
Dragon shall roar

what will the formal human do when reborn as the shame of all dragon's the white dragon of five colored dragons with the system to absorb any dead things and gain its qualities, power, lifespan all you could think of come and find out on "Dragon shall Roar ".

Basabaka · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs


After making both Felina,Ed calm down.

He tried to fly using his wings he hit the top of the cave and fell in a embarrassed posture.

After getting up and seeing Felina ,Ed expressions as if they we're looking at a fool .

Riku felt a little annoyed at their expression but he didn't do anything to them .

Maybe it was because he didn't have siblings in his former life and wanted to have family love even though he knew dragon don't have much of family love especially the five evil colored dragons.

After that little episode he went to hunt for Felina, Ed since they were young dragons even if he didn't have dragon inheritance memory's but he still had enough brain to know dragons need a lot of food filled with energy.

He went outside of cave on his feet since he still couldn't fly with his wing's.

After getting out of the cave he saw a green beautiful forest as far his eyes could see.

He was amazed by the beauty of Forest he hadn't seen anything like this even though he had seen tree's in his former life but he felt if tree's from both life's were compared then it will need 100 tree's to match one of the tree's Infront of him.

After getting out of daze he went down the mountain peak and tried not to make much noise after all who knows what kind of beast live in this forest.

After walking slowly for a while he saw strange looking goat he felt that goat was at least 30 meters tall .

The goat had four eyes on his head unlike a normal goat.

The four eyed goat was eating the tree leafs in front of him.

Not knowing that it was going to be turned in dragon food .

Riku calmed himself as he looked at the neck of the goat .

He knew he could just break its neck in one bite but his human behavior of his past life made him feel as if he was a barbarian monster.

After getting himself altogether he jumped at the goat leeiserly eating leafs and biting the four eyed goat neck and breaking it without giving it a Chance to resist.

As the blood of the four eyed goat went in Riku mouth he felt as a juice of many different good flavors went in his mouth and didn't feel any neausa as thought he might feel .

"Ding! Would you like to absorb Four eyes goat!"

"No system don't absorb"

"Hey! System I was wondering since I have become a 45 meters giant dragon would my food intake increase?"

"Ding! No host your food intake Will be equal to that of a normall human male . Of course you could eat more than that but to not starve and feel hunger you only need food equal to that of a normal human adult male!"

"Well thats great I won't have to hunt to much for myself!"

"Well i should bring the goat back to the cave fast".

Said Riku as he grabbed the four eyed goat with one of his claw's and started to drag the goat back with him.

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See you guys next time on Dragon shall Roar!.