the garage. They were suppose to went out an hour ago to pay a visit to Miriam's aunt Greta. Miriam closed the car's door and shouted back

- Right pocket of your green jacket, hanging in the closet in corridor. You had it the day before yesterday when you went out with Jerry -

- Oh, ok, thanks honey. Are we good to go? -

- Almost... could you please go upstairs and take the box from the bed? - Miriam stand near the kitchen windows, so she would not have to shout.

- hm? what's the box for? -

Robert asked. He remembered that they were about to bring some things to aunt Greta, but he spent yesterday's evening collecting all things and putting everything on the car.

- Oh, just some old pictures. I thought aunt Greta would be happy to have them -

- Sure, I'll be right back. Maybe call her and say that we will be a bit later than expected? -

- Ok..- Miriam patted her pockets.

- Have you seen my phone? - she asked just before Robert handed her her phone through the window.

- You left it on the kitchen table after the breakfast this morning - Robert said imitating her tone from a moment ago.

- Look at you, you smarty pants.. - Miriam tried to snatch her phone from his hand, but coundn't because he retreted his hand before she could reach it.

- Cut it out Bobby - Miriam said with an irritated tone.

Robert gave her her phone and said with a mischivous grin on his face

- as you wish my Lady - he winked while retreating inside the kitchen.

Miriam watched her husband closing the window and as soon as she was sure he could not see her, she made a funny face, mimicing his tone

- as you wish my Lady.. you little trickster.. - Miriam said to herself while unblocking her phone and dialing aunt Greta's phone numer.


Robert came put from the front door and put the box down. He found his keys in the green jacket - just as Miriam said.

He closed the door and picked the box from the ground. Miriam waited for him in the car with the enginie on. Robert run to her, jumped in the passanger seat and shouted

- Quick! follow that yellow cab!! -

- Pffff, sure but that will cost you extra - Miriam was accustomed to his sense of humour already and drived the care cautiouslly from their driveway.

- you called Greta? - Robert asked while fastening a seatbelt.

- I tried, but she didn't pick up -

- heh.. maybe she didn't hear you called, how old is she anyway? 98? - said Robert after placing the box on the backsit.

- Stop it, she's 65.. you're being mean - Miriam wanted to scold him, but she smiled while saying that so the effect wasn't as stern as she wanted.

- you know... of all of your aunts I like Greta the most - Robert said with a grin.

- ... and she like me the most of all of your husbands -

- yeah yeah... - Miriam responeded unfazed and checked if it's ok to turn left. During the last 10 years with this man she learnt how to tune out most of his jokes.

Robert reached out to the glove compartment where they both hid the additional packs of gummy bears.

- Bob, try to call her for me please - Miriam asked while changing the gear.

- ok, but I will choose the music on our way back home..-

- Sure sweety, now call her please.. I have a bad feelings.. - Miriam clenched her hands on the steering wheel.

Robert looked at her concerned.

- hey.. I'm sure she's ok. I bet she just was taking a bath or something -

- hm, maybe you're right... -

Miriam was keeping her eyes on the road while Robert reached to his pocket for his phone.

He dialed Greta's number and put his phone to his ear.

- I'm telling you, everything is ok I'm sure of it.. oh hi! Aunt Greta, Robert's here -

He smiled and showed Miriam a 'thumb's up'.

- ... yeah, Miriam was worried you did not pick up your phone earlier, but now we all know that you were just waiting for me to call you - Robert laughed at his own joke. He listened for a moment to the other side of the call and answered

- uhm.. yeah, we are on our way to your place now. We should be there in in an hour or so..-

Robert checked his watch.

- eh? - his face changed into puzzeled expression while he was listening to whatever was Greta saying at that moment

- sure.. we can do it no problem.. But we will be a bit later then.. - Miriam looked really quick on her husband face to check what's going on.

- ok.. no, no worries.. anything for my favorite aunty.. ok, bye - Robert ended the call and started to put his phone in the pocket.

- Let's stop o n the gas station.. Greta asked for 10 packs of ice cubes.. -

- 10 packs of ice? why would he need this much? Miriam raised her eyebrows in slight shock. That was a bit unusual request.

- She said she invited some people later today and they will be doing some fancy drinks -

- weird.. - Miriam tried to brush off the slight uneasiness that crawled down her spine. Aunt Greta was known in the family as a peculiar one. Miriam liked her very much for her kind heart and nice sense of humour.. but she was also a bit unpredictable at the times.

- One time she wanted to start brewing a moonshine.. - Miriam said to Robert trying to sooth her anxiety.

- Good thing that the sheriff is a family friend.. she wasn't happy when they dismantled her machinery - Robert listened to his wife while eating the gummy bears and chuckled a little.

- She's cool, drop that Miri.. everything's all right. Let's stop by the gas station and get the old Lady her ice -

- ok.. - Miriam smiled lightly, reassured by Robert's words.