
Urgency! Returning To Earth!

Turles had currently landed on the Planet known as Aldnoah to inspect it. He had no clue about the number of forces heading to Earth.

He had appeared right after Zarbon was done talking to the Ginyu Force, so he had no idea that they were targeting Earth.

Turles would also be surprised to know that King Cold had even decided to target Earth. He wouldn't know what came over him to target that place, but if brainstormed a bit, he would probably know why. Even Vegeta and Nappa had decided to head there, but he wouldn't be surprised if Vegeta went there sooner or later.

But, at the end of the day, Earth wasn't going to see peace this year. Goku had another thing coming with the threat—that was King Cold.


I landed on Aldnoah and realized the air here was nice a fresh just like Earth's. There were forests as far as I could see, and even rivers. As I flew over the planet, I could see a number of different animals drinking from watering holes.

"This planet seems like Earth in many ways, except the animals are different." There were Herbivores, Carnivores, and Omnivoreses here.

The food chain was the same as usual; the Carnivore would hunt and eat the Herbivores. But I didn't come here to play, I heard a bit of information about this place. Before that, though, I heard this place had nice air, fish, animals, beautiful scenery, freshwater, and so forth.

However, what really stuck out to me was something else. I heard that this place had an area with extremely powerful gravity. I didn't plan to stay on this planet for long, but I felt a need to check it out. After I was done here, I would head back to Earth to begin my preparations for him.

I had already stuffed myself before arriving here, so I wasn't hungry. I left my space pod in the location I landed—if I needed it, I could just use the remote to call it my way. And even if it was destroyed, I would just fly to my main ship hovering over the planet.

Those soldiers were kicking up a fuss back then, saying that this place was nice and all. However, they also spoke of the hidden danger on this planet that needed to be dealt with first.

Of course, the minute I landed on this planet, I could feel the presence of another. It wasn't near my level of strength, but I kept my scouter with me, most of the time. I had to use a different scouter because my original was given away, so I was currently wearing a blue one.

"I know I'm stronger than whatever it is, but I should leave it be for now." I had already checked the readings on this unknown entity, it had a battle power of 30,000! It wasn't bothering anyone, but its strength must have spooked the Frieza corp scouts away.

I felt like it would only take about a month to gain my Grade 2 transformation, so I wanted to test this gravity area. When I confronted the soldiers at that time, they said they didn't know the amount of gravity.

I had always been in my Super Saiyan form while doing things, for training purposes. Eventually, I arrived at the gravity zone. These were the coordinates and the trees had changed here. The trees were all withered, this could be because of the harsh gravity.

I slowly put the compass device away and walked into the zone. As soon as I did, the gravity pulled at me, attempting to drag me down.

"Oh, dang! This is more than the ship's gravity for sure!" I spoke in shock. At that moment, I caught a glimpse of something that stunned me.

It was a dead body, he was wearing armor like me and the rest of the Frieza soldiers. He laid face down on the ground immobile. From what I could see, he was surely a Frieza soldier. A scout who got caught in the gravity and couldn't escape.

Truly, a pitiful death!

I slowly walked over to the soldier and relocated him elsewhere. I didn't want to look at a dead body all day. Before doing anything, I fully scanned the planet for any abnormalities besides the unknown entity here.

If that being could sense energy, it wouldn't dare to attack me if it knew my strength. Deeming the coast to be clear, I used my remote to control my ship to land here. I didn't have this before, it was something that Dr. brief helped me with before I left.

My ship broke through the atmosphere before darting towards my location. Just over halfway, it slowed down and gently landed in front of me. The ship looked massive on the outside, it was also decently sized inside, but not what anyone would expect.

With water and food at my disposal; I began to train. I was planning on staying here for a month before going back to earth. I wanted to unlock that form before heading back. I was confident that I could unlock it before the month ended.

Thus, my relentless training began. My next enemy was Cell, he should be weaker with no Frieza around. This made me feel assured, but Goku had gotten strong quicker than usual. This might cause some reaction or effect, but I wasn't sure if it would or not.

Once I got back, I could show Goku the Super Saiyan form. Afterward, he could work on trying to become one as soon as possible. I also wanted to get my hands on the Dragonballs again, so I could use them to find Dr. Gero's lab.

