
Dragon Warlock: Divine Summoner in The Apocalypse

A thousand, thousand years ago, the gods and daemons clashed in a furious apocalypse, The War of Doomsday. That perilous war spawned the creation of Time Storms, Teleportals, and recently, Sorcerers. A Sorcerer was a person born with the ability to manipulate the energy of the gods. With their amazing abilities, they protected the world from FlashBacks, beasts, and other perilous vices out to slay humanity. Once each ten years, hundreds of people would develop an Energy Core and thus, would become a sorcerer. They would then spend some time at The P.A and come out as Protectors. This was one of those decades. Red haired teenager, Tai Leong had been born in the other parts of the Floating Isles. Abandoned by his birth parents, he had been raised by a nice couple who took him in. However, they had died soon after when a Grade-2 Flashback had occurred near their house, luckily, Tai had been saved in the nick of time by a Protector who happened to be in the area. But never had he ever thought that he would now become one of the Protectors himself. However, with a weak summoning Affinity, Tai resigns to his fate of being a forever weak item summoner. Until ... [You have slain a divine level beast, Shadow Dragon's spawn.] [Your soul energy grows stronger] [You have received a Summon] Armed with the power of The Divine Dragons in his hands, and extreme misfortune by his side, Tai is determined to survive the apocalypse and become the strongest Protector to ever live while at it.

Dark_Daemon_2 · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs

Total Arseholes

Later in the day, the bell had finally rang for the lunch break, which the red haired teenager greatly appreciated as he could not bear the ridicule from the board of onlookers for much longer.

As Tai took a table and ordered some food, however, a tall figure appeared behind him.

"Hello, empty walking backpack."

Tai turned, expecting to see Hal or one of the students from the Affiliation, but was instead greeted by the sight of a senior.

Protectors were meant to spend a total of ten years at the P.A.

However, the Monthly Assessment test held once a month gave exceptional students the chance to skip a few years and become a Junior Protector.

The Unlocked, first year students who just unlocked the ability to control pure energy, would be given a special teacher, while the Masters, (fifth year students who had mastered the control and use of pure energy and their Affinity, would get an instant graduation and become a Protector.

This person was a third year student with short scruffy brown hair and black eyes.

At least Tai thought so, as ye badge on his chest stated, "Cultivator III."

The red haired teenager sighed.

"Hello, person I just met that's calling me names for no reason."

Normally, it did not matter to him what he was called. But in the P.A, everyone seemed to be massive arseholes and it was beginning to get on his nerves.

The black haired senior smiled widely in pretended amusement at first, then when no one was looking, he grabbed the scruff of Tai's shirt.

"Now look here, empty walking back pack.

I am a third year with an Ascended level system, and you do not ever want to mess with a higher year.

Unfortunately, I am a summoning student like you and you're worsening our already horrible reputation.

Because of you and your useless item summoning crap ability, we are now seen as laughing stocks within the entire school.

Now, I want you to opt out of the Monthly Assessment test before you rub our image into the mud even more.

We can't have a dissappointment like you wasting our time."

Then he dusted off his hand print from the younger student and smiled as he walked off.

"Better heed my warning, empty...walking... back...pack."

Tai frowned as the boy walked off.

"Yup, they all are total arseholes."

Apart from being called names, Tai now had to deal with haughty seniors who did not want him to even participate in the Monthly Assessment test.

However, he still wasn't angry at them, infact, he wasn't even angry at himself.

Instead, he was angry at his Affinity.

Summoning was a rather weak affinity, the only thing it could literally do was to make stuff appear and disappear at will.

But the red haired teenager had been unlucky enough to unlock the worst part of summoning as his ability.

Item summoning, was a crap level useless ability that could only carry stuff around like, well, a walking backpack.

The red haired teenager kissed his teeth as he lamented his fate.

"Useless item summoning! Why the hell couldn't I become a beast summoner like everyone else instead?

They get to command beasts, and I get to be called empty walking back pack.

Why the fuck is life so unfair!"

Tai could be considered as a very unlucky person because of his trash ability. Items summoning was so useless for a Protector that it was better not to have an affinity at all.

It was so bad, that not even a Divine level system could make him into an extremely powerful Protector like everyone wanted to be.

"Maybe I should just give up training to be a Protector and go become an Adventurer instead.

Maybe there I could carry their stuff about or something.

It's better than staying at the bottom of the barrel as a trashy Protector."

Soon, the bell rang once again as it was time for the next class.

Groaning in frustration as he hadn't even taken a spoonful of his food, Tai picked up his bag and sprinted off to the classroom.

He had lost his appetite since the incident with the senior anyway.