
Dragon Tales: Reincarnation

Kaneko Fuji an ordinary 19-year-old with Amnesiac background, lives a relatively peaceful life. One day he heads home, after buying some stuff from a convenience store. On the way, He is confronted by a difficult and terrifying encounter with two men trying to threaten him for his money. Giving up his money, He thinks he will be let off but no; they chase him up until he gets into an accident and dies. And what do you know? He wakes up in a different world as a baby dragon! By Symanoid.

Symanoid · แฟนตาซี
71 Chs

Accepting Carmine and Felia.

Lucius falls unconscious.

"Maybe I should put him to bed too…"

"Oh! I see! So Great Velkra put us to bed!" says Caryl clapping her hands in realization.

Her whole aura changed. Now that she looks young, she can let out all that young energy too. Like a high-schooler. Not that she's that young though. It's just her hidden energy.

"I thought that leaving you guys on the floor would be cruel," I say.

"But now we can put Lucius and his men to bed. You won't have to do that Great Velkra. We are truly gratified for your concern." Says Albart.

"I already told you Albart. Be casual with me." I say.

"This… This is the first time you have called me by my name… Lady Velkra… I think…" says Albart.

"Is that so?"

I'm pretty sure I've called him by his name before.

"So should we have dinner then?" says Albart.

"You guys can eat, I just ate outside so I'm not that hungry."

"But… I see… so you ate outside…" Says Lucy looking disappointed. She slumps her shoulders.

Hooo! So cute!

Don't know what came over me for a second. I wanted to hug her hard there.

"Hmm… Can't be helped. I'll eat too." I say.

Just as I say this, her face lights up with happiness.

It's so wholesome seeing them change their expressions over what I say.

Am I that amazing? I am?


"Then, Let us go to the lounge. The Maids and Butlers can take care of the dinner." Says Albart.

"But, they woke up too. Won't they be tired too?" I ask him.

"That does not matter if they are cooking food for Great Velkra." He says.

"We will put our utmost effort to please you, Lady Velkra." Says the old Butler coming in front.

His appearance hasn't changed much. Aside from his hair, they were already white so a streak of his element's color goes across, and being a bit younger. He still looks like he is in his fifty.

"Come to think of it. What's your name?" I ask him.

"His name is Willis. He's been the Weskin family's butler since his youth." Says Albart.

"I see. So you're Willis."

Willis the butler. As I had said before, he looks formidable. How? His stats have gone up than before. His stats were already good enough, but now they're even better.

"What did you do when you were young?" I ask Willis.

"I was an Adventurer, Great Velkra." He says.

See? I knew something was different about him.

"He was an A-Ranked Adventurer. He was famous in his time but he decided that he would change his career. But he never married… even though I told him to…" says Albart.

An A-Ranked Adventurer. I wonder what the scale of strength is here. How good above the A-Ranks are. Looking at Willis, he could probably handle those monsters in the cave in his prime. But now getting a bit more fit, he could take them on even though he is this old.

"Willis. I trust you with your services. Be sure to serve Albart and his family well, now that you can live longer. Be sure to marry though. You could find someone even now…" I say jokingly.

"Surely you jest, Great Velkra. There is no way a woman would look at an old man like me," he says.

"You can't be sure, can you? Fate can bring many changes." I say.

Who does he remind me of? He's like a character from an anime I watched… what was it… it had a big undead reincarnated in it…hmm…? sebas…tian?

Anyway, he looks well built like him. He could beat up bulky men on his own.

Enough praise on this old butler. It's not my taste anyway. Not that it ever was before. I was a man before you know?

"Let's go, everyone. And Willis, If there is like tea or something… I would like to drink some… please get us some will you?" I ask.

It's been so long since I drank some tea. Or that it feels like it. It hasn't even been a month since I came here. It's probably the second day in this mansion.

We walk to the lounge and find our seats there.

"So Albart. What's the plan for the Future? You took my blessing. How would you tell this to the king?" I ask him once we sat down.

"About the future. The Weskin family is now yours. What we have is naturally yours now. It will cause a big fuss among the nobles that we took the blessing without any notice. But King will accept it. It's the politics within the noble community. I'm sure you understand the power struggles. The power will surely shift from the Vamis family to ours." He says.

"Vamis Family?"

"They are the Family on top in this Kingdom. The power will shift. The King, The merchants, every single person will reach out to us. To you to be more specific. Some will be afraid, some looking for power by standing beside you. But we are sure to handle them with utmost caution." Says Albart.