As for people like Vegeta and Nappa, I couldn't find them anywhere. I wouldn't bother to search for them. Eventually, they'll go to earth. Hopefully, it won't be too late—to the point where they're completely left behind.

As I contiuned to train, there were no movements from the unknown entity on this planet. It kept to itself often from what I could gauge.

I checked the gravity and found that it was 400 times that of Earth's. My improvement over the days was shocking. One day alone was enough to show some results, it was like I was in training heaven!

On the fifth day, my scouter went off. There were Ki signatures descending onto this planet, via spaceship. There were about twenty of them, so I went to check it out secretly. Of course, I had to hide my strength from them, so I suppressed it.

What I saw was a group of soldiers, Frieza soldiers to be exact. This wasn't too surprising, they had come here before; this was how I knew about this place to begin with.

"Rylos, do you still detect that monster?" A man with orange-skinned asked.

"Use your Scouter and see for yourself, you moron." The man shook his head and said.

"Ah, but your scouter is better than mine. If I were to attempt to read such a high level, it would explode." The man indeed had a much lower energy signature from what Turles could feel. This meant his equipment was also of low grade.

"Hmph!" The man scoffed and pushed the button on his scouter, and sure enough, it was still there.

"What?! It has gotten stronger!" The man was shocked!

Even I frowned, this being's power level was just 32,000 when I first got here. Now, I was reading 75,000 from it! I could also feel its strength on my own accord, it was clearly hiding and suppressing its strength on purpose.

"Shit! Fuck this! Let's go!" The man in the lead, who appeared to be the leader—turned to leave. The guy was a mercenary, and his battle power was 36,000. He decided to give up on this mission, complaining that this wasn't what the contract said.

Everyone else had helpless expressions as they turned to follow him. I didn't stop them, there was no point in bothering with these people—I felt. Once they were gone, I returned to do what I was doing before, which was training.

When it was night, I would fly off to the nearest mountain. I would stare at the forest from high above because the trees, flower, and oversized mushroom plants would glow up. They would light up with many different colors, Light green, Light Blue, Pink, light purple, and orange.

This place strongly reminded me of [Glimwood Tangle] from Pokemon. After getting into the scenery for a while, I went back to my ship to shower and sleep.

The next day rolled around and I contiuned my routine. I trained like a maniac until it finally happened. One the second week of being here, I became a Grade 2 Super Saiyan! My muscle mass increased, I could feel the surge of Ki flowing through all of my muscles.

I went back to my ship to eat myself a large meal before going to sleep. I had a large smiled across my face, the thought of Super Saiyan 2 excited me.

I slept longer because I felt like relaxing today, and not training.

"Ah, Turles, wake up! It's urgent!" During my cozy sleep, I heard a voice. That was definitely King Kai's voice, but I must be dreaming.

"Turles, get up! Oh, no, Krillin just died!" King Kai was shocked. He didn't know Krillin, but he knew it was Goku's best friend.

"What?" I sat up when I heard that Krillin had died, I wasn't dreaming for sure, right? I was in a daze from being so tired. I was so tired that I didn't feel like leaving my bed.

"What's going on? King Kai, are you there?" I know I ain't hearing things, right? I thought.

"Finally, you're up! The earth is being attacked! Goku's gotten into a fight with King Cold, and he was getting thrashed pretty badly...wait, something is happening." King Kai looked into the direction of the earth when he noticed something strange going on with Goku.

"My god!" How could this happen, why would King Cold go to Earth? I didn't have time to think about it. It didn't matter why now, he was dead for sure when I got there!

"Looks like I'll be cutting this little vacation short." I instantly locked onto Goku's Ki signature. This planet wasn't far from Earth, so sensing Goku wasn't a problem in the least. Along with my ship, I warped near Goku's location, but not too close.

"I sense many other Ki signatures as well, but they aren't fighting anymore. Hmm, why is it thunderstorming? Wait, I felt a great spike in Goku's strength, it can even match King Cold's now! "

No, it was definitely stronger than King Cold's now.

I left my ship and used instant transmission again.

Once I arrived, I saw it. The skies were raining bolts of lightning for a second before stopping abruptly. All of the soldiers in the area had ceased all activity, they were eyeing Goku at the moment—in shock.

It wasn't just him, it was the other Z-fighters as well.