
Dragon Warlock: Divine Summoner in The Apocalypse

A thousand, thousand years ago, the gods and daemons clashed in a furious apocalypse, The War of Doomsday. That perilous war spawned the creation of Time Storms, Teleportals, and recently, Sorcerers. A Sorcerer was a person born with the ability to manipulate the energy of the gods. With their amazing abilities, they protected the world from FlashBacks, beasts, and other perilous vices out to slay humanity. Once each ten years, hundreds of people would develop an Energy Core and thus, would become a sorcerer. They would then spend some time at The P.A and come out as Protectors. This was one of those decades. Red haired teenager, Tai Leong had been born in the other parts of the Floating Isles. Abandoned by his birth parents, he had been raised by a nice couple who took him in. However, they had died soon after when a Grade-2 Flashback had occurred near their house, luckily, Tai had been saved in the nick of time by a Protector who happened to be in the area. But never had he ever thought that he would now become one of the Protectors himself. However, with a weak summoning Affinity, Tai resigns to his fate of being a forever weak item summoner. Until ... [You have slain a divine level beast, Shadow Dragon's spawn.] [Your soul energy grows stronger] [You have received a Summon] Armed with the power of The Divine Dragons in his hands, and extreme misfortune by his side, Tai is determined to survive the apocalypse and become the strongest Protector to ever live while at it.

Dark_Daemon_2 · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs

Comprehension (2)

Tai woke up very early in the morning. It was another day on the Black Nest after all.

However, this very morning, the red haired teenager stood up with a start.

"That was an awful dream."

He had dreamt that he died at the hands of a dreadful dragon. Dragons were Mythical level beasts, beings on par with the gods and daemons themselves in power. The chances of finding one, not to talk of defeating it, were almost unfanthomable.

Having nothing to do, the red haired teenager decided to practice his sorcery.

However, as he closed his eyes and circulated his energy, he could feel that it was much easier than he remembered. Smiling in confidence, Tai cut off the energy flow and began drawing the rune.

He was moments away from completing the rune, when the door to Nikolah's room creaked open.

The impromptu distraction made him falter, and the pencil crumbled into dust. Sighing, Tai put on a shirt and left his cabin.

"Morning Nikolah."

For some reason, he expected her to tell him that it was evening. Nine o clock to be precise. It was what had happened in his dream anyway.

The blue haired teenager raised her brow, "Tai, it's nine o clock in the evening."

Tai frowned slightly, 'How the hell did I know that?', But shrugging, the red haired teenager just nodded and walked off.

For the rest of the day, Tai practiced his runic sorcery, which he was really, really close to a breakthrough, and slaughtering mundane level beasts. Soon, there wasn't anything left to do, so the red haired teenager sat on the deck in boredom. Smiling, Tai reclined on the wooden floor, "why do I have a feeling that...", The door creaked open and a blonde figure walked onto the deck, "...Claire would come here."

Once again, something had happened exactly how it did in his dream.

The speech impaired girl waved her hand at Tai and took a seat by his side. Tai wasn't really a people person and Claire had no vocal cords, so awkward silence followed.

The silence made Tai squirm on the inside, in his dream, it was at this exact moment that Claire had had a fit.

Strangely, the blonde girl suddenly started to twitch vigorously. Tai was scared, although for a different reason: that was exactly what he had thought would happen!

The red haired teenager watched her in suprise as he thought: "I'd know that something is definitely wrong if she starts..."

Claire's eyes suddenly shot open.

"Three fools lay dead in pieces on a hill of gold, one in search of vanity and another in search of glory."

"... talking." Tai paled in fear. Something was definitely wrong with the world. All through the day, things had been happening in the exact same way as he had expected.

Soon, the blonde girl began to screech loudly.


Tai paled even more as he singlehandedly lifted Claire in a princess carry.

"Nikolah!, something is definitely wrong with Claire!!"

In an instant, the blue haired teenage girl burst through the door, Tai expected her to say: "We have to get her to the highest point on the island!", And weirdly, that was exactly what the blue haired Ice Affiliated girl did.

Looking at Tai with a serious tone on her face, Nikolah said in urgency.

"We have to get her to the highest point on the island!"

In a short period of time, the three had arrived at the highest point on the entire Island.

The Black Nest itself.

It was a twisted mass of gargantuan branches that had a golden light gleaming from it's middle.

Without thinking much, the three climbed up the hill and placed the twitching body on the hill.

Cold sweat ran down Nikolah's spine ad she tried to wake the blonde girl up.

"Claire! Come back Claire!!, Clarence Voyante!!"

Tai also broke into cold sweat. It wasn't because of Claire, he knew that she would come to because of his dream. Instead, he was worried about himself. It was at this exact moment that a dragon had appeared and laid waste to them all.

The red haired teenager opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it as he felt strong bloodlust approaching their location.

There was no time for words.

Spinning quickly, Tai got into a fighting stance. He was hoping that it would all be a figment of his imagination, that he was just being a paranoid weirdo, but every single thought was flushed out of his mind as a gargantuan black dragon flew above the hill.

Claire's eyes widened and Nikolah tensed up. Then a flash of white followed as the blue haired girl had shot ice spikes at the obsidian dragon. The dragon roared in pain and opened it's wide maw, spewing black flames on the two petrified figures. Tai watched in horror as Nikolah and Claire's burnt corpses crumbled to the floor, then he frowned in grim realization.

There was no dream.

He had been caught in a time loop.

The dragon opened it's mouth once again, and everything went dark, the red haired teenager had been burnt to ashes.

Tai had died.