"So the power struggles… they will shift. But the most troublesome I find is interacting with the King. Are you sure he won't be hostile in any way?" I ask him.

"I am very sure that he will not offend you in any way. Even if he finds himself infuriated at first, he would be most angry at us. But he won't be causing you trouble." He says.

"But I don't want him to cause trouble for you either," I say.

"He won't. because we are connected to you now." Says Albart.

This was all of a sudden. The subordination. But I don't mind having a family to spend my life with. I'm gonna go on many adventures. It's not going to be good if I'm lonely forever, even if I was a loner in my previous life. I was the one who wished for change. I'll adapt to it then.

"Then. I would like to suggest something Great Velkra." He says.

"What is it?"

"I humbly request that you take Carmine and Felia as your attendants." Says Albart.

"Personal Attendants? What does that mean?" I ask confused.

Personal attendants like assistants? But I already have Twixie.

Where is she by the way? Al she does is sleep in my hood. I wonder when she will recover. She's still sleeping… I thought she would be much more important in my life.

"Personal Attendants as in your caretakers. To put it in simple terms. You won't be staying forever in one place right? You are sure to go on travels. You were just born after all to quote." He says.

He is right. I plan to head out. After I settle the matters here with the King and others, I want to go to cities. Become an adventurer or something. Then there is the Dragon Kingdom. I want to visit it too.

It would be pretty good to have them with me. they are the only two I feel most comfortable with aside from Twixie.

"Caretaker is a pretty lame term. I'm not a baby you know? Companions are much better to say."

"I'm sorry if it was rude Great Velkra." Says Albart.

"No, it wasn't rude. It was just funny. I was indeed born not long ago. I'm even younger than every single soul in this estate." I say.

"You don't look the part. You were surely meant to be born like this." He says.


"Who is it?" asks Albart.

"It's Willis. I have brought some refreshments for Great Velkra." He says from behind the door.

"Come in," I say.

"Excuse my intrusion." He says as he enters.

He puts down a tray of teapots with several cups on it. On the other hand, he has some biscuits.

"There you go, Great Velkra. Just as you ordered." He says.

I see several different kinds of biscuits. Mostly plain. No chocolate or other ones.

He pours in a cup of tea and hands me the cup on a plate. He places the tray of biscuits in front.

"Please, Great Velkra." He says.


The tea surely does smell amazing. Should be first-class stuff.


I take a sip from the cup.

"This is amazing…" I say.

It truly is. The flavor, the taste, and the smell. Everything is so modest yet refreshing.

I take a biscuit from the front.


I take a bite from the biscuit.

"The biscuit could use some improvement. I have eaten much better biscuits before. I'll tell you how to make it sometime later…" I say.

"I am truly gratified for your concern." He says.

"No. it's the least I can do as your superior."

The biscuits are plain. Plain texture. Plain flavor. Them being served in this mansion must mean that they are first-class stuff. But biscuits in my previous world were much better. I wonder If I remember the recipes for them.

After that, Willis steps back out.

"So where were we? Oh yeah, the Attendants thing. I'd love to have them with me. As companions that is." I say looking at Felia and Carmine.

Their faces lit up in happiness, hearing that I want them to be my companions.

"We are truly Lucky to have you, Great Velkra." Says Carmine.

"I will try my best to be the best companion for you, Great Velkra." Says Felia fidgeting.

What's up with the fidgeting though? I don't get her sometimes. Did I say something cool?

Some time passes as we talk about some useless things.


"Great Velkra, the dinner is ready." Says Willis from behind the door.

"Let us go, Great Velkra." Says Albart as he stands up.

We all stand up and head to the dining room.

The dining room was vast. A table for about fourteen people was in the center of the room. The table is covered with a white silk cloth. The silverware was perfectly set on the table. Candles are set at perfect intervals. A big chandelier above the table hangs.

Everyone walks towards their own seats. They sit down but I see that Albart hasn't.

"What is It Albart? Why aren't you sitting? Isn't that your seat?" I say pointing to the seat at the center.

"Great Velkra. The family head is meant to sit here." He says.


"You will sit here." He says back.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because you are the family head now. We are your family." He says.

So I'm the family head now. How ridiculous is that? No point in trying to avoid it. Better sit down. It'll make them happy top.

I sit down in the main seat for the family head.

"Bring out the food." Says Willis as he signals by a clap.

At that signal, several maids and butlers emerge from behind a door, that probably leads to the kitchen.

They lay out several dishes in front.